Friday, 29 September 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

Here we are at another Friday and it is the day for my thoughts and this week I am thinking about catalogues, why well because last week I found some in the letter box. Haven't had that since March 2020 and how I have missed them.

Yes I check out catalogues online but for me it isn't the same as looking through hard copies with a pen to circle anything of interest.

I like looking through supermarket catalogues and department stores such as Big W, Target or Kmart. I even don't mind looking through Spotlight or Chemist Warehouse catalogues.

Sometimes I will see something in a catalogue and will then search Ebay for a similar item that is cheaper.

Do you like catalogues?

Are you receiving paper catalogues or do you just have online versions?

Thursday, 28 September 2023

Working Life in 1890's


Well here we are at another Thursday and another post about working life in the 1890's.

The first union to win an eight-hour day in Australia was the Operative Stonemasons Society of New South Wales in September 1855. this isolated victory was not long lasting and did not spread throughout the colony. Sydney plasterers gained an eight-hour day in 1861, but many others in the building trade were not so lucky.

It was around April 1856 members of the Victorian builders trade negotiated an eight-hour working day on the 21 April, however, one contractor who was in charge of the building Parliament House in Victoria refused to comply with the new rule.

Because of this building unionists led by James Galloway and James Stephens, marched through Melbourne to Parliament to lodge their protest and call on other workmen who didn't have an eight-hour working day to strike.

The craft unionists declared 21 April a holiday for themselves and their families, ending the day at the Common Gardens an amusement park near the city.

So the 1856 victory in Victoria was commemorated for the next 90 years by having the 21 April a public holiday known as eight-hour day. This evolved into Labour Day and over years changed in to the second Monday in March when the autumn weather is better. Western Australia and Tasmania also celebrate the day in March. In New South Wales and South Australia the holiday falls in October and Queensland it is in May.

The winning of the eight-hour day heartened many other workers to join unions. Such victories were hard-won and the majority of workers laboured long hours in their various workplaces.

Around the 1870's due to the goldrush there was much investment in factories and such in Victoria, this created many jobs but little attention was paid to the working conditions such as lighting and ventilation. There was some large factories and liberal-philanthropic organisations supported the Factory Acts especially to regulate workplaces for women and children.

However, most factory workers a group which included increasing numbers of women, found their major support for better workplaces was in unions.

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

Aussie Slang


Well here we are at another Wednesday and that means it is time for 5 Aussie slang terms and here they are

Dole Bludger: Somebody on “Centrelink” a government payment who really doesn't need to be.

Jackaroo: A male trainee station manger or station hand

Jillaroo: A female trainee station manager or station hand

Station: A big farm or grazing property

Longneck: A 750ml bottle of beer

Lippy: Lipstick

Tuesday, 26 September 2023

Creature Day


Good morning all, well it is Tuesday and that means it is creature day and this weeks creature is the Gerenuk, heard of it, no, me either but it is my book of freaky creatures so here it is.

This giraffe-necked gazelle has muscular hind legs that allow it to stand upright. By using it's front legs to bend branches downwards, it can nibble leaves up to 2.5m (8ft 2in) off the ground.

It also has oversized rabbit-like ears, which are always listening for approaching predators as well as other gerenuks. The antelope use several sounds to communicate: a buzzing when alarmed, a whistle when annoyed and a loud bleat when in extreme danger.

They can go a whole year without drinking water, getting all its moisture from its herbivorous diet of shoots, leaves, herbs, flowers and fruit.

The males are around 31-52kgs(68-115lb) and the females around 28-45kgs(62-99lb). The height for males is 90-105cm (35-41in) and females are 80-100cm (31-39in). They live for around 8 years in the wild and 13 years in captivity.

Monday, 25 September 2023

Australia's Constitution Pt 2


Matters not in the Constitution

Some of the central features of Australia’s system of government (described as parliamentary, cabinet or responsible government and also called a Westminster-style system) are not set down in the Constitution but are based on custom and convention. These include the position of Prime Minister and the group of senior Ministers called the Cabinet, who make major policy and administrative decisions and in effect govern the country.

On some matters the Constitution sets down temporary arrangements ‘until Parliament otherwise provides’. The Parliament does this by passing legislation. For example, the first national elections were held under state laws. Later elections were conducted under the provisions of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1902. Another example is the number of Senators and Members, which may be changed by an Act of Parliament as long as the specific conditions set by the Constitution are met.

Unlike the constitutions of some other countries, the Australian Constitution does not contain a list of the rights of citizens (a ‘bill of rights’).

