Sunday 30 June 2019

The Week That Was No:26

Another week done and dusted, so let me start another week that was post. Tim went and picked up Leo and brought him here so he could cut Leo's hair, in order to get rid of his head lice.

So this morning Tasha came down to help me get dressed and get the clothes off the line, while she was here Tim read allowed the text I sent him last night about Kathy. So Tasha sent Kathy a nasty text about the fact that she has a bloody good life and how dare she say otherwise.

Tim went over and got Leo so he could cut Leo's hair. He had to borrow Tasha's hair clippers as his were blunt.

Tim also replaced the bulb in his bike's headlight.

Jessica came over with Kelli and her kids, so I was able to see Freya and give her the elephant I bought her.

It is a cold and wet day, here in my part of Newie.

Monday was another cold and wet morning, Tim on afternoons again. No aqua as it is far too cold. Tasha came up to borrow some liquid paper.

I found myself falling asleep at 9am so I went back to bed for 2hrs.

On Tuesday I had an appointment with the nurse at the doctors surgery. However, when I made the appointment the receptionist stuffed up and made it with Arun. The nurse still did the care plan anyway.

I have had a change in my medication, I know will only take 1 Diamicron daily as well as 1 Forxiga tablet daily and have to checked my blood often each day.

I woke up tired on Thursday morning and ended going back to bed at 8am for two hours. I still felt tired but could at least function.
Felt tired most of the day, had to go for another nap, Leo woke me up when he got home from school.

Friday I slept in till 8am as Leo isn't going to school as he has an appointment with Dr Murry at the John Hunter Hospital.

Jessica arrived at 9am, she called in sick this morning.

Dr Murry was running an hour late, we ended up seeing her registrar but Dr Murry did come in and see us as well.

They now thing Leo may have something called, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is something to do with how flexible he is. He is being referred to a specialist about it.

It looks like we may have to go private to have his autism diagnosed. I mentioned it to Tim he wasn't interested but I will speak to him again.

Saturdays morning I went to Charlestown with Kathy and Summer.
Natasha & Kathy patched up their differences and Tasha dyed Kathy's hair.

Last night I had a hypo attack and had to get help from Tasha.
After that I settled down and slept well.

Had another hypo attack Sat night and was in a right mess had to take some honey to make me feel ok. This happened twice.
I sent an email off to the blood glucose company letting them know that I feel the machine is playing up.

I also have rang mum and asked if I could borrow dad's machine to check what that level it shows compared to mine.

Thursday 27 June 2019

Poem Thursday

Well it is late on Thursday afternoon but it is still Thursday so here is this weeks poem thingy.

We are not friends
because of the laughs
we spend, but the tears
we save. I don't want to
be near you for the
thoughts we share but
the words we never
have to speak.

BY: Unknown

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Photo Day

                                                    My dad with his brother Richard

Tuesday 25 June 2019

Gross Facts No:19

Hello everyone, it is another cold and wet day.
Leo will be here soonish.
Mum woke me from my nap, with a phone call, she had just received a phone call saying that someone had just logged into her Amazon account, so he just hung up. She doesn't have a Amazon account.

Anyway here are this weeks gross facts.

In 2013 a group of London students opened a restaurant specialising in insects......Really why?????

Dishes included watermelon with caterpillar risotto and ground up cricket......I'll pass

Sumo wrestlers eat two giant pots of meat stew every day......I wonder what the vegan wrestlers eat....this is to make sure they're heavy enough to fight.

Over 2 billion people a round the world are overweight......of which I am one

Only around 805 million people are ill with that is so wrong and sad.

Monday 24 June 2019

Did you know No:26

Hello Monday, damn it is cold here again today, I was up at 6am but at 9am I was falling asleep so I went back to bed for a couple of hours. The first thing I did after getting up at 11am was vacuum the lounge room.

Here are this weeks did you know facts.

On average, lightning causes about 80 odd deaths in the United States each year.

The most expensive spice is saffron, which comes from the stigma of a crocus flower, it costs about $7-8 per gram.

As early as 600BC, in the province of Shanxi in China people refrigerated food by putting it within blocks of ice in underground pits.

The most played song on American radio during the 20th century was “You're Lost That Loving Feeling”.

The song is the only one in history to be played in different versions, over 8 million times on the radio. That adds up to about 45 years of continuous play.

