Tuesday 30 April 2019

Gross Tuesday Death

Good afternoon everyone, it is Tuesday or should I say Gross Tuesday and keeping with the theme of the week I am sharing some gross funeral facts.

Passing away = passing gas, Gas continues to move through your body after you die. Morticians commonly report situations where they are caught off guard by a big fart in a room full of only dead people.

Because there is bacteria leftover in the body after you die your body is still making poo after you die.

People have been known to urinate shortly after they die as well as pooping because the gas in the body forces out remaining food.

Decomposition takes 8 to 12 years although the body starts to decompose after 24hrs, starting with the internal organs after 3-5 days the body starts to bloat and bloody foam starts to leak from the nose and

Monday 29 April 2019

Did you know No: 15

Well here we are at another Monday and that means it is did you know day and this weeks facts are about funerals as today is my dad's funeral.

There is no law that says you have to have a funeral, however, the law does state that you must “dispose of the body of the person who has died by burial, cremation or any other means”

Saturday funerals are becoming more common. A major advantage is that people tend to be more available to attend a Saturday funeral, however, be aware that they cost more because penalty rates apply for staff from the funeral company and the cemetery.

Hindu: Mourners at the funeral are usually expected to wear white

Muslim: Family and close friends may wear black. Women are asked to wear loose clothing and a scarf or veil.

Buddhist: Depending on cultural traditions, the family will usually wear white and friends traditionally wear black.

Christian funerals usually just require you to be dressed smartly. Although black may be traditional, family wishes should be taken into account regarding colours.

Sunday 28 April 2019

The week that was No:17

Well it is time to start another week that was post, this post kicks off on a sad note as Easter Sunday my dad died, he had a bad night Saturday night so mum was going to let him sleep Sunday morning.

However, when my brother arrived around lunch time Sunday he went in to check on dad and discovered that he had passed away. Mum kept saying how stupid she felt because she didn't check on him earlier. She would walk to the bedroom open the door looked at dad thought he was still sleeping and left, now she is beating herself up for not knowing that he had passed.

Monday I did nothing much felt numb all day, spent a few hours going through photos of dad and adding them to a flash drive.

On Tuesday morning David & my sisters picked me up at 10am and drove me to Mum Dad's house as the funeral people came to discuss dad's funeral.

After all was said and done the cost was $11,900 so we changed a few things bringing the cost down to $10,085. Mum & Dad funeral insurance for $7,000 and mum will get around $1,800 from Centrelink and I have saved $1,000.

The funeral is on Monday at 10am at Belmont he will be buried at Whitebridge.

Tim has gone on and on about how my siblings do not contribute, I said they don't have the money but still he goes on and on.

Natasha picked me up and drove me home.

Wednesday morning I got up when the alarm went off but had to go back to bed 45minutes later for another hour & a half.

Thursday is Anzac Day so a public holiday here, some stores are closed all day and some for only ½ a day opening at 1pm. Tim is at work, and Kathy-Lee came over with Summer for a short visit.

Jessica & Leo went to the drive in tonight she rang Tim to ask why the low battery came on, we explained it is the car, you can't have the radio on for more then 10 minutes before it flattens the battery.

Friday I went shopping on my own as Jessica wasn't able to help me, she did pick me up and dropped me off at mum's, as the funeral celebrant came to discuss dad's funeral. I left feeling sad and left out, all my siblings have gotten together a few times for some drinks and to remember dad but have they asked me to join them, no they haven't.

Saturday, we have Leo all day and the night while his mum is working.

Thursday 25 April 2019

Lest we forget

Good morning world, or good afternoon, evening or night depending on the time of day you are reading this.

Here in Australia it is ANZAC Day so I am sharing The Ode of Remembrance written in 1914 by Laurence Binyon.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn;
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning,
We will remember them

You may notice the words “lest we forget” are missing, this is because when the poem was written those words were not part of the poem but were added by someone at some point, if you know when and by who please tell me.

Wednesday 24 April 2019

Dealing with death

Good morning all, didn't do a post yesterday as before I got around to it my brother had arrived to pick me up and take me over to mum's to meet the funeral people at midday.

So this morning I am writing a post first up before reading other blogs. I am just going to type and let my feelings out.

I spent most of Monday going through photos of dad and adding them to a flash drive for the funeral, my sister in-law is going to sort them out and find music to go with them, ready for the funeral. My sister in-law is also going to arrange the service booklets for the funeral.

I know dad is dead but I don't feel like he is, it doesn't feel real some how. Last night as I was saying goodbye to mum I started to say give my love to dad because for years that has been the last thing I have said to mum.