How can the Constitution be changed?

The Parliament can change ordinary laws by passing amending laws, but it can only initiate proposals for changes to the Constitution. The approval of the people of Australia is necessary for any change to the Constitution, just as the approval of the people of Australia was a step in the process of creating the Constitution in the first place. The Constitution itself sets out the way in which it can be changed.

What are the 5 constitutional rights in Australia?

The Constitution includes the right to vote, the right to trial by jury for certain offences, some protection of freedom of religion, an implied right to freedom of political communication, and the right to be paid a fair price if the government compulsorily acquires your property.

Yes we have constitutional right but no Bill of Rights.

Sunday, 24 September 2023

Week 38 of 2023

 A very warm start to the day, going to be another hot I suspect, I am wearing shorts this morning. I have both sliding doors open for the nice breeze by 10am it was very warm and by midday I wanted to turn the air con on but waited to 1pm to make Tim happy.

Tim is having a bad afternoon going to the toilet often. I am concerned about him.

In for another warm to hot day, although not very warm when I got up still I am wearing shorts.

I asked Tasha if she could take me to the podiatrist on Wednesday as I don't think Tim will be able to sit around waiting in the car for me at this time.

Tim off to the doctors yet again, then I think he has to go into work.

It has been another hot day.

Tim and Tasha went down the road to get a few things from Coles, so I asked if it was Sam's early day, Tim said no but he was wrong so no one was there to meet him which would be embarrassing to Sam as he had to ring Papa to go get him.

Slept in till 5.24am it was daylight when I got up,suppose to be another hot day.

Well it is only 8.25am and already 24 degrees with a hot wind. Tasha just asked to borrow the car to go get our scripts I told her Tim has a CT Scan at 11am so don't take to long. Picked up the scripts but there were 6 or 7 medications to get and she came home with only 2 she is pissed as am I. I did tell her how many to pick up but still you go ask for scrips in the name of Meadows and they will give you all there in that name but no they didn't check and just gave her part of the order.

Damn it has been a hot day, top of 32 degrees.

Another hot day on the way at 7am I am already sweating.

Tasha drove me to the podiatrist all went well she said I may have a condition called Raynaud's disease and to speak to the neurologist about them. This new podiatrist seems nice enough she did tell me I need to wear shoes and not cheap shoes but good orthopaedic shoes. We will see.

Sam's school rang he didn't take his medication this morning as he said it had a funny taste and when thinking about it I agree my drink had a funny taste after I added ice to it and had to tip it out and rinse the cup before refilling. Tasha said the cup may have just needed a good rinse out as I don't do that as often as I should.

Skyler's Birthday

Much cooler this morning and only suppose to be around the mid 20's today over the low 30's of the last few days.

At 6.40am the internet started dropping out very frustrating. I ended up having to reboot the computer to get things working again.

At around 10.15 Sue called in just to say hi as she was passing through.

Had to print a few things for Sandy she has to fill in and submit forms about changes in her household, as in having two more children in her care.


Woke early at 4.30am got up at 4.45am, found a clip Tim had sent about a local shooting in the street Jess use to live in only a few houses from where she was. Scary shit.

Also had a message telling me that Sam had no night meds, that's his mum responsibility.

It started to rain around the time I was getting ready to take Sam up so I rang Tasha but she wasn't able to help, so I had to wake Tim to go with Sam. Then it stopped raining.

Kelli and her kids called in for a visit it was wonderful seeing them.

Also Tim gave a a new Bluetooth speaker to use at night or whenever I like. He also gave me a cover for my recliner both gifts I like a lot

Another cool if not cold day lays ahead but it is Saturday so no school and I have no idea if Kathy and the girls are coming over well she properly has only Summer as Sydney will be with her dad.

Had to have the heater on for an hour this morning it was that cold and the cold gave me a headache and earache.

Tim had an appointment with the optometrist and is getting new glasses, however, after the appointment while watching TV he changed glasses and said the ones he put on were fine. I don't know what he is going to do.

Kathy didn't turn up.

Friday, 22 September 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Friday is here and it is the last day of term 3 for New South Wales schools, we have two weeks of no school, so during the holidays we will have our granddaughters here on each Wednesday. We don't have the girls very often because Kathy feels we don't interact with them enough, instead letting them entertain themselves on the tablet or phone, that is just the way we are.

Being Friday this is a post about my thoughts and as usual I have no bloody idea what my thoughts are.

