Monday, 30 July 2018

A New Fridge and a right mess

Good afternoon, here I am on this Monday afternoon finally getting around to doing a post,it has been one of those days that has gone by without me really knowing what has happen, it feels like I only just got up and now the day is coming to a close.

On Saturday Tim & I with Leo in tow went and bought a new fridge/freezer it is a side by side one with a non plumber needed ice maker and water dispenser. It is the same as the one my parents bought 18mths ago, we got it on interest free terms and it was suppose to be delivered between 1-4pm today, it is now 4.30pm and of course we are still waiting. Tim rang at 4pm to find what was happening and was told they should be here by 5pm.

At the moment this is what my dinning area looks like, it is full of Tasha's stuff the reason she is moving, she is going to swap houses with the woman in unit 7 of the complex I live in, this has made her really happy. There is more of her stuff in other areas of the house.

Ok the delivery guys arrived dead on 5pm and it was a struggle to get it in the house but is done now at 5.30pm we will turn it on.

Thursday, 26 July 2018

Stupid things No:2

Hello all here is this weeks stupid things

Kids to wear sunglasses at school while in the play ground

Kids should be made to do sport at school, why do I think that is stupid well none of my girls had an interest in sport and Leo has zero interest and the school know this and know trying to make him take part will not end well. Some people love sport some do not stop trying to force it on people.

Underwater graves, how would one visit their departed if their grave is underwater, sorry not for me

A mother wanting to change her 4yr olds name as there is 2 other little girls in her class with the same name, what the hell, talk about stupid. When I was in year 6 at school there was 6 girls with the name Jo-Anne but only one who spelt it my way.

President Donald Trump's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame has been destroyed,according to witnesses, a man removed a pick axe from a guitar case about 3am local time and smashed the red marble marker bearing the president’s name on Hollywood Boulevard. This is stupid because it doesn't effect the man he isn't going to be the one paying to have it repaired.

As we move towards a cashless society, buskers’ incomes have been sent plummeting... until now!
Online payment company Alipay has now come up with a solution, issuing 20 Melbourne street performers with portable payment devices!

Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Have you heard of: Margarethae Zelle

Do you know the name Margarethae Zelle?

Maybe you know her better as Mata Hari............

She was born on the 7th August 1876 the daughter of a shop owner, she died on the 15th October 1917, she was an exotic dancer and courtesan who was convicted of being a spy for Germany during World War 1 and executed by firing squad in France.
She was always a extraordinary woman from early in her life till the end of her life, in 1889 her father is believed to have ran off with another woman and her mother died. She was a spoiled and very sexual girl who at around the age of 15 was sent away to learn to be a teacher but was expelled for having an affair with a married headmaster.

So she moved to The Hague, a city full of colonial officials who had returned from service in the Dutch East Indies (Indonesia). It was there as a bored 18yr old she meet and married one such official Capt. Rudolf MacLeod with who she had 2 children.

The marriage was not what she hoped and didn't last and afterwards she headed to Paris were she reinvented herself as a startling new exotic dancer called Mata Hari. In 1905 Mata Hari was a Malay term for “sunrise” or the “eye of the day” she broke onto the social scene with a performance at an art museum in Paris. 

Hundreds of the capital's wealthy elite were invited and Mata Hari presented utterly novel dances in transparent, revealing outfits with a jewelled bra and an extraordinary headpiece.

Under any other circumstances, she could have been arrested for indecency, but she had very carefully thought through her position. At each performance, she took the time to explain carefully that these were sacred temple dances from the Indies. Mata Hari was sensuous, beautiful, erotic, and emotional; she told tales of lust, jealousy, passion, and vengeance through her dancing, and the public lapped it up.

Tuesday, 24 July 2018

Indestructible Creatures/Giant Tube Worm

Here we are at Tuesday and also the first day of term three of the school year so I had to take Leo to school this morning and he was happy to be going back to school. On the way to school I had to call in at my parents place to pick up some money mum wanted me to bank for her and Leo ran in to get the money and he told my mum he was happy to see her sitting in her chair in the kitchen and not in hospital.

