Wednesday 29 February 2012

What Do you think about sex education

Do you think schools should teach sex education or an abstinence only program? 

I saw this question of Sara’s blog she can be found here…………
If you don’t already follow her go on over and have a look around I think she is an amazing blogger and oh so funny……..

Anyway this got me thinking back when I was at school we had sex education sometimes the girls and boys would be separated and other times we weren’t. Of course it was called sex education it was called physical development but we learnt about sex in the class, I do not remember any notes being sent home for permission for us to take part in the class but that may have happened. 

Now I have heard/seen on many American TV shows this topic and it is like it is a big deal and shouldn’t be taught and that children should be taught abstinence which makes me think what the hell. Yeah we all know it is better to wait till you are in love and with someone special and have a serious long term relationship but bloody hell we are talking about teenagers who fall “in love” at the drop of a hat………………………we don’t want our children having sex at a young age but we can’t physically stop them. 

I think schools should teach both abstinence and how to have safe sex if you are going to have sex why because we live in the real world were teenagers will and do have sex………………………

Yes I know many people would say that it should be up to the parents to teach their children about sex but again in the real world many parents won’t or don’t and many children do not want to hear their parents talk about sex and if the parent brings up the subject they will just tune out or say “I don’t want to hear this” and walk away………….at school they may laugh and carry on but will also listen and hopefully learn something which is what all loving and caring parents want.

The kitten in the above picture is how teenagers are when we try and talk to them about sex................

Tuesday 28 February 2012

About Jo-Anne Tuesday..............What's that smell oh yeah it's me

Ok this week I will share this little embarressing tid bit about me............

I suffer from B O a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So if I stink don’t be afraid to tell me I hate to go around smelling, now I know some people (Jessica) do not like to be told they smell but it doesn't bother me I think it did when I was younger but not anymore. I carry deodrant with me in my hand bag so if I am out shopping and notice that I am starting to stink I will spray myself, also I know the difference between deodrant and body spray which is something I think a lot of young people don't they seem to think body spray deodrant is fine to use on it's own which it's not yes it says deordrant on the can but it is not the same as the deodrant you use under your arms................

I also do not like to have bad breath and carry chewing gum with me or fresh mints which I use frequently during the day if I am out mixing with people. 

Why are so many people annoyed or pissed off when they are told they have bad breath or bad boday odour......................ok I know why because it's embarressing and they do not know how to act or what they should do.........................

I have suffered from bad body odour most of my life when I was a teenager mum went and bought some kind of pills for me to take which helped but she doesn't remember what they were...........

Monday 27 February 2012

Monday's Tim's Day

I remember when I was around 18 my nan asking me what type of man I would like as a boyfriend at the time I just shrugged and said I  had no idea, because I thought my answer would sound silly......................

I wanted a man just like my dad and guess what I got one yes Tim is very much like my dad and the older Tim gets the more like dad he gets..................

That said Tim isn't as talented as dad he can't fix anything and everything like my dad can and he isn't as generous as dad is all the time but Tim has his moments were he can be generous just not on a dad to day basis............Like dad Tim has always worked hard to support his family.

Tim doesn't remind me in any way of his father which is just good with Tim as he doesn't want to be anything like his own father.............Yes Tim does look a bit like his father but that is as far as any likeness That said Tim does have hazel eyes just like my dad..........

So I guess wanting to marry a man just like my dad wasn't so silly after all.

Sunday 26 February 2012

Oh my poor back and something about Leo

Do you know what sucks "back pain" and I have had it since yesterday morning with no let is lower back pain and it hurts to sit and to stand and to walk and yes I have taken pain relief tablets but they really don't help a lot. Yes they do ease the pain so they are doing something at least.

I have no idea what I have done to cause the pain I just woke up yesterday morning with the pain.
This morning since getting up I have been coughing a lot and have a runny nose and a slight headache, so I am thankful that I don't have to go out today.

