Friday 30 November 2012

More About Our Holiday

Yesterday you may have notice I did two blog posts, why was that well I wanted to catch

Anyway today is Friday and we were able to sleep in this morning getting up around 8.15am after breakfast and packing the car we set off on our last tour of the holiday, a wine tour which Tim would have liked more if he had been able to

However since he had to drive he wasn't able to do more than have a sip of wine and of course I don't drink wine the itinerary said the tour included a 2 course lunch but since there was only the 2 of us on the tour that didn't happen we got a platter instead which consisted mostly of sea food and  bread and I don't eat seafood .

We didn't enjoy this tour as much as the other ones, oh well such is life. After the tour we set off for Wellington and I am typing this up as we drive. Today has been a lot colder, in fact when we got up this morning the car and ground were wet where it had rained overnight. We stopped an hour ago at Maccas for a bite to eat and it was only 10 degrees outside had to have the heater on in the car for a bit but it is warming up again.

We arrived at the hotel in Wellington around 5.30pm this not the best place, we are on the fourth floor and the tv reception sucks…………….it does have good internet connection and has a bath that was good as I had a nice long bath but I am too tired to go out and eat……..

Thursday 29 November 2012

Caves, Cruising and a Prison

On Wednesday we set out for a place called Waitmo to visit some caves, we had two tours through two different caves both tours were completely different and both were great here are some photos of the caves well we were only allowed to take photos in the first cave. We also had lunch at the second cave before the tour a bacon and egg bagel with cheese and barbecue sauce and mayo and it was really nice and I got some hot chips too and they were great too............

After the tours we set off for our next motel this was a 300km trip and we spent two nights at that motel it was ok,had good internet connection but no bath.

Today we went on a cruise around Lake Taupo then back to the motel and I suggested to Tim that we check out the old prison the oldest prison in New Zealand and Tim was all for it and have to say it was also great. Tim like hearing all the ghost stories and me well I just love wondering around old

The back to the motel for another night before we have our last tour tomorrow and wine tour then we head to Wellington another long drive as that is 300kms from here and we spend our last two nights there and will do some sight seeing around the town........

Rainbow Springs.........

Well Tuesday is here and that means it is day 4 of being in New Zealand and how did we spend the day well first up we had the we  went to MacDonalds so I could check emails and post on my blog, since every motel has sucky internet connection. Tim was getting annoyed that it took me so long to do what I wanted to do but I as I told him because I hadn't been online for a few days it took longer to answer the emails and then post on my blog..........

So after that we went and had a look around the town a bit bought a few souvenirs then Tim was complainin he was hungry so we went to KFC for lunch, then we went to Rainbow and spent around 2 hours wondering around there and it was a lovely time I enjoyed it and was glad we went.

After that we decided to drive down to the lake to just see what was in that area, I would have liked to have gone to the museum but Tim didn't want to so I was fine with that, we took a few photos around the lake of this place was called Sulpher Bay and it really smelt and this was Rachels Pool which was a sulpher hot spring.

After that we came back to the motel for the evening it was around 5ish when we got back here, I downloaded the photos take during the day and wrote this post ready for posting maybe on Thursday............since we may have to go to Maccas to use the internet

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Volcano Tour

On our second full day here in New Zealand we went on a tour of White Island this is an active volcano here in New Zealand and what a bloody good tour it was I would highly recommend it to

The trip wasn't without it's dramas though for me on the way over there I got sea sick and throw up this happened just as we arrived at the island. Tim was worried I would fall over while on the tour as I forgot to pack my joggers and only had my semi-flat sandals but I didn't fall didn't even stumble during the walk, although Tim did stumble a few times and I said as much to him back on the boat for the trip back to the mainland he wasn’t

When we got back to the boat another passenger gave me a couple of sea sickness tables and they helped a lot as I didn't get sea sick on the way back. However I was sitting out the back but it got to cold, wet through the water splashing over the sides Tim was with me and he got up and went inside a minute latter I stood up to join him and the boat was rocked really hard by a big wave and I was thrown off my feet backwards hitting my head pretty hard I also hit my right elbow and bit my tongue hard. There was no blood but I was dazed, the boat's crew were fantastic and very worried about me, I was given an ice pack for my head and wet facecloth for my forehead this happened about 45 minutes before we docked and I was very tired but Tim kept making sure I didn't fall asleep. Yes it was suggested that I go to A & E but I didn't want to buy the time we docked I was feeling better, the skipper pulled me aside and wanted to check I was ok. They of course filled out an incident report.

After the tour we headed to Rotorua were we are staying for 2 nights on arriving we found out we had been upgraded to a two bedroom unit as there is road work right out the front of the 1 bedroom units. This unit is great and it has a large spa bath which I used pretty much as soon as we arrived and it felt great to lay in the hot water. We are staying at Brylin Motel in Rotorua and I would recommend this place as well............

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Arriving and Sky Tower

First up I want to say to everyone who left comments about my birthday dissapointment I just haven't had time to reply to them all, please forgive me..........

Moving on well we are now in New Zealand yesterday I was up at 3am and Leigh arrived soon  after we left home by 3.30am and arrived at the airport by 6.30am. Little Leo woke up before we left and got upset because he wanted to come with us and was afraid we weren't coming back although Jessica said he settled down again ok. We were a couple of hours early at the airport but I would rather be early then running late.

Both Tim and I were feeling excited and nervous but mostly excited, the flight was good no dramas, after arriving Tim picked up our hire car and we set out to find the motel well that took us over 3 hours back and forth from Auckland turns out the woman at the travel agency put the wrong address on the paper work and by the time we got to the right place after going to a couple of wrong places I was stuffed. Neither of us had eaten since breakfast,Tim just wanted to find the motel and didn't want to stop till we did, in the end we didn't have tea/dinner I did have some salt and vinger chips and a can of Southen Comfort and Cola. I was pleased the motel had a spa bath in our room and the first thing I did was run myseld a bath.........

To add to the dramas of yesterday Tim realised that he lost his mobile phone, he thinks he forgot to pick it up when we went through customs, we will get someone back home to ring the airport/customs and try and find out if it was left there..........not holding out a lot of hope but no harm in asking......

Day two after a great nights sleep we went to Skytower in Auckland after there we went and bought a GPS so no more getting

We had no trouble finding this motel and it is really nice also has a spa bath and free internet, we went for a drive around the town and bought Subway for tea yes we are both cheap at times but when you are not really hungry why pay more for a meal you may not eat all off.


Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...