This weeks indestructible creature is the Giant Tube Worm, heard of it? Nope, me either........

It can be found around 1500metres or 5000ft under the sea, at that depth hydrothermal vents bubble with boiling chemical filled water, its pitch black and the water pressure is great enough to squash a human flat. This is not a great place to live but the giant tube worm is happy there.

Each worm lives in its own tube anchored to the seabed and can grow to more than 2.4metres long that is 8ft just so you know. Hundreds of tube worms cluster together in their deep sea vent home.

Most animals need to eat other living things to stay alive but the giant tube worm don't eat food at all, as they have no mouth and no stomach. Instead their body has lots of bacteria living inside it, the worm's red plume collects minerals dissolved in the vent water and the bacteria inside its body feed on these and turn them into food chemicals that feed the worm from the inside.

Monday, 23 July 2018

Did you know No: 20

Hello everyone here I am on a cold Monday afternoon getting around to writing a post and I have some good news both my parents have been discharged from hospital, this is such good news for all of us.

So this Monday I am doing Did You Know Monday again, so here are this weeks facts that you may or may not already know.

Although the Angel Falls are much taller than the Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls are much wider which may be why they both pour about the dame amount of water over their edges about 2.8 billion litres every second.

The best cure for hiccups is breathing into a paper bag, this calms our diaphragm by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.

We have four tastes, the salt and sweet taste buds are at the tip of the tongue, bitter is at the base and sour is along the sides.

Argon is used to f ill the space in most light bulbs, neon is used in fluorescent signs. Fluorescent lights are filled with mercury gas.

Popeye originally got his strength from garlic not spinach

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Now it's dads turn

Guess what, yesterday morning my sister Sandra rings to let me know she had to ring the ambos for dad, he was having trouble breathing and wasn't able to get out of bed yesterday morning and really didn't feel good.

So now dad is in the John Hunter and mum is in the Mater just what we all needed, I think dad has pneumonia again, the last time mum was in hospital dad got sick and ended up in hospital with her.

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Update on mum

After getting up this morning and throwing a load of washing on to wash I get a phone call from Sandra just as I was thinking of ringing the hospital myself for an update on mum. I have since gone and seen mum and now I am posting and updating everyone.

Well it turns out that mum had a bad night, she was throwing up during the night and this morning after having a little breakfast she threw up again. When I arrived at the hospital she was having another scan of some description, when dad and I went in to see her the nurse said if anyone was pregnant they shouldn’t visit her, as well as young children something to do with the radiation used for the scan.

She was in a chair when I got to see her but she was having trouble keeping her eyes open, I only stayed with her for 10 minutes but I felt better that I was able to see her.

Sometime today they will move her out of ICU to a ward, mum is still nagging the doctor about going home and he ended up telling her she may be able to go home at the weekend just to stop her asking all the time. It is highly unlikely she will be going home at the weekend as she is still very ill.

Dave said when she is moved to a ward he will try and get Dawson to go and visit her as he hasn't seen her since she was taken away in a ambulance on Monday but he didn't want to see her looking as sick as she did on Monday night and Tuesday morning.

Dad is coping but he has had a bit of a cry and when he saw her today he hugged her and told her he needs her to get better and come home.

Wednesday, 18 July 2018

Mum's health

Hello everyone, no post yesterday just couldn't get motivated to write.

Monday afternoon around 3.30pm my sister Sandra rang to let me know she had to ring the ambos for mum as she was falling asleep had delirium again and really didn't look good. After I spoke to her I went and had a bath, while in the bath I heard my phone ringing again so as soon as I got out I checked my phone and it was Sandy again. I rang her back and she answered but she didn't speak to me I could hear her though and I heard words like resuscitate and how Sandy was feeling emotional being in “this room” I didn't know what room was “this room” she then hung up on me and I waited a few minutes and rang back this time it went too voice mail and I left a message for her to ring back. She rings back and said Jo you need to come here NOW.