Sunday 23 June 2019

The Week That Was No:25

Another week over or about to start depending on how you think, it is a nice day not hot by any means but also not cold at all. Tim is at work and I am having a nice day doing a lot of nothing. What is a lot of nothing you wonder, it is sorting out medication, vacuuming out, sorting out a couple of boxes of paperwork, shredding stuff and making food and eating it while watching TV.

I watched the first part of the Chernobyl documentary and found it quite interesting.

Monday was spent doing nothing much, it was raining on and off all day, so I was glad Tim took the car to work. I asked Tasha if she would come get the clothes off the clothes hoist

Tuesday was much warmer, I opened both sliding doors to allow the breeze through the house. Today I did 2 loads of washing and had to get the washing off the hoist before I could hang it out, Tasha didn't get around to doing it.

Wednesday morning Both Leo and myself had doctors appointments, nothing wrong with Leo just needed a ongoing referral for Dr Murry.

I asked about a few things such a new medication for my depression and my back pain as well as my curling toes and fat lip. I have to have a ct scan of my back.
Tim also had a Dr appointment to get the results of his colonoscopy.

Friday was another bloody cold day, Jessica sent me a text letting me know that she is unable to meet me at the square. So Natasha is going to stay with me.

Saturday morning when Kathy arrived I was dressed except for my socks, so I asked her if she could put them on for me.

Well she carried on so much that Summer went to get Tasha. Tasha could hear Kathy going off so when she walked in she snapped at Kathy telling her to get over it, it's only feet and that when she was a baby I did everything for her, this pissed Kathy off.

Kathy thought Natasha had a hide saying that. Kathy went on and on about Natasha while she drove me to the Xray place. I felt like crying all this over my socks.

Kathy said she doesn't ever want to see or speak to Natasha again. 
This is distressing for me.

When I was having blood taken I was shaking so much that one lady had to try and hold the hand still while the other lady drew blood.
So all in all my Saturday sucked.

Thursday 20 June 2019

Poem Thursday No: 15

Hello Thursday it is a bloody cold day here in Newie I have the heater on it's that cold. Here is this weeks poem, verse or whatever.........

God is the sunshine that
warms us, the rain that melts
the frost and waters the young
plants. The presence of God is
a climate of strong and bracing
love, always there.

BY: Joan Arnold

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Photo Day

                                                           MY GRANDDAUGHTERS

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Gross Fact No:18

Good afternoon everyone, hope all is well with everyone, well here is this weeks gross facts.

In Cambodia, large spiders fried with garlic are a popular dish.

Native American's roast beetles and munch on them like popcorn.
Bali catch dragonflies with a stick coated in a sticky plant juice, which they then fry and eat.

Japanese athletes drink giant hornet juice

Food markets in Beijing China offer candied scorpions on a stick

In Laos people are known to eat red ants tossed with salad.

Monday 17 June 2019

Did you know No: 25

Good morning world, another cold day here in Newie, Tim is on afternoons this week and next week as well. Last night I watched the first part of Chernobyl which I found quite interesting. I remember the event a disaster that happened in my life time but to be honest I wasn't bothered much by it at the time I was too young and it was on the other side of the world. Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

To cook one billion pounds of spaghetti you would need 2,01,145,000 gallons of water, enough to fill nearly 75,000 Olympic size swimming pools.....if you say so.....

One billion pounds of spaghetti is about212,595 miles of 16ounce packs of spaghetti stacked end to end, enough to circle the earth's equator nearly nine times....really??????

The word “dude” was coined by legendary Irish playwright Oscar Wilde and his friends. It is a combination of the words “duds” (meaning clothes) and “attitude”.......that doesn't make sense

The armadillo has as many as 104 teeth......don't bite me please

The strongest teeth in the world belong to John Massls of Belgium, he proved this by pulling two Long Island Railroad passenger cars weighing 80 tons along the rails with a rope held on a bit between his teeth.......what the hell, why.........

Sunday 16 June 2019

The Week That Was No: 24

Well another week that was is posted so time too start the next one.

Today the girls came for lunch for Jessica's birthday, Leo was unmedicated so was a hand full but that meant he ate. I was glad to see them all leave.

I offered to make a potato bake for Tasha but it did hurt my back.
Jessica asked if I would go to Kmart with her tomorrow, Leo needs new school shoes.

