Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Happy Birthday Bro and How Do You Wash Your Dishes

It’s another hot day here but that is not the point of today’s post, in some parts of the world it’s Halloween but not for me, the 31st October is just my brother’s birthday and how does he get to spend it………………… hospital have torn cartilage removed from his knee……………lucky him…….

So here is a question for you how do you wash your dishes? Do you own a dishwasher?
Me I use a dishwasher but up until a number of years ago I had to wash them by hand and when I was washing them by hand I would use very hot water so hot that I had to wear thick rubber gloves or I would burn my hands. 

What made me think of this today well while out visiting nan this morning mum was talking about how my pop thought the reason my nan’s hands looked dry and old was because she would wash up in very hot water as well but she didn’t wear gloves. However when nan was working in the hotel she had to use very hot water to wash up or the dishes didn’t get clean.

My daughter Natasha also like to wash up in very hot water and like her grannanny (great grandmother) she doesn’t always use rubber gloves to protect her hands. 

If you have a dishwasher is it connected to the hot or cold water tap, mine is connected to the cold water tap but I have heard some people say that they thought it had to be connected to the hot water. I remember when we first got it one of the neighbours asked me if it used a lot of hot water and they were surprised when I said it is connected to the cold water.


  1. We have a dishwasher and two teenagers so I rarely ever do dishes.
    Happy birthday to your brother and I hope he comes through the op ok

    1. Last night he was in a shitload of pain but said he was taking it easy, when my girls were teenagers they were my dishwashers now I use a

  2. The kitchen window in our house right over the sink looks out on a very tranquil setting, so I usually like to wash dishes by hand and think and pray while looking out that lovely window. It saves on our water bill, too.

    Hoping your brother has a speedy recovery~

    1. I think when the kitchen window has a lovely peacful view then washing my hand can be very relaxing......

  3. I sometimes use gloves and somethings don't but my hands are super dry. I tend to use warm water (a mixture of cold and hot).

    I thought a dishwasher was like a washing machine where it hots the water itself so why would it be connected to a hot tap?

    1. You are right the dishwaher heats the water so no need to have it connected to the hot water tap.

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Oh, my kitchen is really tiny like me (haha) and no extra place to put the washing machine. And my hand is SO weak for the dish-detergent. So I also use rubber gloves and using them helps not to feel the coldness of water. So I just use a bit warm water only winter time for the efficiency sake.

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. My kitchen is very tiny too we had to remove a cupboard to get the dishwasher in but I am so glad we did, using a machine to do the dishes is so much easier it doesn't argue with me or tell me it will do them soon and then go to bed and forget about the dishes..........I can't imagine washing up in warm or cold water

  5. Never heard of a dishwasher being hooked up to cold before. Methinks somebody made a boo-boo.

    1. No boo-boo here the machine heats the water so no need for it to be connected to the hot water

  6. Happy Birthday to your brother, Happy Halloween to the family and as for dishes I use the dishwasher most days but i do still wash some by hands in very hot water and no gloves i'm not afraid of water.

  7. I must say it is a relief to be back on-line. Everywhere I look today there are pumpkins, the one aspect of Halloween I actually approve of, the rest I do not like and we do not celebrate. Your post made a change and dishwasher for me!

    1. You're welcome, we didn't have any trick or treaters here last night which was good since we don't do Halloween....

  8. We have a dishwasher, but I do some by hand, too. In HOT water no glove because I used to work in a restaurant so I find it's never that big a deal for me.

    1. Some things are better washed by hand and those things I do by hand but for the most part I use the machine so much easier and we only run it every second or third day since there is only me and Tim here now

  9. Happy birthday to your brother. sandie

  10. I use a dishwasher and will ALWAYS make room for one no matter how small our kitchen may be... LOL BTW: I hope all goes well with your brother and Happy Birthday to him as well. :-)


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...