So I ring my daughter Natasha hoping she would be at her place and able to come get me, she was, however, I was a blubbering mess all she could understand was that something was wrong and I needed her. She was here in around 10 minutes, I was dressed and waiting at the top of the driveway for her.

After I rang Natasha I rang Tim and got his voice mail as he was driving a bus, I left a blubbering message and he rang me back just after we got to the hospital and Natasha spoke to him, he arranged for someone to relieve him and came to the hospital, I needed him. Jessica and Leo also turned up as did my niece Samantha, there was 11 of us at the hospital.

When I get to the hospital and get taken in to see mum and Sandra and Dave was there too, I fell apart just seeing her and how she looked and hearing the doctor ask if they should attempt to resuscitate her by shocking or jumping on her chest we said do whatever it takes mum would want everything done to keep her with us.

I didn't want to leave her Monday night but by 9pm I was in a state myself and Sandra told me to come home and get some rest, she stayed till 2.30am going with her when she was transferred to the Mater hospital because the John Hunter hospital had no ICU beds.

When I got home Monday night I posted of Facebook asking for those who believe in the power of prayer to pray for her, and I would like too thank all who have done that. I started praying as soon as I heard the word resuscitate and I am still praying for her and the hospital staff taking care of her.

When we saw her yesterday morning she didn't look any better but the ICU doctor told us she was improving but they have no idea what caused her condition in the first place. It was explained to us that on Monday night her organs where shutting down, her kidneys had stopped, her heart rate was only 30 beats per minute and her blood pressure was non existent it was so low. Mum was placed on a ventilator to take the pressure of her body and she has been sedated since Monday afternoon.

Although yesterday when we saw her she tried to open her eyes when she heard us talking to her, so she knows we are there with her. I will be going back over to see her later after Jessica gets Leo.

I just rang the ICU and they were taking the tubes out so she should be able to talk to us when we see her today.

Monday, 16 July 2018

The last few days

Good morning world, I have turned the corner and at least I feel a tad better still got a ways to go before I am 100% at the moment I am more like 50% but that is an improvement on the weekend when I would say I felt more like25%. I spent most of Saturday in bed, yesterday I was able to get up and do lunch for the girls and I even went out with Jessica to Officeworks and then she had to go to work to hand in her paperwork from Saturdays run.

Jessica's work van is off the road it wouldn't start on Saturday and she had to ring her boss who came out at first they thought it was the battery but when he turned up he came to the conclusion it wasn't the battery and she had to use a different van. So they have a week to get her van repaired before school goes back and she will need it again.

Also yesterday Jessica sold her car she is trying to raise money for dental work and since she only drives it occasionally and it had an oil leak that would set her back a fair bit to repair she decided to sell it instead of getting it repaired. She was upfront with the buyers and told them about the oil leak and how last year she had hit a roo and had to replace the front bumper.

So until she decides to get another car she will catch a bus, walk or borrow our car, in fact she wants to borrow our car this afternoon to take Leo and his friend Kaja out to play some kind of golf game at a place close to an hour away, I will take the car to her when Tim gets back with it after his morning run, he has a split shift today.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Damn it's cold and a bit about health

Hello everyone, I am one sick person nothing serious just a head cold and generally feeling unwell. Yesterday Tim came home from work early as he was unwell but of course once he got home he was fine for the rest of the day.

Dad hasn't been good very unsteady on his feet causing both mum & Sue some concerned especially when he goes and has a shower because he will not use the shower chair or the board that goes across the bath to sit on. Thankfully he hasn't had any more falls.

Mum is still improving slowly too slowly for her and dad in fact dad has said a few times that he thought she would be getting around better than she is by now.