Ok I have been thinking why is the weather all over the place two days ago I had the air con going now it is nearly cold enough for the heater again. We also have some light rain this morning making me wonder if I should go up with Sam or not. I had to wake Tim to take Sam up as Tasha said she had diarrhoea and couldn't do it, I hate having to ask someone else to do it. After Tim took Sam up the sun started to come out and it stopped raining, naturally...

Yesterday morning while I was waiting for Sam to show up, I go up and wait before Sam who is usually brushing his teeth and I park in the drive way but out of the way of cars, anyway the damn garbage truck arrive and the driver decided to reverse it down the driveway. I had to move damn fast or I would have been hit and that would not be good, getting run over by a garbage truck is never good. Naturally I did get out of the way, I like to park the scooter in a position so I can see when Sam's driver turns into our street, this allows me to have time to ring Sam if he isn't already up waiting with me.

Kathy has had me looking for her childhood immunisation records which I do not believe I have she needs them for work and records older then 2007 are not online or held by Medicare. I have Jessica's records but I am pretty sure I don't have either Kathy's or Natasha's.

It was Skylar's 3rd birthday yesterday, Sandy told me Doc's which is Department of Community Services now use to be Department of Children and before that was called something Welfare. Anyway they dropped of a heap of presents for Skylar as well as a cake so Sandy didn't have to buy anything. At this stage Sandy doesn't know how long she will have them she has said she will take them till they are 18 if needed but nothing has been settled yet.

Ok today's post is just a bit of this and a bit of that

Thursday, 21 September 2023

Working Life in the 1890's Pt 2


Hello everyone, here is a bit more about working life in the 1890's.

By around the 1830's there were those in England who had started to question the harsh working conditions in 1824 the right to form a trade unions but of course the government and employers resisted the concept. In 1834 six Dorsetshire farm labourers known as the “Tolpuddle Martyrs” were transported to New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land for “swearing illegal oaths”. They formed a Friendly Society of Agricultural Labourers to guard against reduce wages. The Martyrs never returned to England.

Another group called the Chartists who were active during the 1830-1840's called for a workers charter so that conditions such as pay, number of working hours and workplaces would be improved. The also wanted Parliamentary representation, demanding payment of members of parliament to enable working people to stand for election. Payment for members was finally introduced in between the 1880-1890's.

It was during the 1840's the Australian colonies experienced their first economic depression and work was scarce. As is usual in such times workers are less likely to demand better conditions or pay just wanting to have some kind of work on almost any terms.

The discovery of gold in New South Wales and Victoria during the 1850's changed the balance of employee-employer relations. This time saw many town workers downing their tools and heading for the goldfields. This meant workers were in better bargaining position to demand shorter working hours.

It was around this time that the push for an eight hour working day had begun. Dr Thomas Embling a Victorian medical practitioner and parliamentarian is credited with the saying “Eight hours labour, eight hours recreation and eight hours rest”. In the British working class folklore the concept was credited to King Alfred the Great and was widely accepted goal by British Unionist in the early 19th century. In societies where most workers toiled from dawn to dusk, from Monday to Saturday night talk about a Utopian concept.

More next week.

Wednesday, 20 September 2023

Aussie Slang Day


Hello everyone, you may have noticed that there was no post yesterday due to my computer having a hissy fit from 8.15am till 10am when it started working again as it should but by then I couldn't be bothered doing anything.

So here are this week's Aussie slang words.

Gabba: Wooloongabba, Brisbane cricket ground

Give it a burl: Try it or have a go

Going off: Busy with lot's of people.

A party that's lot's of fun

Hooroo: Goodbye

Jumbuck: Sheep

Monday, 18 September 2023

Australia's Constitution


A while back someone asked about our constitution, so I have looked it up and now I will tell you a little about it.

This will be a two part post, don't want to bore you with a post that is a bit long.

So what is the Australian Constitution?

The Australian Constitution is the founding document of our nation and pre-eminent source of law in the country. The Constitution sets down the powers of each of our three branches of governance – the Parliament, the Executive and the Courts.

A national constitution is a set of rules for governing a country. Such rules may be based on tradition or may be written down in the form of a law or a number of laws. In some countries laws forming the constitution are ordinary laws which can be changed just like any other law, but in most countries the laws forming the constitution have a special status.

The constitution of Australia has a special status-it cannot be changed in the same way as other laws can be changed and it is a supreme law, that is, it overrides other laws.

So how was the Australian Constitution created?

Before 1901 the present Australian States were separate colonies of the then British Empire. When the colonies decided to join together in a federation, representatives from each colony were elected to attend meetings (called constitutional conventions) to draw up a constitution for the new nation. The draft constitution was later approved by a vote of the people in referendums held in each colony.