Moving on lets talk a little about Little Leo, I think I have mentioned that he was going to music group on Monday mornings well on Friday afternoon I got a phone call from the person running the music group, telling me that she things it would be better if Leo didn't go as he is not getting anything from it and is a bit too destructive. So instead they want us to go into the centre for some one on one something or rather to allow him to play and to talk about ways to deal with his behaviour.

Now this is what I wanted, Jessica didn't want to stick with the music group because of how much of a hand full Leo is while we are there but I wanted to stick it out so that other people could see how he is. I hope they can give us some useful suggestions to help deal with him as it is very stressful for both Jessica and me.

On Thursday even while I was taking care of Leo he walked out the front which was fine with me but when I called him to come inside he decided to take off up the driveway and both papa and Ihad to chase him Timwent one way and I went the other way to corner him but he managed to slip past me and headed in the opposite direction we did manage to get him and brought him inside and sent him to his room with no tv. After about 10 minutes he comes out of his room and apologised to me and papa for running off...............

Saturday 25 February 2012

Take care of you face & neck

Today I went out to pay something off my layby and while I was out I walked past a woman who had a smooth looking face with not many wrinkles but her neck and chest was a different matter they were very wrinkled and and looked like old worn leather............

See this woman brought up memories of my grandmother telling me that I have to always to look after not just my face but my neck and chest and when I apply moisturiser to my face I should automatically apply it my neck and chest. This I do every single time I apply my moisturiser I do not understand how some women can take care of their face and forget about their neck and chest.

Many woman also forget to take care of their hands I apply hand cream to my hands every night but I know I should do it more often durning the day but I honestly often forget about them during the day.

Friday 24 February 2012

It's mine don't touch it, yes I am know I have to share but I don't want to....................

Ok today while I was out shopping I thought of a few different things I wanted to blog about and now I am home and can do just that I can't remember what they were how bloody annoying. I am hoping if I sit and write said topics will pop back into my head...........

Ok some weeks I get a small amount of pension I am on a disabiility support pension but how much I get depends on how much Tim earns, each fortnight I have to log in and report his earnings and sometimes I get a bit of money other times I get nothing.............anyway what annoys me a little not a lot just a little is that if Tim sees that I have a few dollars left in the bank he will give me less money in my weekly money.

I know he thinks that I since I have some of my pension left over he doesn't have to give me as much, however, as I only get a very small amount of money like between $80 and $120 per fortnight I feel like I shouldn't have to use it for normal household expenses although I do. I was hoping to be able to get myself a new pair of 3/4 pants today but since Tim gave me less money I no longer have the money to get myself the pants and if I ask Tim he will say he doesn't know if he has the money even though we are only talking about $20.00.

Since I do not smoke or drink much and Tim does both I feel if I want to spend some of my pension on shoes or clothes or whatever I should be able to do so without him expecting me to use the money for food...................

I do not like haveing  to ask Tim for money all the time is that wrong of me.........................

Thursday 23 February 2012

Welcome to the Family Little DJ

I would like to introduce everyone to Daemon Joseph Simpson born yesterday at 12:54pm he is 6lb.13oz  and 51cm in length he has brown/black hair and is oh so cute............he is my great nephew and my grandson Blain's little brother I hope to get a photo of Blain and DJ soon............

Since I do not like the name Daemon much so I will always be calling him DJ, I went and saw my niece Kelli and Little DJ today, Jono was there of course along with a couple of their friends..........

Wednesday 22 February 2012

A Busier Day Than I Thought It Would Be

Well my nice and easy lazy type of Wednesday hasn't turned out the way I thought it would after taking Leo to day care I come home and wait for mum to pick me up to go to see nan which she does but we hadn't go very far when Jessica rings me to go and get Leo from the day care as he had been hit in the head with a toy truck and was bleeding and needed to be seen by a doctor they thought he might need I go and get him and take him to the doctors surgery and his mum meets us there and he gets seen by a nurse and a doctor as it turned out he didn't need stitches or to have it clued and has been fine for the rest of the day...............

I brought him back here for a while as Jes had a couple of things she had to do then all 3 of us went shopping so Jes could do her weekly shopping and Leo was really well behaved, now they have gone home for the night and I have a chance to finish reading some blogs and write this post.