Monday morning I slept in till 8.40am after I got up and dressed with Tasha's help. I had two eggs for breakfast then I rang Glendale shopping centre and booked a scooter for 11am. I then rang Jessica, she had forgotten about going Kmart.

However, we still went Tasha drove me to Jessica's in my car and she was in a mood about it.

I am worried about Natasha she is run off her feet taking care of Colin. I am worried they are taking advantage of her.

Jessica drove my car home and will bring it back tomorrow.

Tuesday I was up at 6.30am another cold morning, Natasha came and helped me get dress.

Jessica arrived around 9.15am with the car, I have asked Tasha if she would take her home.

However, at 10.45 she decided to walk home because she thought I was in a snappy mood. She was wrong I was fine.

This was because she spilt her drink over papers I had on the table, as well as over the medication containers. I got up to clean it up while she did nothing.

Then a man came to the door with Natasha on his phone, I told Jess to talk to her and she yells and say what, try hello. Natasha was out and he needed to get into her house. Jess took him up and let him in, he took a photo of the broken item and left.

Leo is here tonight.

At 4.15am on Wednesday morning, Leo came in wanting more night time medication, heard Papa telling him no as he will need to get up in a few hours.

When I got up he was awake but by 6.45 he was asleep again. I had to wake him at 7.50am.

Jessica called in to pick up Leo's stuff.

I slept in Thursday morning to 8.04am I woke at 4.04am with a headache, I applied Vicks to my forehead and went back to sleep. The headache was still there when my alarm went off a 6am.

Tim home early from work, had him ring Rankin Park Day Hospital about the bars in the bathroom. Sara will ring me on Monday.
Leo here tonight.

Friday morning Tasha & I went to get mum & Dawson but when we arrived Sue was there and we ended up taking Dawson and Sue drove mum.

Jessica rang at 7am and said she didn't know when or if she would be able to meet me at Charlie. Thankfully she was able to meet me.

I had a bad start to the day I was shaking so bad that I had to have a smoke before I went to Charlie.

Jessica brought me more cookies.

Saturday now and a pretty average day, Tim is off. Natasha brought down sheets for me to wash as well as a doona which Tim put on the line instead of in the dryer.

This afternoon Tim at last cut my hair.

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Photo Day

                                                         GRANDSON NUMBER TWO

Tuesday 11 June 2019

Gross Facts No:17

Good morning world, Jessica thinks I am in a mood but I do not think I am. She has just left to walk home from here to her place is a long ass walk.
Well it is Tuesday so it is gross facts day.

Haggis is made from the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys of a sheep

Garum, a fish sauce was the Ancient Greek's and Roman's favourite condiment.....I will stick with tomato sauce

It was made from rotten fish.......yuck

More than 1,900 species of insects are eaten around the world, not by me.......

Fried locusts are a Nigerian delicacy........yuck

The taste a little like prawns......still yuck

Monday 10 June 2019

Did you know No:24

Good afternoon everyone here my part of the world today is a public holiday so no school for the grandkids or work for Jessica, Tim however, is at work.

So anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

Working Council in England held a special meeting to choose a name for their new indoor swimming pool. After much discussion and thought they finally hit on the idea: “Working Indoor Pool”.

Russia's Lake Baikal is a mile deep and contains more fresh water than any other lake in the world.

Dr.Samuel Mudd was the doctor who took care of John Wilkes Booth, the shame of the act gave raise to the expression “his name is mud”.

In the Great Fire of London in 166, half of London was destroyed but only six people were injured.

There is enough fuel in the tank of a jumbo jet to drive an average car around the world four times.

Sunday 9 June 2019

The week that was No: 23

Another week over another week starting. Today aka Sunday was spent answering letters 5 in total and then I had to do the weekly medications. Jessica and Leo called in to pick Leo's medication for the next week, she wasn't feeling good and was somewhat snappy with me.

Monday morning started out cold with a temperature of 11°c so I didn't go to aqua because the cold water really makes my knees sting with pain. Tim took the car to work.

Tuesday is cold and wet it was only 6°c when I got up this morning, Tim took the car to work again.

We have had very strong winds on and off all day, so Tasha got the boys out of school a little early, didn't bother me as I was having a nap when Leo arrived.

Wednesday morning was cold and wet still, I made Leo change his school pants this morning.

I had to go back to bed at 9.30am, I slept for 90 minutes and felt better when I woke up.

