Saturday, 17 November 2012

Well Now I am 50.................

Yesterday was a busy day and it was also a special day for me as it was my 50th birthday……….yeah I am now middle aged although Tim told me I have been middle aged for the last 10 years but I do not think that way…………….lol

Anyway I had a great day got lots of nice messages both via text message and Facebook, I also got a lot of nice presents as you can see and I still don’t have a present from my daughter Kathy-Lee or Natasha, and to be honest I am not expecting anything from Natasha any time soon she has to get her car registered.  My sister Sandra left this on Facebook for me:

“Happy 50th birthday to my beautiful big sis Jo-Anne I love you so much you are the most thoughtful person I know hope you have a great day sis you deserve it I feel so lucky to have you as my big sis :) xxxxoooo”

I had hoped to go out for dinner last night but when hubby came home and I asked him what we were doing for tea he said he had no idea and drank a glass of wine and since it was my birthday I had a couple of glasses of Baileys and milk I was not able to drive………………….in the end we ordered pizza for Tim and cheesy garlic bread and hot chips for me as I don’t eat pizza any more. Yes I was upset that he didn’t take me out for dinner and when Kathy-Lee asked him about it he said he didn’t think of it and couldn’t see the point, he didn’t think he needed to do anything as he is taking me to New Zealand next week we leave on the 24th and return on the 2nd

Yes Tim surprised me with a holiday to New Zealand I am so excited about that and I only have a week to wait………… See Tim can be so generous and loving at times but often on a day to day basis he is such a tight ass……………..but I do love him……………

On Sunday we are going over to my parents place for a baked lunch for my birthday, I wonder if I will get a cake and yes I know I could ask for a cake but I am not that type of person I would rather just get it without having to ask for it……………………

All in all I had a pretty good birthday I even got to see my grandson Blain for a little bit, Kathy-Lee brought him over to see me last night………..


  1. Happy birthday! Lovely presents, and a great trip in the works!

  2. Happy Birthday! Looks like you have a very nice one! Beautiful gifts!

  3. I am traveling this week and terribly behind reading blogs. Just wanted to take a second and say "Happy Birthday" I guess it is behind you by the time I typed this..

  4. Have a nice, happy, and safe trip!

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Happy Happy birthday to you♡♡♡ 50th meant a lot for us, anyways for me it did p;) Wonderful gifts and the special one will be the trip to New Zealand. Wow enjoy and take a lot of photos. Yes, your husband is a warmhearted person(^_^)彡☆
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you my friend it was a good day and I am looking forward to the holiday only a week away so not long to wait

  6. Happy Birthday Jo-Anne...and wow, lovely present going to NZ.

  7. Happy Birthday Jo-Anne and enjoy your special trip.

    1. I am looking forward to the trip never been to New Zealand

  8. Hi Jo=Anne. I'm so pleased you had a lovely birthday. You certainly had some really good pressies. A trip to New Zealand! How exciting. That really IS something a bit special. My hubby is a bit like yours, in that he can come up with lovely things (especially on special birthdays), but on a day to day basis - forget it!! Ah well!

    1. Good to hear that Tim is not the only man who can be a bit blah on a day to day basis..........when he does things like this holiday surprise it reminds me why I love him.........

  9. Happy happy birthday and what a wonderful surprise to be taking a trip to NZ.

    And I love the jewellery. very pretty

    1. Thanks I had a great birthday, my family know I love my jewellery

  10. Happy 50th birthday!!! Looks like you made out. I like the pink purse for holiday in your more recent post too. :-) Did you get an email from a place called Indulgences? Check your spam filter too!

    1. I haven't heard from Indulgences as yet but will also check my spam folder.........

  11. Happy belated birthday! Have a wonderful trip, too! :)

  12. Happy Belated Birthday! It is always wonderful when we can feel loved! Remember age is just a number. :-)


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