I have decided to read the letter I wrote to dad at the funeral and then have it buried with him.

Mum & Dawson decided to clean off the little table dad used to store stuff into a large plastic container, this upset my sister Sandy but it was something mum wanted to. I have no problem with her doing that if that is what she needs to do.

Mum was a little upset that my sisters tossed out dad's pillow and the bedding off her bed, they did that because of the smell of decomp, they felt it was the easiest and best thing to do.

My sister Sue replaced the comforter with a really nice green one.

Monday 22 April 2019

Dear Dad

This post was published to joannerambling at 6:58:25 PM 29/03/2014

Good morning all this morning I am doing a reworked post of of a post I did back in 2014 about my dad who sadly passed away in his sleep yesterday.

Dear Dad

Yesterday was the hardest of days for your family dealing with the fact that you had passed away in your sleep after a really bad night Saturday night.

So many tears were shed by so many people as you laid in bed looking like you wee sleeping and so many went to say their goodbyes to you.
18 people in total turned up at the house to see you and mum. 

Natasha the girl you called “Nicky Nat” is heartbroken and has been nearly inconsolable. Kathy-Lee cried from the moment she heard. Jessica feels horrible inside.

My grandsons Blain & Leo didn't like seeing their nanna so upset and heartbroken, crying so much.

Tim also is heartbroken you were more like his father than father in-law but he has held it together for me, as he feels he needs to be strong to support me.

Three of Jeannie's children turned up to say goodbye to you, Sam had her daughter Hayley with her and Hayley wanted to see you and I can tell you dad little Hayley was heartbroken she shed so many tears.

Let’s move onto all the great memories I have of you my dad, one of my earliest memories is of walking around near areopelican with me on your shoulders. I also have a vague memory of the time we got bogged on Blacksmiths beach and yes I do remember it is not a clear memory but I do still remember it.

The time we wallpapered the kitchen is also a good memory and it still makes me laugh when I think about it, I don’t know if you know dad how much it meant to me that I was able to help my dad with things, like wallpapering the kitchen and running power down to the garage when we lived in Flame street and putting up the pool.

I know I am blessed to have you as my dad; you have always been my hero, my idol. When I was around the age of 18 nanna asked me what type of man I would like to marry and all I could think of was a man like my dad, to me you were special the perfect dad, you could do everything and I always knew you would protect me and keep me safe. I know it may sound silly but you are still my hero and my idol and I am still so proud to be your daughter.

I was lucky in that I had you all to myself for 6 years but even when Jeannie & Sue came along and later Sandy & Dave I never felt pushed aside or that you loved me any less I just knew you had enough love to go around.

You loved your daughters and didn't feel the need to have a son which is why God blessed you with one. David has grown from an annoying little sod into a wonderful man just like his father.

All my life I have wanted to make you proud.

Sunday 21 April 2019

The week that was No:16

H So here I am starting another week that was post, Sunday was a normal day spent at home answering letters from pen pals, it rained on and off all day.

Monday was more productive, Tim has taken four days off work and decided to go and check out car auction sites and he found a 2014 Mitsubishi Outlander. He drove it back here for me to check it out and I liked it so he bought it.

Tuesday Tim & I went to the doctors and then Tim went and got a cheque made up for the new car.

At 7.30am Jessica turned up here she had made arrangements for someone to come and check out her car that she was selling.
When we got home someone was checking Jessica's car out and he bought it but she didn't get his address or licence number now she is worried as she couldn't do a notice of disposal for the car.
However she sent him a text telling him what she needed and he text her what she needed and she was able to do it, although she had to go into the office and do it as it wouldn't go through online.

After lunch lunch Tim went and paid for the new car and changed
the number plates over, we have had the same number plates for many years like a round 22yrs.

Moving onto Wednesday, Jessica took our car (Falcon)home last night but was here just after 8.30am so Tim could take it for rego check, he is only doing 6months rego this time as he wants to sell it. He is hoping to get $9,000 for it.

Because he changed the registration plates around on the cars paying the CTP which stands for compulsory third party insurance has been a right headache and he has gotten somewhat pissed off.

Moving onto Thursday because Friday is a public holiday here I went shopping with Jessica for Easter eggs and other stuff and then in the afternoon Tim & I along with Jess & Leo went for a drive into town. We all enjoyed it, we haven't down that in many years and things have changed a lot in town.

Friday saw Tim back at work and me home alone, Kathy-Lee came out and ironed Tim's work shirts. Other then that it was a quiet day spent at home alone. When he got home Tim drove the Falcon over to Cardiff and parked it near a large car sales place.