The new Australian nation was established on 1 January 1901 following the passing of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act by the United Kingdom Parliament. The purpose of the Act was to constitute the Commonwealth of Australia.

So what does the constitution do?

Australia is a federation of states which each have their own constitution, government and laws. The Australian Constitution originated as an agreement under which the former colonies came together as states in a federation. In brief, the Constitution establishes the form of the federal government (that is, the Commonwealth, national or central government) and sets out the basis for relations between the Commonwealth and the states.

What does the constitution cover?

Well it covers the following but I am not going into detail that would bore everyone.

The legislative or law-making power of the Commonwealth

The composition of the Senate

Frequency of elections

The composition of the House of Representatives.

Frequency of elections.

The matters on which the Commonwealth can make laws.

Just to give you an idea of what it is about.

Sunday, 17 September 2023

Week 37 of 2023


At around 6.50am the computer started giving me a headache with it taking ages for this to load but after 10 minutes it started working again.

Kathy, Michael and the girls came over so we could see Kathy for her birthday, she was happy with her gifts a bottle of Baileys and $50.

Cold this morning I had to change my mind when it came to what pants I am wearing as the ones I had out wouldn't be warm enough.

Kathy suggested that I wear a beanie to keep my head warm instead of turning the heater on I will try that tomorrow.

When I went to sit in my armchair which is a lift chair, it wouldn't recline and Tim has gone to see how much a new controller would cost because the way it is I can't use it. They didn't have one in stock and have ordered one cost $149 and should be here this week sometime.

I am so over sitting in the computer chair, as I have to be busy doing something while sitting here. I just can't sit and watch telly in this chair.

When I tried to put the armchair down it went down so I will be able to sit in it but may not be able to put my feet up, I will use one of the footstools to put my feet on while sitting in the armchair.

This morning I had to ring Sam over and over and over again lost count of how many times I called him, Tasha came down looking for chocolate awhile I was ringing Sam and she went over and woke him up. Not very cold this morning which is nice.

Kelli & Jono arrived so Jono could see Tasha about something and Kelli came and gave me a hug as well as Tim and we had a quick chat. It was great to see and get an awesome hug from Kelli.

The new controller arrived this morning but thankfully the one on my chair has been working this morning.

Tim isn't happy he hasn't been paid this week, he made a phone call to Youi about it, he hopes it goes in soon.

I have had a lot of pain in my left knee and took an anti-inflammatory for it and it helped a lot.

Sandy dropped in she had Temika and Skylar with her, Skylar was scared of both me and Tim clinging to either Sandy or Temika, I was not surprise she doesn't know us. Sandy took all my letters with stamps on them to post for me.

I applied for a postal vote saying I was infirm and unable to walk or stand for very long. If it gets declined then so be it.

Woke to find a note from Tim he still hasn't been paid so don't know what we are going to do, he will be ringing Youi and he will be in a right mood when he does.

The computer is running slow this morning, it has improved over time thankfully.

Sam didn't want to go to school this morning he couldn't find his belt or pants he can wear without a belt and said he felt self-conscious about what he was wearing this is a new thing as in the past he couldn't care less about what he wore to school.

Tim has an appointment with his counselor.

The chronic diarrhoea is really getting to Tim, he is going to make an appointment to see our GP tomorrow.


Found a note on the laptop Tim made an appointment to see the GP at 1pm this afternoon. He also has an 8.45am appointment for rehab.

Spoke to Kathy she won't be over this weekend, she has too much going on.

Tim still hasn't been paid, he spoke to Youi yesterday arvo and was told the money should be in by 3pm this arvo.

I turned in to watch the live stream of Daffy's funeral if you are wondering who the hell is Daffy she was a 95yr old lady I followed on Facebook she was funny outspoken and reminded me of my mum. Yes I cried, I also cried when I read of her death and I doubt I would be her only follower who cried she did have over 200,000 followers from around the world.

Woke to find a message from Tim telling me had transferred the housekeeping money into my account. So I have been able to pay the bills.

It has turned out quite hot today temp of 30 degrees.

Tim wanted pizza so we got pizza as they were quite cheap today. Sam was here so I asked if they wanted anything, they did not.

Jess is at work, some overtime for her. She is liking this new job.

Friday, 15 September 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Well it is Friday and time for some of Jo-Anne's thoughts, today sitting here I have been thinking a few things like should I just disregard the book I started because I couldn't get interested in it, I did I just deleted it and will find something else to listen to later. I find listening to an audiobook if it has a slow start but I stick with it for a bit it comes good and more interesting but this book I was listening to this morning it wasn't happening so I packed it in.