Thursday is another cold but dry day, at around 7.15am I rang Jessica to see where they were and she said Tasha was going to pick Leo up from here house on her way to the school. I said it would be nice if someone told me.

Tim off today he had doctor's appointment at Belmont hospital, just to get the results of his colonoscopy, all is good but he will need to have another in 3yrs time.

Today is also Jessica's 30th birthday she was born at 4.15am so Tim & I took her out for lunch at the Eastern Tiger restaurant.

Friday I had to go shopping alone as Jessica had a doctors appointment to get a flu shot. However she was given a script to get it and neither of the two chemist she went to had it in stock.

Friday night Jessica & Leo were invited out for tea along with her friend Kim who she works with and her son, to the home of one of the children they drive to from school. I thought I might have Leo for the night as Jessica thought he may not want to go and she wasn't going to force him.

Saturday now, I didn't have Leo last night as he went with his mum to the dinner and had a good time, as Kim's son also went and Leo is good friends with her son.

We did have Leo all day today while Jessica was at work he spent a lot of time out the backyard playing with dirt/mud. He is never any trouble when he is here.

Sunday at last, having the girls and grandchildren here for lunch for Jessica's birthday. When I went to get dressed this morning my left knee gave out and I ended up on the floor but thankfully the house phone was on the bed and I was able to ring Tasha for help.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

Photo Day

                                                           MY ELDEST GRANDSON

Tuesday 4 June 2019

Gross Facts No:16

Good morning world it is morning here, a cold and wet morning at that. Anyway it's Tuesday so it is gross facts day........

The gelling agent in most jellies is gelatin and is sourced from animals.

You can buy cow tongue ice cream in Tokyo.

Carmine is a red food colouring that comes from boiled cochineal beetle.

An edible snail is called an escargot.

Snails have been eaten since Roman times.

Monday 3 June 2019

Did you know No::23

Good morning everyone it is another somewhat cold day here in Newie. As it is Monday it is did you know day, so here is this weeks facts.

Statistics from food research groups show that children eat an of average of 28kg (62 pounds)of pasta each year.

The American Constitution is in the National Archives Building in Washington, D C. During the day pages one & four are displayed in a bullet-proof case. The case contains helium to preserve the paper's quality. At night the pages are lowered into a vault, behind five-ton doors that are designed to withstand a nuclear explosion.

When the Montgolfier brother's balloon landed after its first flight on 5th June 1783, it was hacked to bits by the villagers of Lyons, France who thought it was a monster from outer space.

Ancient Egyptians died before they turned 30

Ancient Egyptians sleep on pillows made of stone.

Sunday 2 June 2019

The week that wasl No:22

Just posted the last week that was, so now to start the next one. Sunday was s pretty quiet day because Tim was home I didn't spend the day watching my shows.

Monday now, Leo has just arrived, it is a cold start to the day I am all stuffed up in the head.

Tim took the car to work as he has to pick up his new work uniform.

I went to aqua and found the cold water made my knees sting with pain. I told Tasha I will not be going on cold days in future.

At around 3pm the temperature dropped 10 degrees from 19 to 9 degrees Celsius. I was in bed having a nap but felt it when I got up.

Tuesday morning I had to turn the heater on when I got up but I only needed it on for an hour.

Didn't go to aqua on Wednesday as it was freezing cold and I also had an appointment with the podiatrist to have my nails cut.

Thursday I had to go to the doctors for scripts and a flu shot, didn't cost me anything to get the flu shot.

Leo received a new Optimus Prime toy today he used his pocket money to buy it off Ebay and he loves it.

Friday morning was still bloody cold, Tasha turned the heater in the car to 30°c which I thought was too high. My mum & Dawson didn't go to Charlestown as both of them felt under the weather.

Saturday morning I was woken up by Summer at 9.50am and I was shocked that I slept so late. After getting up and dressed Kathy-Lee & Summer drove me over to the cemetery to see dad, I took some artificial flowers because I feel artificial look nice for longer than fresh.

Saturday Jessica and I went to see the lady who gave Jessica the cookie dough, we were there for 90 minutes. Leo came with us, she was a nice lady.

Mum was telling me that she has had an emotional day thinking about dad and crying.

Tim enjoyed the couple of hours he spent home alone he doesn't get to spend much time alone.


Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...