Do you smile very often?
I do I like to smile I have always liked to smile, I remember when I was in school I would smile as a way of not letting the bullies bother me yes I was called names and I would just smile and think to myself what is your problem............I can remember hearing a couple of other girls talking about me and they where saying "does anything every upset her she is always smiling and happy". The thing was that I wasn't always happy in fact often I was feeling numb and yes sad but I was not going to let that lot see how sad and unhappy I was.
Even now I will smile and laugh no matter how sad I am feeling as when I do show my family that I am not very happy they will at times act like they do not care, so I wonder why bother showing the sad side of me.........being happy and upbeat has become a habit for me.....................
Now do not get me wrong most of the time I am truely happy and smiling does come naturally for me and I do for the most part love my life and my family..............I do think smiling makes things not seem so bad and if you smile you will make others smile and pass on good vibes.