Saturday morning Tim & I drove over to see my parents, dad had gone back to bed but I went in and gave him a kiss and said hi, when we were leaving dad was in the hallway sitting on his walker so Tim pushed him into the loungeroom and helped him get into his lounge chair.

We then came home and Kathy arrived with my weekly shopping and guess what I was missing a bag with the cold stuff, so no milk or eggs or ham. Kathy said she would ring them and go back and get the stuff but when she rang they said it wasn't left at the store so Kathy said they must have given it to the other woman who was there getting her shopping at the same time. Anyway Kathy said she will bring the missing items over either tomorrow or Monday.

Tim went and moved the Falcon so he wouldn't get a parking ticket.

It is now Sunday morning and Tim is at work as I write this I am on the phone to mum she has had a bad night with dad he was awake most of the night unable to breathe. The Ordine was only helping for 20 minutes or so, so mum got him on the oxygen and still he was restless and unable to settle. Mum ended up ring Sandy at 2am who wasn't able to go and help as being Saturday night she had a few drinks so Sandy rang both Sue and Dave, Sue had been out for the night and wasn't able to go and help but Dave rang mum and while on the phone and he told mum he would be there soon.

Dave & Leigh arrived by 3.20am and they left at 4.45am, because dad found it easier to breathe when he was sitting up so they have set him up in a sitting position which is how he is sleeping now.


It was horrible for mum to watch dad suffering so much and feeling like shit because there is so little she can do to help him, she didn't know what to do, whether she should ring the ambos or not. One moment dad is saying to ring them the next he is saying don't ring them. Mum was worried if she rang them they would take him to hospital and the hospital would let him die, she knows that may not happen but still a thought she had.

Tuesday 16 April 2019

Gross Tuesday

Good afternoon and welcome to Gross Tuesday this week I have some
gross food eating facts.

The largest number oysters swallowed in 3 minutes is 233

In 2006 Japanese eating champion Takeru Kobayashi ate 97 hamburgers in 10 minutes

Every day Americans consume about 20 million hamburgers and 9 million pizzas.

American Joey Chestnut is a world champion competitive eater, in 2013 he beat h is own record by scoffing 69 hot dogs in 10 minutes.

American Don Lerman ate seven 100gm sticks of salted butter in 5 minutes

Monday 15 April 2019

Did you know No 14

Good morning all, how is everyone this Monday, I am well been up for a couple of hours, didn't go to aqua this morning as Tim wanted me to skip another week. Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

The hundred billionth Crayola crayon to be made was Periwinkle Blue.

The animal that can last the longest without drinking water is the rat.

The dot on top of the letter I is called a tittle

Female ants are the one's who do all the work

The first non-human to win an Oscar was Mickey Mouse

Sunday 14 April 2019

The week that was No 15

Well it is Sunday afternoon and I am starting another week that was post. Last night daylight savings came to an end, well at 3am this morning, I have turned my clocks back.

I went over to my parents place for lunch with the family, I had Kathy-Lee drive me over and Jessica brought me home. It is another pretty hot day here in Newie.

Monday it felt more like summer then autumn, Monday night I had to adjust my new Cpap machine it has 2 settings and awake setting and a deep sleep setting. I upped the awake setting from 6.5 to 8.0 as I was having trouble settling down, increasing the setting helped.

Tuesday is another hot day, I slept through my alarm this morning haven't done that in years.

Wednesday was much cooler, again no aqua just a day spent at home doing nothing.

Thursday I had to go and have my mammogram Jessica drove me over it went well should have the results in a couple of weeks.

Friday mum was hoping to go to the square but dad wasn't good and both Sandra & David wouldn't let her go as dad cannot be left home alone.

Saturday we had Leo all day while his mum works, Kathy-Lee brought my shopping over and did some chores for me while she was here, also when she was putting my clean clothes away she commented on how many black pairs of pants I have. I replied that I am not wearing black today I have orange clothes on and she had to point out that the pants I am wearing are pyjama pants not shorts. Yeah I know they are but I wear them as house shorts because they are comfortable and not like I am leaving the house.

Sunday is a nice day here in Newie, Tim is at work and I am home alone and loving it.

Saturday 13 April 2019

Hey hey it's Saturday

Hey hey it's Saturday and you know what I like about Saturdays it is the day I get to see my granddaughters Sydney-May & Summer along with their mum Kathy-lee. Some Saturdays it is only Kathy-Lee & Summer as every second weekend Sydney-May goes to her father's.

Today however it was both granddaughters that came over, what the girls like when they are here is if Leo is here as well. All three of them had fun playing together outside.

While she was here I had Kathy take my clothes off the line and fold them for me and then help me put them away, she then ironed her dad's work shirts.

