Monday, 29 October 2012

Feeling Sore After A Fall

I am feeling sore today, my right knee, left ankle and left hip area oh and my left arm just above my elbow what has caused all this soreness and pain………………..well last night at 10 to midnight Tim comes in and wakes me up Jessica was on the phone. Leo had thrown up in his bed and she was also feeling sick and couldn’t clean it up and needed her mummy, so even though I was tired I got my jammies on over/under my nightie and drove to Jessica’s place. 

When I got there both Jes and Leo were laying on the lounge and I went up to clean up his bed, I striped the bed and pulled the plug in the bath, what is it with people leaving the water in the tub that annoys me but back to my pain I am walking down the stairs to put the bedding in the washing machine and yes you guessed it I missed a step and fell……………..Jes and Leo raced to see how I was but I said I was ok just a little sore but in fact I was very sore………………….lol

This morning I haven’t bruise yet but I expect I will end up with a couple of bruises and I am still very sore my knee hurts a lot when I move it and of course my back/hip area is really sore and it hurts when I move. My ankle hurts too but not as much as the hip and knee………………….

I brought Jessica and Leo back here with me last night and Jessica said she still feels like shit and is still in bed asleep but Leo has been up for a few hours with me and it watching telly, he hasn’t had breakfast he said he didn’t feel well enough to eat ok what he said was my tummy still hurts a little and I only want water to drink…………..


  1. Golly Jo-Anne, you should have told them to take Tylenol and wait till morning. :-)

    1. I felt like saying "what do you want me to do?" but me being me I didn't I just left and drove down to help......

  2. You're such a good mum. Tylenol can be very hard on an upset stomach and make one more sick.


    1. Thank you, when we all got back here I left them and went back to bed, telling Jes to wake me if she needed me.........

  3. Your family baffles me sometimes. Half of them need you for every little thing and the other half are ready to jump down your throat for every little thing. Sometimes at the same time! If I were hired to replace you, the first thing I'd do is ask for two weeks vacation!

  4. OUCH! sending healing prayers your way darlin, but that story really does baffle me? your grown daughter with a child cant change sheets and clean up, WHAT? did you call your mom to come clean up after your kids? that's nuts. even if my mama felt like death warmed over she cooked/cleaned whatever needed to be done, that's what moms do. lol

    1. My mum was the same didn't matter how sick mum was she just sucked it up and dealt with her family, in fact I said to Jess when I was driving her home today that she is going to have to learn to deal with things............

  5. Get everyone else to give you some TLC, and be careful, my friend!

  6. Gee Joanne, Aren't your daughters EVER going to take responsibility for themselves? Let Jessica clean up her own mess. She made her bed, let her lie in it.

  7. poor thangs!! :/ Being sick is no fun, they're lucky to have you around!! Slow down lady let yourself heal!

    1. To make matters worse I feel like they have passed on whateve they have to me as I have woken up feeling like shit..........

  8. Replies
    1. I have told Jessica to suck it up and deal she is a mum now and us mums need to deal with all manner of stuff.......

  9. Replies
    1. Me too, I am feeling a little better but still sore

  10. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    So sorry for my late comment. Oh,My!!! Please take care of yourself. I am sending you healing prayers as well, my dear good mother friend♡♡♡

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  11. Telling her to suck it up does no good if you still go over and clean up the mess. The Universe is trying to tell you something, lady. Just say no. Why should she do it if you will, you know? I hope you feel better soon. With a fall like that I think it might take a while. :(

    1. Don't I know it I am just to soft for my own good at times I am one of those mothers who find it hard to say NO but I am improving............slowly.....


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...