Thursday, 15 November 2012

Christmas Presents and Stuff

Well yesterday me and mum met up with my sister Sue for coffee and it went ok, Sue seemed to lossen up after a while and I know mum was very happy to see her...........Sue was ok with me but better with mum.  While we were waiting for Sue my daughter Jessica and my niece Kelli turned up with Leo and Daemon but left just after Sue turned up. Sue was about half an hour late which ment that we didn't get to spend as much time with her as we would have liked.

Today my mum had to go to Wakefield for an interview with the principal about how many days Dawson will be attending there next year. There is a chance that he may be able to attend all 5 days of the week, this would be great as he hates going to Hunter Sports High and on both days he is there mum has to deal with him saying he is sick or has a headache or something he will try anything to get out of going..............Now my brother has said that he would like it if Dawson was to attend Hunter Sports High 3 days a week next year but he has no idea how hard it is for mum and Michelle (Dawson's mum) to get him to go.

The Christmas gifts I hace bought from Chrisco and Hamper King have started to arrive the first box came yesterday.............tomorrow I will get my first hampers and have asked Jessica to be here in case they get delivered while I am out shopping the rest of them come next week. Both Kathy and Jessica have recieved their gift cards that I bought for them both got around $400 worth of cards they are part of their Christmas present and are from me to help them with the expense of Christmas.......


  1. I have not yet begun to shop. And as my oler daughter is getting married right after Christmas and we are knee deep in wedding plans, gift cards are probably what we will be giving this year.

    I so hope things work out for Dawson- a kid doesn't consistently work that hard to get out of going somewhere unless there's a good reason.

    1. A wedding how great and so much work, gift cards make great gifts well I think so.........

      Will post about what happened with Dawson tomorrow or Monday

  2. Christmas gifts before Thanksgiving! Bah humbug!

  3. usually by nowI have almost all my shopping done but this year not a single gift I am so slacking

    1. As long as you don't leave it all till Christmas Eve it should be ok

  4. I think I'm pretty much done with my Christmas shopping. I usually shop early or try to find things throughout the year to make it a little less expensive.

    1. A woman after my own heart shopping during the year that is what I do too.........

  5. Hi Jo-Anne. I'm quite well on with my present buying. We are going to France to spend it with the family over there. We take it in turns each year. I agree with Shelly about Dawson, and I hope everything works out for him.

    1. I think it is great that you get to spend it with family in France........

      Will post about what happened with Dawson tomorrow or Monday

  6. You have some exciting days ahead receiving your purchases in the post.
    I love Christmas shopping, especially buying gifts for family, not that there are many, 4 grandchildren, 2 sons, their wives, my dad and of course my husband. Going to commence next week for gifts and or gift cards.

    1. I do love getting parcells in the post yesterday while I was out two boxes arrived in Jessica's name and she was so excited to open them and see what they


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