Moving on Tim has arranged for Natasha to have a job interview at the depo they are looking for a cleaner, Tasha said she didn't want a cleaning job but I told her that her dad is only trying to help. So it would be nice if she goes to the interview this afternoon and have a talk to the woman and if she still doesn't want the job then fine but at least she can tell her dad that she went and had the interview. Now to see what happend she can be a stubourn girl at times.......

Next my niece Kelli went into labour this morning and my great nephew Daemon Joesph was born at 12.54pm I will be calling him now my grandson Blain has a new little brother. My sister Sue is stoked to have another grandson also................I will go over to see them tomorrow and take some photos of him if I can get hold of Tim's camera as I still haven't had mind replaced...........

Tuesday 21 February 2012

About Jo-Anne Tuesday..............Being Short

Ok so since yesterday I told you all about hubby being short I will share today that he is taller then me yes I am only 4'11" or 150 cm tall I think 150cm is 4'11" but when I just went to check the conversion chart on site said that I was only 4'9" what the hell I have always thought I was 4'11" so I went to another site and it said I was 4'11" so I am happy in fact most people are taller then me and you know what this doesn't bother me at all and it never has............see I told you I was a short

I am taller than my sister Jeannie who is only 4'7" I think she is that tall right at this moment I can't remember if she is as tall as Natasha or shorter then her.................I know Natasha is 4'7" or 140cm tall..........

My dad is only 5'2" and mum is I think 5'4" she is a little taller then dad and a couple of years older............the tallest member of my family is my brother David who is about 5'10" or around  178cm tall.  The adverage height in my family is around 5' I do think Dawson will be fairly talk he is only 12 and nearly as tall as his dad but his mum is tall also so no shock there............

Even though I am only short I have never thought of myself as being small this is me it is who I am and I am happy with me people can take me or leave me and I don't let taller people push in front of  me. There was a time a few years ago I was out at a club and went up to the bar I am waiting to be served and this really tall guy walks up behind me and speaks over me to the barman and I pipe up and say "being taller then me doesn't mean you can serve him first" " I was here before him I'm short not invisiable"
See this it is raining here today hasn't stopped since I got up in fact I do not think it has stopped since around 6pm yesterday and of curse I have to go out this afternoon, it is the type of day where I would rather just stay home curled up watching telly or reading a book.......................or sleeping is always good too..............

Monday 20 February 2012

Monday is Tim's Day

So Monday has rolled around again and that means time to talk about my wonderful loving husband Tim...............

Tim is only 5'2" tall and thinks that is a bad thing he often thinks people think less of him because he is short and has often said he wishes he was taller. He seems to think he will have a better life if he was taller.

I have told him that isn't the case for one thing he wouldn't have me if he was taller as I have no desire to be with a man who is a lot taller than me. Now I know there has been times certain people he words with have made stupid ass comments about him being short such as this: "do you have training wheels for that" this comment was made when the guy saw Tim's motorbike and this bothered Tim for a long time when he told me about the comment all I said was what an asshole................

I was hoping that as he aged he would become less sensitive about him height but no that hasn't happen. I know some people do not think there is such a thing as small man syndrome but I do think there is and I feel that Tim has it, of course he doesn't think he has such a thing.............

Maybe the reason I am not bothered by his height is because I am also short and I come from a family of short

Sunday 19 February 2012

Yesterday was a lazy type of day for me for the most part it was just me and Leo as papa left for work at 1pm and he didn't get out of bed till like 9.30am and of course both me and Leo where in bed asleep by the time he got home from work last night and he is still in bed now and both me and Leo have been up since 7am.

Jessica has gone to visit a friend in Cassino the town not the place to visit a friend  she left Friday evening on the 6.30pm train and will return Monday evening at 6.30pm she took the night train up and is getting the day train home so I don't have to go and get her at Yes it's a 9hr train ride.

I did manage to do a couple of loads of washing yesterday but when I was out getting the washing off the line in the afternoon Leo got hold of Tim's tape measure and broke it and I bet Tim will be annoyed when he gets up he pulled it all the way out so the tape measure and the holder ended up in two bits............