Jessica is doing a wine tour today, so we have Leo for the day, while he is here we hardly see him he spends a lot of time outside or in his room.

Jessica also received a lease review that she has to fill in and return, she is worried they will not renew her lease as she is in public housing meaning she has a rental subsidy as she would find it difficult to rent privately. I don't see the point in worrying about what may not happen. The lease can be renewed for 2, 5 or 10yrs, her last lease was for 5yrs but even if she doesn't get another 5yr lease she may still get a 2yr lease.

Tim & I are also in public housing but we have an opened end or ongoing lease that doesn't need to be renewed, my parents have the same.

Thursday 11 April 2019

Poem Thursday No: 11

God's bright sunshine overheard,
God's flowers beside your feet
And by such pleasure pathways led,
May all your life be sweet

By: Helen Waithman

Wednesday 10 April 2019

Creature Wednesday/Quokka

Oh what a morning much cooler then yesterday more like autumn then summer. Well it is Wednesday so it is creature day, and this weeks creature is the Quokka. Have you heard of a Quokka?

They are believed to be the happiest animal in the world.

Quokka's are small mammal around 40-54cms in length or about the size of a cat. They have short brown/grey fur, small round ears and a black nose, they kinda look like a small wallaby. They are most active at night and are herbivores.

Their babies spend about a month in the womb and then they move into the mum's pouch. The baby is called a joey and spends six months in it's mum's pouch, after leaving the pouch it still feeds off the mother's milk for a further 2 months. At 1.5yrsof age they are old enough to have their own babies.

They can live for up to 10 years in the wild

If the mum is threatened by a predator she will often throw her baby to the ground to distract the predator and save her own life.

They are not afraid of humans but get too close and they may bite you. Their bite isn't dangerous just painful. It is illegal for them to be kept as pets.
They can be found on the west coast of Australia on Rottnest Island. Aside from Rottnest Island, small groups of Quokkas also inhabit the mainland in Western Australia, as well as Bald Island, a small island to the southwest. Groups of Quokkas live in territories, which are defended by dominant males. They often live in tall grass near water sources.

Quokkas can also climb trees and swim.

Tuesday 9 April 2019

Gross Tuesday No 11

A Hello Tuesday, it is a hot day and I have nothing on today since it is Tuesday, it is gross facts day. Today's facts are about Egyptian Mummies.

It took 70 days for the ancient Egyptians to make a mummy out of a dead body.

First they cut open the body with a sharp stone, then they removed the stomach,lungs and other organs and put them into jars.

The heart was left in the body as it was thought to be vital for the afterlife.

A sacred scarab beetle was placed on the heart

Using a hammer and chisel they knocked a hole into te nose bone and hooked out the brain. They thought it wasn't important so it was thrown away.

They stuffed the body with bandages and sawdust, covered it completely with salt and left it for a month to dry out.

After a month they wrapped the mummy in resin-soaked bandages while casting spells over it

Pharaoh Tutankhamun's mummy shows that he may have died of gangrene after he broke his leg.

Monday 8 April 2019

Did you know No"13

Good morning all going to be a hot day here in Newie, going nowhere and doing nothing much all day. Being Monday means it is did you know day, so did you know any of the following.

The Greater Dwarf Lemur in Madagascar always gives birth to triplets.

The Icelandic Parliament is the oldest surviving parliament in the world, itt was founded in 930AD

The hardest bonein the human body is the jawbone.

One of Leonardo da Vinci's less known but very effective inventions was the stink bomb mounted on arrows.

If you melted down all the Crayola crayons that are manufactured in one year, you could make one giant crayon 37 feet wide and 420 feet long, 120 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty

Sunday 7 April 2019

The week that was No: 14

Well here I am starting another week that was post. Today has been coolish day and a busy day, put the dried clothes away and did two loads of washing and I vacuumed as well, oh and I ironed Tim's work shirts. About a week ago I asked Tim if he had any super glue because the filter in the vacuum cleaner needed to be glued as it was coming apart, he said no didn't have any, well I found some in his cupboard. So this morning shaky here glued it together, getting only a small amount of glue on my thumb. Some may think no big deal in that but I shake 24/7 like someone who has Parkinson's shakes.

Monday morning I didn't want to get up but of course I did and I went to aqua, it was overcast and cool but after my afternoon nap it was wet and cold.

Raining Tuesday morning when I woke up and it was good to wake up as I was having shocking dreams, dreams that had me being left out of family events because I was too busy trying to organise stuff.

At 7.40 this morning I rang Jess to see why she hadn't dropped Leo off, turns out she is sick so has taken the day off work. Would have been nice if someone told me.

