Friday, 12 October 2012

Exhausted, Buggered, Stuffed, Worn Out............Oh & a Party

Talk about exhausted, I am buggered, stuffed, worn out and so tired I just don't want to move or think or do

Tomorrow won't be any better than today either exhaustion wise, as it is my dad's 70th birthday party tomorrow. We are having this at my parents place so I will have to be up early to get all that I need to do here done before heading over there around 10ish to help set up, mum is taking dad out for a couple of hours while we set up as he doesn't know about the party. 

I invited somewhere between 40 & 50 people so lets see how many turn

Today I had to buy most of the food that we will be having, my brother in arranging the meat and doing the potato bakes because I don't think he likes my potato 

I have been planning this party for well over a year but this is the last big birthday till 2015 when my eldest will turn 30 so I have a couple of years when I don't have to worry about birthday parties........

Now this morning my sister Sue says to me that she doesn't have a present for dad and can I get her something to give to him and of course I did manage to find something for her to give him but I asked my sisters a few weeks ago if they would need me to get him something and she said nothing but really should I be surprised..............

I told Kathy that I think her boyfriend Michael should come as if it was his grandfather he would expect her to go and I also will be telling Natasha that I expect her boyfriend Jerry to come for the same reason.

Thank you to everyone who said they like the last post about my pop.


  1. wow you have been so busy no wonder you're so exhausted hope you get some rest soon

    1. Well today is Sunday and I am at last getting to take it easy......

  2. It's no surprise you're tired and run down. That's a lot going on there lady. Hope it goes well though! :) Have an awesome weekend. I agree, I think the significant others should participate in these events like this. Good for you telling them like it is :)

    1. Yes I have had a few flat out days, but today is much more relaxed.

  3. Planning a celebration is tiring but so worth it. I am sure you will have great fun. Hope your family members pitch in a bit and lessen your load. I am a bit confused why your sister is having you get the present for your dad that is to be from her. Or am I misunderstanding that?

    1. Yes it was worth it, and no you got it right I bought the presents for dad from all of my sisters why because if I leave it up to them to get him something they won't and then he gets upset and hurt so I like to make sure they all have something to give him.

  4. They can't get their own gifts? I'd be saying, "sure, but you'll have to throw the party, then!"

    1. My sisters often don't have the money to get something for dad or for mum for that matter and I like to make sure that my parents are not upset or hurt because they don't get a present.

  5. I know what you mean I'm a complete zombie all the time which is why I can't bring myself to blog even though I've been reading but not always commenting. Even now I can feel my eyes going for a good sleep... the weekends just don't last long enough.

    Have a great party tomorrow and I can't wait to be reading all about it.

    1. Some days I am so tired that it is not funny and some weeks I don't blog as much because I am just so tired

  6. Hi Jo-Anne. I agree with the others. Planning a celebration (and certainly if it is a secret one! ) can be tiring. I hope that after the party, you will be able to relax a little! Although, knowing you, I doubt that is going to happen! I hope your dad has a wonderful 70th birthday and enjoys the surprise party.

    1. Yes there was a bit of work involved in arranging the party but I also love doing it

  7. I hope they all come and he has a blast!! :)
    Get as much rest as you can tonight.

    1. I was up early yesterday and didn't stop all day but it was a good day

  8. have a GREAT time at the party and happy birthday to dad!

    1. Thank you the party went well post to follow today

  9. Happy Birthday to your dad and I hope you get a chance to relax and enjoy the party after all the work you have done

    1. Yeah I did get to relax a bit and I had a great time but today is my real relaxing day

  10. Happy bithday Dad! Hope that the day is everything you planned it to be.

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    1. Hi and welcome, love getting new followers I will have to check out your blog........


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