I have also been thinking why doesn't Sam answer the damn phone or at least reject the call which tells me that they are awake and acknowledged my call. Sam just walked in and admitted they fell back to sleep and only just drag themselves out of bed.

I have also been working on sorting photos into different folders ready for when I do the family calendars, which has had me searching for the best price for the calendars I usually pay around $5-10 and I have been thinking about which company I prefer I will have to check the calendar to see what company I used last time.

While waiting with Sam this morning the plumber turned up again and went to their house as they are still having problems with their toilet. In fact I said to the plumber there is hardly a week that he isn't in the complex dealing with someone's plumbing issues. All the problems Jess has been having with the plumbing made me think about when my girls were children and we had a lot of plumbing issues like every 2 or 3 months we would have a blocked toilet and the problem was never with our pipes but down the road at some junction which was the water boards issue to fix not the plumber.

I have also been thinking a lot about Christmas presents for the family and yesterday I went online and using a gift card I had bought a few small items to use as gifts for the family. All bought from the sites clearance section.

Speaking of Christmas I have to sort out address making sure they are all current and correct.

That's all for now, stay safe and be happy and remember you are special, you are the only you there is...........

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Working Life in the 1890's


Welcome to my first post about working life in the 1890's, I found a book I have on the topic and have decided to use it to write a bit about the topic.

Back in the 1890's working life was hard and insecure, it was a decade of political change and economic uncertainty. Any gains made prior to then disappeared as depression hit and jobs became scarce. Many employers found themselves on the edge of bankruptcy so they cut employee numbers and lowered wages.

It is now believed by historians that about 29% of workers suffered unemployment during the worst years, between 1892 till 1894 before things started to slowly improve in the late 1890's.

Before European settlement, work for Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders was just part of their daily life. Their effective and appropriate use of the land determined their survival and spiritual well being.

Of course the impact of the white mans ways of working had a negative effect on their way of life causing brave but futile resistance. They had their land taken and were forced to work in the white man's way on pastoral and other properties.

From the start of white settlement in Australia working life for convicts, Aborigines and the majority of free settlers was extremely hard.

The first Governor Arthur Phillip, decreed that convicts should work an eleven-and-a half hours a day from sunrise to sunset in the summer.

As well as working for the Government on public works such as the construction of buildings and road-making, convicts were assigned to free settlers and at first there was little regulation of their working conditions.

Many of the free white settlers also had it hard with their working conditions while working for squatters and well to do employers.

The Master and Servant Act of 1828 attempted to regulate conditions but mainly in favour of the Masters.

Wednesday, 13 September 2023

Aussie Slang Day


Hello and welcome to Aussie Slang Wednesday, here are this weeks words.

Docket: A receipt or maybe a bill

Doco: Documentary

Dropkick: Idiot or loser

Divvy Van: Police van which has a cage at the back also known as a Padddy Wagon

Jug: Electric Kettle

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Creature Day


Well here I am at another creature day and this weeks creature is the Armadillo Lizard something many would have heard of.

It measures just 21cm's in length and covered in spiny scales, it can roll itself into a ball, tail in mouth and underbelly protected when threatened.

Native to the west coast of South Africa, this fierce looking lizard has such a powerful bite that its been known to break its own jaw while eating.

It live in large family groups and eats bugs and spiders, they have a lifespan of around 20 years.

It's head, body and tail can all be flattened allowing it to squeeze into rock crevices for protection from predators such as eagles, snakes and mongooses.

Monday, 11 September 2023

Harold Holt


Well here we are at another cold Monday, I have just seen Sam off to school while we are waiting for his transport to arrive I am shown some weird and funny clips on his phone from YouTube or Tic Tok and it does feel good to have a laugh but now it is time for another well know/famous Aussie that you may have or more likely never heard off till now. This week have Harold Holt.

Harold Edward Holt CH was an Australian politician and lawyer who served as the 17th prime minister of Australia, from 1966 until his disappearance and presumed death in 1967, holding office as leader of the Liberal Party of Australia.

He was born on the 5 August 1908, seven months after his parents marriage in January 1908, he had a younger brother Clifford born in 1910.

Born in a suburb of Sydney in 1914 his parents moved to Adelaide while him and his brother remained in NSW with an uncle but it 1916 he went to live with his grandparents in country for about a year before returning to Sydney. Around that time his parents split up and he went to a boarding school.

