Thursday, 5 July 2018

Have you heard of.........................

Hello everyone didn't do a post yesterday as I spent the time writing letters instead.

Last night mum told me that dad was being good taking his puffers and oxygen on a regular basis all day and as such was doing much better not so out of breath and he had a bit of an appetite for the first time in weeks.

Anyway today I am asking if you have heard of George Washington Carver...........................

He is one of the people credited with coming up with what we know as peanut-butter, he didn't actual invent peanut-butter but his work along with that of Edson, Kellogg and Straub helped establish peanut-butter as the nutritious staple ingredient found in many households around the world.

Peanut-butter actually dates back to Aztec times, the Aztecs mashed roasted peanuts into a paste which was somewhat different from what we know as peanut-butter today. In fact what we know as peanut-butter is down to the four people mentioned but if you did an internet search for the creator of peanut-butter it will come up with George Washington Carver.

It was in 1884 that Marcellus Edson of Canada patented peanut paste, from milling roasted peanuts between two heated surfaces. Then in 1895 Dr. John Kellogg of Kellogg's cereal patented a process for creating peanut-butter from raw peanuts, in 1903 Dr. Ambrose Straub patented a peanut-butter making machine.

All these early peanut-butters were crunchy it wasn't till 1922 that a chemist Joseph Rosefield invented a process for making smooth peanut-butter that kept the oil from separating by using partially hydrogenated oil, in 1928 he licensed his invention to the company that created Peter Pan peanut-butter then in 1932 he began to produce his own peanut-butter under the name Skippy.

So why do they say it was George Carver who created peanut-butter? I do not know.

He was a world-famous chemist who made important agricultural discoveries and inventions, his research on peanuts and other products helped poor southern farmers vary their crops and improve their diets.

He developed something like 300 products from peanuts including flour, paste, insulation,paper, soap and shaving cream to name a few, his experiment with medicines from peanuts which included antiseptics and laxatives.

In America there is a national peanut-butter day it is the 24th January.


  1. Interesting post Jo-Anne.
    Pleased your dad has improved a little.

  2. I have heard of him - not sure it was about peanut butter tho. I love SKIPPY! I owe him.
    Hope your dad is better.

  3. We always read about Carver in school for Black History Month. He was supposed to have discovered dozens of things to do with peanuts.


  4. Yep, I know about Carver. Still don't like peanut butter, but I know about him.

  5. Margaret.......I try not to do too many boring posts

    Chatty.......Nice to know he has been heard of

    Janie.......Yes he made a lot of discoveries

    Chris.......I don't mind peanut butter but only have it occasionally


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