Looks like Sue is going to return to her own flat on Saturday for how long we don't know it will depend on how well mum & dad cope without her. If they are fine then she will remain at her own place but has said if they need her to go back she will do so.

Damn it has been cold the last few days, it was only 5°c when Tim got up yesterday to go to work and this morning was suppose to be the same. Thankfully we have a heater here for me to use and our car has a working heater and Tim was able to drive the car to work yesterday and today as I have no need for it.

My knees are bad the last few days maybe the cold is causing the arthritis to be more painful, who knows I just know that I am fed up with the pain day in and day out.

Tuesday, 10 July 2018

Indestructible Creatures/Barnacles

Hello everyone, it is another bloody cold day here, no rain or wind just cold and yes I have the heater going.

This Tuesday I am going to tell you a little about a pretty indestructible creature and the creature is the Barnacle which I am pretty sure everyone has heard of.

Barnacles are the whitish hard, pointy lumps that you find encrusted all over seaside rocks, piers and underside of boats. They are related to crabs and lobsters but live in an almost indestructible shell that's glues to a hard surface.

When underwater they open two door like things in its shell to reach out with its feathery feet to catch passing plankton and food scraps. When the tide is out or they feel threatened the close the doors and hide inside.

They are so rock hard you might think they are part of the rock they are attached to, the glue they use to stick to stuff is so strong that scientists are trying to copy the make up or recipe to make a new water resistant adhesive.

There are many species of barnacles, but only two are commonly eaten the gooseneck barnacle a tube like creature with very little shell, and the rock barnacle which is almost all shell.

Barnacles can cover a turtle to such an extent, that they can disable the flippers and cover the eyes and nostrils to such an extent, that the turtle is unable to swim, see, smell, or even survive.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Did you know No: 21

Hello world, hello Monday, been a busy morning for me I had a sleep in so didn't get out of bed till 8am I than got dressed and went to my aqua class after that I came home changed my clothes and went to the doctors to get a couple of scripts. Now I am home for the day, don't have to worry about Leo as there is no school for two weeks. When I asked him on Friday if he was looking forward to the holidays he said yes but then asked how long are the holidays when I said two weeks he growled and said ok. He does like going to school.

So here are this weeks five did you know facts.

TYPEWRITER is the longest word that can be made using only the letters on the top row of the keyboard

Pigs don't sweat, so they saying “sweating like a pig” is wrong

Before testing the first atomic bomb in the New Mexico desert on the 16th July 1945, some of the scientists working on the bomb calculated that there was a three in a million chance that an atomic bomb might melt down the entire Earth. They went ahead with the test anyway.

Polar Bears camouflage themselves by covering their black noses with their paws, not sure if I believe that or not,

Putting your two fingers up as an insult dates back to the Middle Ages when archers were caught by their enemies they had two fingers cut off so they could no longer fire any more arrows. So when an archer was shooting people he would put his two fingers up to say “Look I still have them” of course we now put up one finger and it has a different meaning.

Friday, 6 July 2018

What I find stupid No: 1

Hello welcome to this weeks stupid things I heard on the news and yes I know that this is the first time I I have done such a post this year. This I hope will be a regular Friday post.

Toy guns should be banned from day cares and pre schools, yes I think this is stupid most little boys and some little girls like to play with toy guns.

Shoppers taking home supermarket baskets and trolleys because they are frustrated by the new ban on single use plastic bags, some people are even becoming abusive with check out operators, suck it up and remember to take your own bag or pay the 15 cents for a bag. There is too much plastic around as it is.

Posing naked in the middle of winter, sorry I just don't get it.

Thursday, 5 July 2018

Have you heard of.........................

Hello everyone didn't do a post yesterday as I spent the time writing letters instead.

Last night mum told me that dad was being good taking his puffers and oxygen on a regular basis all day and as such was doing much better not so out of breath and he had a bit of an appetite for the first time in weeks.