Last night while he was in the bath he was making a lot of noise and I went to see what was wrong and nothing was wrong he was just having fun, I asked him to not make so much noise but of course that didn't stop him so I go in a second time to see him and when I try to talk to him he just ignores me so I got annoyed and snapped at him and he started to cry..............he said he wanted his mum and asked me to ring her which I did and he asked her over and over to come home he said nanny would go and get her and bring her home.

This upset Jessica and made her want to come home and hold him but that wasn't an option and of course he was upset too but after he hung up the phone he went in and watched Scooby Doo and was ok.

So what do I have planned for today well I want/need a bath didn't get one last night with Leo and I have to wash the towels and put away yesterdays laundry and of course and I think I will read some blogs and well I have no idea what else I will do maybe papa has plans we will see.

Although right at the moment I have no desire to go out maybe I will go over and see my parents but only maybe, right now I will finish this and then go see to the laundry..............

Saturday 18 February 2012

Your Last 24 Hours.....................

          Where on earth would you like to spend your last 24 hours?
Right here with my family now does that come as a surprise to anyone…………………….lol

I don’t think so as everyone knows me well enough to know that I love being with my family even if they do have a habit of driving me around the bend………………

That said if I couldn’t be with my family I would like to spend it at somewhere like Disneyland, ok it would be more fun if I was at Disneyland with my family or since I am in Australia and we do not have Disneyland here I would settle for Movie World and Dreamworld. 

I haven’t been to Movie World since my girls where teenagers and the last time I went to Dreamworld was on my honeymoon and I would love to go back to both places somewhere I could have fun…………..

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Playing in the toilet leads to this.....................

Since yesterday was Natasha's birthday and I did a birthday post for her I still have Natasha on my mind so I will share with you a little something else about my darling daughter................
This happpened when she was in primary school I can't remember what year she was in at the moment but I do remember her doing this........................
Ok I get a letter sent home from the school one day telling me that we had to pay $300 to have a toilet replaced, because it had been broked my my daughter Natasha. I was like what the hell when did this happen, how come no one had told me that she had broken a toliet so I go to the school early in the afternoon to speak to the principal about it. He tells me that a week or so earlier she was playing in the toilets and fell/jumped from the top of a stall and broke a toilet and that we had to pay to have it fixed. I said NO we would not be paying for it, he tells me that she has been playing in the toilets for a while now and had been told not to do so on a number of occassions and now something has been broken and we have to pay....................
I still said NO if she had been getting into trouble for playing in the toilets and it was a problem then I should had been told about it ages ago before something was broken, I felt that I was unable to address the problem as I had not been told about it.
When asked if she was the only child to be playing in the toilet at the time I am told that she has been hanging out with Samantha E****S and when I asked if Samanthas parents had recieved a bill he had spoken to her mother. However as it turned out they had not issue a bill to Samantha's mother, Samantha is my niece so it was easy for me to find out. Natasha was consided the ring leader and the one who had to be held resposable
The principal gave me the bill and said we had to pay for it and I remember grapping it and saying we will see............. I came home and contacted the Education Dept and also rang my sister who knew nothing about the problem. That afternoon I get a phone call from the school telling me that we no longer had to pay the bill.
The Education Dept said we should had been contacted earlier if there was a problem

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Happyy Birthday Natasha............

This week there is no “About Jo-Anne Tuesday” why is that you wonder well I will tell you it's because today is the 25th birthday of my darling daughter Natasha..........

Yes my baby girl is a ¼ of a century old today.......................

This time 25yrs ago I was chilling at home looking after my precious daughter Kathy-Lee wondering if Natasha would ever be born she was 14 days over due and I was so over being pregnant. Then at around 7pm my water broke, we rang my mum and told her we would be dropping Kathy-Lee off and heading for the hospital which was like a 20 minute drive. I was having contractions but they were not that bad at the time but thankfully the labour didn't drag on she was born at 11pm that night, weighing 7lb 13oz she was the biggest of all my babies but is the shortest of all my

Natasha was my wild child the rebel in the family she was the daughter who caused me to have sleepless nights worrying about her but she has grown into such an amazing woman and is a wonderful mother and I am very proud of the women she has grown into. Yes I still worry about her she is struggling to cope money wise and suffers from stress and in my opinion depression but she will not talk to anyone about her depression and stress and I can't make her all I can do is be here for her.........................
 Remember Natasha that both mummy and daddy love you more then words can express............