Wednesday morning I had a sleep in getting up at 6.30am instead of 6.00am, I found Leo asleep on the lounge , it is dark and overcast.

Tim had a 5hr split shift so he went to the doctors, who wanted to see him about the results of his CT Scan, which showed that his nasal problem has gotten worse, so the GP faxed something over to the hospital about how the problem has gotten worse to try and see if he can get to see someone sooner. He has already been waiting close to a year.

Thursday I was up at 6.00am and it was a cold morning, Leo arrived at 6.50am. I woke up tied had a shocking nights sleep and felt sick in the gut.

Leo had a bad start to the day, he broke a soup bowl while mucking around in the kitchen. Natasha was annoyed that he wasn't at her place by 8.10 so she moved her car so he thought she had left without him so that also upset him. Because of all that happened he left without taking his morning medication, so I had to ring the school and get them to give him a dose when he got to school.

Thursday night my Cpap machine was making weird noises and I thought it was going pack it in but it didn't and I made it through the night.

So Friday afternoon when I went to have a nap the Cpap machine wouldn't work I spent an hour making calls about it and because it was 8yrs old, it couldn't be repaired.

So Friday night I had to sleep without the machine, as no one could take me or go and get me a replacement machine. I slept ok but the longest time I remained asleep was 2hrs mostly I woke up after each hour at a time. I also woke Tim up a number of times during the night.

At around 10am Jessica & Leo turned up she wanted me to have Leo for the day while she went out some place with Tasha and of course I said we would have him.

Tim and bought me a new Cpap machine, so will try it out tonight.

Thursday 4 April 2019

Poem Thursday No:10

Love is not getting
but giving....it is
goodness and honour,
and peace and pure living
Yes, love is that and it
is the best thing in the
world and the thing that
lives the longest

BY: Henry Van Dyke

Wednesday 3 April 2019

Creature Wednesday/Platypus

Good morning all, hope everyone is well. Well it's Wednesday so that means it is creature day and this weeks creature is the Platypus also known as the Duck-billed Platypus.

The Platypus got it's name in 1799 from the Latin platypus anatinus which means flat-footed, duck like creature.

They are an egg laying mammal, their eggs hatch after only 10 days, they lay only 2 eggs at a time and the eggs cling to their fur.

A baby platypus is called a baby platypus, the mother's milk ozzes out onto it''s fur and the baby licks it off the fur, so the baby doesn't suckle. It take between 3 & 4 months for the baby to be weaned by the time it is weaned it can swim.

They are found in the Eastern states of Australia as well as in the state of Tasmania.

A Platypus has no stomach.

Their predators are crocodiles, hawks, eagles, owls as well as foxes, dogs & cats. To protect themselves they have venom and can bite, thankfully their venom isn't deadly to humans although it will cause swelling and extreme pain that can last weeks.

They grow to around 43cm for females and 50cm for males, they weight around 16kgs for females and 24kgs for males. They live in the wild for around 8-10yrs but in captivity they can live up to 17yrs.

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Gross Tuesday No:12

Good morning all, here we are at another Tuesday and I really didn't want to get up the is morning but get up I did. Being Tuesday means it is gross Tuesday, so here is part two of cannibal facts.

The Maori in New Zealand used cannibalism as a war tactic, their enemies were terrified at the though of being thrown into a cooking pot.

In the early 20th century chief Ratu Udre Udre of Fiji is said to have eaten 812 people.

Long pig” is a cannibal code word for cooked humans

Biting your fingernails is technically self-cannibalism

As is eating your own hair, which can make hair-balls in your stomach

There is a neurological disease called “kuru” which can be spread by eating human flesh.

Monday 1 April 2019

Did you know No:12

Good morning world another cool to cold morning here in Newie, dragged myself out of bed this morning, really didn't want to get up. Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

Sideburns as in the whiskers that are on the side of a man's face got their name from an American Civil War general, who wore an exaggerated version of the style, shaving only his chin. However, his name wasn't Sideburn it was General Ambrose Burnside.

In 1666 a great fire destroyed 80 per cent of London, but it actually saved thousands of lives, yes you read that right, it saved lives. At the time London was still in the grip of an epidemic known as the “black plague”. The fire sterilised much of the city which halted the spread of the disease.

A dog's sense of smell is over a thousand times better than ours

The giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal

The first automobile race ever held in the United States was between Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, the winner was J Frank Duryea, whose average speed was a breakneck seven miles per hour.


Good morning, everyone who read this, hope you are doing well this week we are off to Greece. People have lived in Greece for more than 5,...