He was admitted to the Victorian Bar in 1932 and set up his own legal practice in 1933, however, due to the depression things were hard and he relied on the hospitality of friends to get by. 1933 was the year he joined the Young Nationalist the youth wing of the United Australia Party.

Drawing on his family connections in show business, he eventually accepted an offer to become secretary of the Victorian Cinematograph Exhibitors' Association, a film industry lobby group. In this capacity he appeared several times before the Commonwealth Court of Conciliation of Arbitration. This had a positive effect on his own practice, and he eventually took on two partners, first Jack Graham and later James Newman. The firm of Holt, Graham, & Newman was dissolved in 1963, following a financial dispute and subsequently reconstituted as Holt, Newman, & Holt, with Holt's son Sam as the new addition. Holt's involvement in the practice declined once he entered politics and ceased altogether in 1949, although he did not formally retire until assuming the prime ministership.

Holt was twenty-seven years old when he entered parliament, making him its youngest member. He kept a relatively low profile in his first few years, but spoke on a wide range of topics. When Robert Menzies became prime minister in April 1939, he made Holt one of four ministers without a portfolio. His inclusion was made possible by the collapse of the coalition with the Country Party previously a certain number of positions had been reserved for Country MPs, but the new ministry was composed solely of UAP members. Although Holt officially had no portfolio, he effectively was an assistant minister to Richard Casey, who headed the Department of Supply and Development. He was given responsibility for the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR),and also acted for periods as Minister for Trade and Customs and Minister for Civil Aviation and Air, while the incumbents were overseas. Holt's first stint as a government minister came to an end in March 1940, when the coalition with the Country Party was reinstituted. His replacement was Arthur Fadden, another future prime minister.

He enlisted in the Militia in February 1939, joining a part-time artillery unit for businessmen and professionals. He was given indefinite leave during his ministerial service. In May 1940, without resigning his seat, Holt enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force with the intent of becoming a full-time soldier.

Several of his parliamentary colleagues did likewise at various points in the war. In a press statement, Holt said "as the youngest member of the House, I could not feel happy in my position if I were not prepared to make some sacrifice and take an active part". He was sent to Puckapunval for training, and expected to be posted to North Africa or Palestine.

More could be said about his early political career but I don't want to bore you too much so let's move on to his role as Prime Minister.

He was sworn in as prime minister on 26 January 1966, following the retirement of Robert Menzies six days earlier. He won the leadership election unopposed, with William McMahon elected as his deputy. He was the first Australian prime minister born in the 20th century and the first born after federation. He was almost fourteen years younger than his predecessor, but, at the age of 57, was still the fourth-oldest man to assume the office.

He had been an MP for over 30 years before becoming prime minister, still the longest wait for any non-caretaker Prime Minister. Stylistically, he was more informal and contemporary than Menzies, and his wife accompanied him into the political spotlight. He gave the media an unprecedented level of access, and was the first prime minister to conduct regular press conferences and grant regular television interviews. His press secretary, Tony Eggleton, accompanied him virtually every time he travelled.

He loved the ocean, particularly spearishing, and had holiday homes in Victoria and Queensland. On 17 December 1967, while he was spending the weekend with four companions decided to stop at remote Cheviot Beach for a swim before lunch– he had spearfished there on many previous occasions, and claimed to "know this beach like the back of my hand". Because of the rough conditions, only one other person, Alan Stewart, joined Holt in the water. Stewart kept close to shore, but he swam out into deeper water and was seemingly caught up in a rip eventually disappearing from view. One of the witnesses, Marjorie Gillespie, described it as "like a leaf being taken out [...] so quick and final".

Holt's disappearance sparked "one of the largest search operations in Australian history", but no trace of his body was ever found. At 10 p.m. on 18 December, Governor-General Lord Casey announced he had terminated Holt's commission as prime minister upon his presumed death.

A police report released in early 1968 made no definitive findings about Holt's death, while a colonial inquest in 2005 returned a verdict of accidental drowning. It is generally accepted that Holt overestimated his swimming ability. Some have alleged that he committed suicide, but those close to him rejected this as uncharacteristic of his personality. Conspiracy theories have included suggestions that he faked his own death, was assassinated by the CIA or was collected by a submarine so that he could defect to China.

A memorial service for Holt was held at St Paul's Cathedral Melbourne on 22 December, and attended by numerous world leaders. Aged 59 at the time of his death, Holt became the third Australian prime minister to die in office.