Anyway today I am asking if you have heard of George Washington Carver...........................

He is one of the people credited with coming up with what we know as peanut-butter, he didn't actual invent peanut-butter but his work along with that of Edson, Kellogg and Straub helped establish peanut-butter as the nutritious staple ingredient found in many households around the world.

Peanut-butter actually dates back to Aztec times, the Aztecs mashed roasted peanuts into a paste which was somewhat different from what we know as peanut-butter today. In fact what we know as peanut-butter is down to the four people mentioned but if you did an internet search for the creator of peanut-butter it will come up with George Washington Carver.

It was in 1884 that Marcellus Edson of Canada patented peanut paste, from milling roasted peanuts between two heated surfaces. Then in 1895 Dr. John Kellogg of Kellogg's cereal patented a process for creating peanut-butter from raw peanuts, in 1903 Dr. Ambrose Straub patented a peanut-butter making machine.

All these early peanut-butters were crunchy it wasn't till 1922 that a chemist Joseph Rosefield invented a process for making smooth peanut-butter that kept the oil from separating by using partially hydrogenated oil, in 1928 he licensed his invention to the company that created Peter Pan peanut-butter then in 1932 he began to produce his own peanut-butter under the name Skippy.

So why do they say it was George Carver who created peanut-butter? I do not know.

He was a world-famous chemist who made important agricultural discoveries and inventions, his research on peanuts and other products helped poor southern farmers vary their crops and improve their diets.

He developed something like 300 products from peanuts including flour, paste, insulation,paper, soap and shaving cream to name a few, his experiment with medicines from peanuts which included antiseptics and laxatives.

In America there is a national peanut-butter day it is the 24th January.

Tuesday, 3 July 2018

Dangerous Creature/Eastern Brown Snake

Hello everyone here I am on Tuesday afternoon starting a post, this morning I had to go and stay at my parents and stay with dad while mum had a post opp check up at the Royal and as dad is still not good they didn't want him to be left home alone. 

Just after I arrived dad walked down the hall to the toilet and on his way back to the kitchen he sounded so bad I thought he was going to collapse, however, he made it to the kitchen and used his oxygen, he than decided to go back to bed and that was were he stayed.

This weeks dangerous/deadly creature is the Eastern Brown Snake, heard of it, I am pretty sure you have. However, did you know that the brown snake group is most likely responsible for snake bite deaths over any other snake group in Australia, this is probably because it is found all over the country.

It is a slender snake up to 2meters or 7foot long, that can be different shades of brown ranging from pale brown to almost black. It's underside is pale cream-yellow often with orange or grey bits.

If bitten you may not realise straight away as the bite can initially be painless and difficult to detect, this is not good as if you are bitten you need medical attention pretty much straight away.

It's venom can cause eventual paralysis and uncontrollable bleeding, which I reckon would be a give-away that you have been bitten.

Monday, 2 July 2018

Did you know No:19

Good morning everyone, damn it is cold this morning, yes I have the heater on as well as my dressing gown. I will be going to my aqua class after I take Leo to school and you can bet the water will be cold, I think in the cold months they should heat the water but they don't.

Jessica just dropped Leo off and said he had a slight temperature and to check he doesn't have one before I take him to school.

Here is this weeks five did you know facts.

The record for milk production from one cow is 11,756 gallons in one year, bloody hell that's a lot

Each king in a deck of cars represents a great king from history, Spades is King David, Hearts is Emperor Charlemagne, Clubs is Alexander the Great and Diamonds is Julius Caesar.

Summer on Uranus lasts for 21 years and so does winter, bloody hell.............

The deepest point in the sea is the Mariana Trench off Guam in the Pacific Ocean, it is nearly seven miles deep.

If you could shoot a gun at the sun it would take 20 years for the bullet to get there.

Week 7 of 2025

It is another nice cool morning with the temp being 19C, but we are looking at another hot one, just not as hot. My BGL was 5.1 This morni...