Monday 13 February 2012

Monday Means Tim's Day

Monday has rolled around so that means I will share with you another tid bit about hubby and this week I decided I will tell you about his self esteem it's LOW in fact it is often very low and this upsets me. He often thinks no one likes him or that people think he is stupid and I do not know how to make him think better of himself I hate it when I see or hear him putting himself down and I will often tell him that I do not like it and don't want him to do which he will say but it's true I am stupid and I say stupid things...................grrrrrrrrrr

Yes he does say silly things at times but hey who doesn't I know I have said some silly things in my life but that doesn't make me stupid it makes me normal. So I wish I could get Tim to understand that.

I think the problem goes back to his childhood when his father would call him stupid on a daily basis and often smack him around the head because he said something that he thought was stupid...........but children do say some silly things no child should be made to feel that what they say is stupid or wrong....................we have always listened to our children and have never ever called anyone of them stupid.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Good Idea............

Sometimes hubby has good ideas even if at the time the he has said idea I am not all that keen on it.

One such idea was to have our clothes dryer outside............yes it is outside under cover but still outside and now I do like that it is outside................

Why you ask do I like having to go outside to place my clothes in the dryer, well I will tell you it's because on days like yesterday when I get up and it is raining and I do the washing sometimes by the time I have to go and place the clothes in the dryer it has stopped raining but it is still overcast. If the dryer was in the laundry I would just take the clothes and shove them in the dryer but by having to go outside to use the dryer I will go out and change my mind and peg the clothes on the line anyway..................I do prefer to peg my clothes on the line to dry.

Another good idea he had was many years ago he bought a fax machine this was back before email was so common and when he did I thought when will we use a fax machine but as it turned out we used it a lot a real lot........................

Thursday 9 February 2012


    Do you dance in public? Why or why not?
When I say in public I am not just talking about doing a little dance while out shopping and yes I have done that in the past and I will more then likely do it again in the

I am also talking about dancing at functions like weddings I love to dance and I know I am not a great dancer but I do enjoy it and wish at times that I was married to a man who would dance with me.............but no he doesn't dance not even at weddings unless he is pretty drunk then he will dance with me or anyone around

I remember years ago though he would do a little dance while we where out shopping with my sister Sandra music would be playing and he would grap her an swing her around in a little dance the moment would pass pretty quick though.......yes Tim was a fun guy now days he wouldn't dream of doing something like that.

Most of the time I dance at home alone even at home Tim will not dance with me he just says I don't dance.

I think dancing is a wonderful way to release stress and have fun which is why I love to dance and I think if you can allow yourself to do a little dance while out in public then you will be a more relaxed and happier person............

Tuesday 7 February 2012

About Jo-Anne Tuesday.......................

I pride myself on being non-judgemental, I think too many people are too quick to judge others and if people could accept that everyone is different and we do not all have to agree with each other then there would be less fighting in the world. 

Now just because I do not judge others doesn’t mean I agree with everything someone says to me or how different people in my life act or live their lives but it is their life and everyone is allowed to live their own life however they see fit.

Tim has a bad habit of expecting our daughters to see things our way but they are adults and don’t and he will go on about how they should be doing certain things and not doing other things. He things Natasha should kick Adrian to the curb because he has no income and is living off her and she has no money is in drowning in debt but when I try and tell him that he is allowed his own opinion but can’t tell a 25yr old woman what to do he gets annoyed with me and thinks I am against him.
He seems to think that they should do things his way because his way it the right way and will judge those who do things different or have a different way of life.

I believe there is only one true judge and that is our Lord, yes there are other judges those whose job it is to pass judgement on people who break the law but I am not one of those people so I do not judge…………


Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...