Sunday, 10 September 2023

Week 36 of 2023

 Found a pop tart on my walker this morning, Sam had left it there for me to try, which I did and it was ok but a bit sweet for me.

Had a good morning was able to sit for close to an hour with my feet up, twice during the day an even managed to sit at the computer with only moderate pain in my left knee. I did take a strong anti-inflammatory that Tasha gave me for when the pain is really bad. My GP will not give them to me as they are not good for me in the long run.

I woke this morning from a dream that had me looking for a toilet and some guy beating me to the toilet causing me to find another one, which had me climbing over someone's bed. Needless to say I woke needing to pee and finding it to 5.10am ten minutes past my normal get up time.

Tim got up around 10am which is pretty normal for him now days, he has a 1pm doctors appointment but I doubt it as he did the appointment online and didn't receive conformation of it. I was right when arrived for his appointment it hadn't gone through, but he was still able to see the doc. He has to have some test done.

I had to go and meet Sam this afternoon as Tim wasn't home yet and it was Sam's early day.

A new day and not a cold one, had to change what pants I had planed to wear.

Turned out the weather people were right for a change and it is a very warm day around 26 degrees.

Shopping came without a few things most notable is the missing toilet paper. With Tim's current diarrhoea issues we are going through a fair bit of it. So Tim will need to go and buy some from the local Coles.

I also didn't get my banana bread or mini choc chip muffins. I will ask Tasha to get them as Tim will not know what to get and most likely get the wrong stuff.

I had to wear longer, warmer pants when I got up as I couldn't be bothered trying to find lighter pants.

Kathy was telling me that Summer was swooped by a magpie again yesterday, on her way home from school. So at the moment she wants her mum to drive her to the bus stop of a morning, of an afternoon she is out of luck and has to walk as her mum is still at work.

Had a couple of moments when I was shaking so much I was unable to send Tasha a text was a bunch of letters making no sense.

Tim is having a bad day spending a lot of it in the bathroom, I feel for him. He feels he can't go far from the toilet.

Tim had a rough night up a few times to the toilet.

At7am my internet started playing I closed the browser hoping that would help but it didn't. So I did a re-boot and that fixed it.

Sam came down at 7.15am with some clothes that he wants to wear and are still damp, so he wanted to toss them into the dryer while he has a shower.

Kelli sent me a text asking if I could show her how to iron, I said I would but don't own an iron.

Another day with a lot of back pain.

Kelli canceled at 1pm

I was surprised to see Tasha as I was getting ready for bed, can't remember why she came but she will help me finish getting ready.

Oh what a headache this computer is giving me this morning, it is running slow and I have to have patience to deal with it.

Rang Sam over and over and over till I ended up ringing his mum and waking her up and asking her to go wake Sam up, gave it 5 minutes and tried ringing Sam again then rang Tasha to see if she would walk across and make sure Sam was awake but she asked me to try ringing again, which I did and Sam at last answered.

Around 9ish it started to rain and it rained most of the day and it has been pretty cold all day.

Tasha had a job interview at Anytime Fitness, she said it went well. She does have a way of presenting herself in a positive as do her sisters.

Tim cut my hair yesterday before I went to bed, I look different with extremely short hair. It is a cold morning and I have a headache might put the heater on for a little bit. I had the heater on for 30 minutes.

I stripped the bed and threw the sheets in the washing machine and have started trying to re-make the bed on my own. Tim hung the sheets outside on the lawn.

I thought Kathy was coming over but I was wrong, she said she will be over sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Friday, 8 September 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

It's Friday it is overcast and cool but at the moment not raining, I have been talking to my eldest daughter about her job she is in child care as in she works for a Goodstart Early Education Centre a job she mostly loves and is pretty damn good at.

Anyway she was telling me about a child they have there who has severe Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) now we are familiar with ODD as my nephew has it as does my grandchild Sam but nowhere near as severe as this child my daughter is dealing with has it. He is so bad that other children are afraid of him as well as a number of the staff including my daughter.

The child destroys stuff, hits people and generally attacks other people and is a nightmare to be around.

Now when my nephew was little he was suspended from day care and also expelled from day care for hitting other children and being argumentative with staff. How times have changed this my daughter is dealing with cannot be suspended or expelled because the day care she works for don't do that. I wish there was such a place when my nephew was little. He attended 3 or 4 day care places before settling kind of into a place.

Now I think it is great the Goodstart are not as strict as the places my mum had to deal with when my nephew was little but the staff and other children should not have to deal with physical abuse from anyone let alone a child of 5yrs old. They will be glad when he starts school and since he is nearly 6yrs old that should be next year. In fact I was surprised he was still in day care at 5yrs old and not already at school.

