Sunday 25 June 2017

A Sunday Post

Well hello everyone been pretty busy since Friday, so busy I didn't do a post on Friday I just didn't find the time in fact Friday morning when I went to Charlie for my weekly shopping I left the house without my hearing aids and shopping list and the invitation to dad and Sandy's birthday party that Jeannie is going to send to her son Tyler.

By the time I got home on Friday afternoon I was in so much pain with my right ankle I could barely stand let alone walk. Also when I got home as I pull up to reverse the car onto the lawn which is where I park it, I noticed the front door was open and thought someone is here, than I noticed Kathy's car and thought it's Kathy. I than continued reversing and then there was a loud bang as I hit the trailer breaking the tail light on the car and my first thought was Tim is going to go off about it.

Kathy said it was only the tail light and dad would be ok as it was just an accident, well I sent him a text and told him what happened and sent him a photo of the tail light and was he ok with it, no he made me feel terrible. He went on about how I am costing him money and he has so much financial stress and I don't care. So all in all I ended up wanting to cry. When he got home he was still going on about it which didn't help how I felt. Saturday he was ok with it and stopped going on about it.

Last night we had Leo in fact we had him most of the day and all night as his mum was working again, last night he lost another tooth and when I asked him if the tooth fairy came he at first said no and I said I saw money on his desk so he said oh yeah I think nanny tooth fairy came as in me.

Yesterday we also had Sydney-May and Summer here with their mum for about four hours the girls and Leo were playing together and having a great time, in fact Leo wanted to go home with them as they were having such a great time together but of course that wasn't going to happen.

Kathy has been a big help to me recently she with her dad cleaned out the laundry cupboard last Sunday and on Friday she cleaned out one of the kitchen cupboards and also cleaned up my bedroom and vacuumed out for me.

Of course I have been up since 4.30am this morning and did 1hr and 21mins of exercises although yesterday I didn't exercise at all I took the morning off and rested my ankle. Leo has been up since 5am this morning.

Tim is working today so I hope Jessica isn't too late picking Leo up this morning.


  1. Good to have help to clean Jo-Anne.

    1. Yes it was as I can't stand for long periods of time and getting down on the floor can be hard

  2. Good to know that Kathy came over to help you. I hope your right ankle is much better now. Have a good rest.

    1. The ankle is improving slowly, Kathy is amazing she is such a help

  3. I hope the tail light is an easy fix. We all get distracted sometimes. Hope your ankle is better. :)

    1. It should be, these things happen, the ankle is improving

  4. I'm so sorry about your pain and about the accident. A tail light shouldn't be a major problem to repair.


    1. No shouldn't be a big deal although the way Tim went on you would think differently

    2. Men think everything is the end of the world.

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Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...