Monday, 1 October 2012

Getting Older But Not Ageing

Do you worry about getting older?
Do you look in the mirror and think you look older then your years?
Do you think your best years are behind you?

My answer to these questions is NO, I don't worry about getting older and I will be 50 in November but I have no fear about ageing maybe that is because I come from a family of women who age well I do not think my mum who is 72 looks her age and my dad will be 70 in a couple of weeks time and I think he looks good for his age as well.

That said I think it helps that I look after my skin I use moisturiser every day and do not spend a lot of time out in the sun.

Now I have a couple of sister who I think look older then their years in fact it is a family joke that they often look older than they are, I do not know why that is maybe it is because they both smoke and drink a lot more then I do me I don't smoke and I don't drink much either.

I think many young girls don't give much thought to skin care because they are young and think they will always look good when in truth smoking, drinking and not taking care of their skin can make them look older then they are when they hit their 40's.........................


  1. I don't worry about getting older either, although I do hope that I keep my good health, because that makes such a difference. I agree with you that lifestyle choices can have a lot to do with how you age. I used to do aromatherapy massage, and I could tell the minute a lady walked in the door whether she smoked or not. Their skin had a completely different texture to it. I guess a lot is in your genes as well. Anyway, you're looking good for an almost 50 year old and, gosh, your sister looks years older than you!! Have a good day, and I hope your headache is much better now. (Saw that on facebook!).

    1. Yes I wouldn't mind living to be 100 as long as I was still in pretty good health. I agree our genes do play a part in how we age and of course if a person things they are old they then they will feel old.....
      My headache is not any better in fact it is getting worse......

  2. I don't really think about it much and really for me getting older is an accomplishment as I wasn't even suppose to make it this far according to doctors. Plus grandma always said age is a state of mind you are only as old as you think you are are which for me is usually the mind of a sixteen year old,,lol

    1. My nanna also would say age was a state of mind and she always felt like she was 21 not so much anymore but that we blame on the Alzhiemers........

  3. i'm 44 and i dont drink or smoke and most people think i'm 28/29ish , i also avoid the sun. i have naturally oily skin so i dont even need the moisturizer! lololol i think outlook also helps if you feel young and keep that child-like innocence and joy you appear younger than your years. bright blessings my friend, LOVE your posts, always makes me smile or think and that's a GRAND thing!

    1. I wouldn't have picked you for 44 mayber 30 and I hear you about the oily skin as I have it too and often wonder why I need mosisturiser as my face is so oily...........Yes a persons outlook on life plays a big part in how old they feel and look

  4. I think getting older is a grand thing! You are doing very well (my birthday is in Nov., too, and we're almost the same age) and your parents look wonderful.

    We are only getting better!

    1. Yes we are getting better as we get older.....older, wiser and with me more

  5. I don't concern myself with getting old. Age is but a number really, health is the main thing.

    Looking older than your years! It's all in the 'genes', that is what I think.
    I know several women about my age who do not look their years, they smoked once, they sun baked for hours once, and they still have a drink..they all certainly don't look their age...I look at their parents and their grandparents and none of them look their age....maybe I am wrong.

    1. I think our genes plays a part but also how we treat our bodies plays a part some people can drink and smoke and look fine others are not so lucky......

  6. No I don't fret about it - you have a lovely family.

    1. Thank you and really not much point in worring about getting older as it something that will happen we can't stay young for ever........and who would want to.....

  7. I don't think about it either. My folks look young for their age and I have been mistaken for a decade younger than I am many times over the years. Still don't have any gray hair. But I am looking different than I remember myself...well, that's because inside I am still the same person I was in high school--LOL! ;)

    1. My mother is 72 and doesn't have and grey hair either, I know I feel the same inside as I did when I was in my teens too..............I think many people

  8. Yep, you got that right on all counts. I do think about it when I can't do something I used to do easily. That may be due to the lack of exercise... LOL. I can fix that. :-)

    1. Thank you good to be right about
      Exercise is a four letter

  9. Smoking and drinking will definitely age a person. I'm glad I quit years ago. I don't worry about my wrinkles anymore. My crows feet are really just my laugh lines =)

    1. I think most of us get to the point when we no longer worry about how wrinkles or aging if we are lucky that is

  10. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    Your family look really woderful with all the picture, my friend♡♡♡ I love to get old if I can be a lot better person from the experience rather than worrying about appearance. I wish I can learn something until the day comes, p;)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes I agree it would be good to not stop learning and be open to new things as I get older, how we look isn't as important as who we are.......

  11. my answer to all 3 questions is "NO"

  12. I don't think I look almost 41. I know I don't feel like I am. Smoking does age you. I try to make sure I don't frown a lot so I don't get lines. Other than that, I don't do anything.

    1. I rarely frown don't know why that is I just don't which I guess is a good


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