Thursday, 7 September 2023

Word of the week


What a morning with my internet being a right pain in the ass, anyway here is this weeks word of the week. Ringleader not to be confused with ringmaster.

Ringleader: A leader of a ring of individuals engaged in improper or unlawful activities.

Ringmaster: The leader of a circus performance.

Ok this week you got two words

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

Aussie Slang Day


Well it is Aussie Slang day and this week we have these gems.

Banana Bender: Someone from Queensland

Cane Toad: Also someone from Queensland

Cockroach: Someone from New South Wales

Crow Eater: Someone from South Australia

Sandgroper: Someone from Western Australia

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko


Hello everyone, how many of you have heard of the Satanic Leaf-Tailed Gecko, I have not heard of it and the look of it isn't pleasing to my eye but you may think different.

With its demonic red eyes, angular horns and wicked smile, its easy to guess how it got its name.

It is native to the rainforests of Madagascar, it also has an alarming red mouth that it uses to scare off predators. If you don't scare easily then consider its other defence mechanisms such as camouflage.

It is easy to mistake it for a leaf instead of the tail of this tiny gecko if you tried to pick it up it is likely to drop its tail and scamper off.

It doesn't just look like a leaf but it acts like one too, spending most of the day hanging motionless from a tree branch or curled among leafs on the ground.

It is only about 100-110mm (11cm) in length or about 4 inches so pretty small.

Monday, 4 September 2023

Ned Kelly


Here we are at another Monday so it is the day for another post about a famous Aussie in history and this week it is good old Ned Kelly.

Edward Kelly was an Australian bushranger, outlaw, gang leader and convicted police-murderer. One of the last bushrangers, he is known for wearing a suit of bulletproof armour during his final shootout with the police.

He was born sometime in December 1854 in the state of Victoria and died on the 11 November 1880 when he was hung at Old Melbourne Gaol, in Victoria. He was one of 9 children and had many cousins and extended family.

As stated Ned Kelly was a 'bushranger' a person who robbed others and spent his life escaping from the police. He also killed three policemen. There have been many films, songs and books about Ned Kelly. There is even an Australian saying: 'to be as game [brave] as Ned Kelly'.

Some believe his last words were “such is life”, but what Ned actually said as his last words is uncertain. Some newspapers at the time certainly reported the words 'Such is life', while a reporter standing on the gaol floor wrote that Ned's last words were, 'Ah well! It's come to this at last.

Contrary to popular belief and legend, Ned Kelly was not the Australian equivalent to Robin Hood, for he did not rob from the rich and give to the poor. In fact, he actually stole from poor Australians—as well as the rich—even getting violent with them if they did not concede to his demands.

Even though his criminal career was pretty short his crimes were seen as acts of resistance against Australia's British colonial rulers. He was a man of the people, speaking out loudly against a colonial government that discriminated against the poor.

During his final shoot-out with police, Kelly wore a crudely made set of steel armour. The police didn't know if they were shooting a man or a monster. A shot in his exposed leg brought Kelly down. He was captured, tried by law and sentenced to death for murder.

For some people he was a hero, this is believed to be because the people of Victoria were longing for a hero during those hard times. Widespread support for Kelly can be assumed from the 32000 signatures on a petition calling for his sentence to be changed from death to life in prison in 1880.

He is also known for his famous Jerilderie leeter,prior to arriving in Jerilderie, Kelly composed a lengthy letter with the aim of tracing his path to outlawry, justifying his actions, and outlining the alleged injustices he and his family suffered at the hands of the police. He also decried the treatment of poor selector families by Victoria's Squattocracy and, in "an escalating promise of revenge and retribution", invoked "a mythical tradition of Irish rebellion" against what he called "the tyrannism of the English yoke". Dictated to Byrne, the Jerilderie Letter, a handwritten document of fifty-six pages and 7,391 words, was described by Kelly as "a bit of my life". He tasked Edwin Living, a local bank accountant, with delivering it to the editor of the Jerilderie and Urana Gazette or publication.Due to political suppression, only excerpts were published in the press, based on a copy transcribed by John Hanlon, owner of the Eight Mile Hotel in Deniliquin. The entire letter was rediscovered and published in 1930.

Well I will leave it here, i could tell you more but don't feel like it, this is just an introduction to the man Ned Kelly.....

Week 7 of 2025

It is another nice cool morning with the temp being 19C, but we are looking at another hot one, just not as hot. My BGL was 5.1 This morni...