Sunday, 21 April 2019

The week that was No:16

H So here I am starting another week that was post, Sunday was a normal day spent at home answering letters from pen pals, it rained on and off all day.

Monday was more productive, Tim has taken four days off work and decided to go and check out car auction sites and he found a 2014 Mitsubishi Outlander. He drove it back here for me to check it out and I liked it so he bought it.

Tuesday Tim & I went to the doctors and then Tim went and got a cheque made up for the new car.

At 7.30am Jessica turned up here she had made arrangements for someone to come and check out her car that she was selling.
When we got home someone was checking Jessica's car out and he bought it but she didn't get his address or licence number now she is worried as she couldn't do a notice of disposal for the car.
However she sent him a text telling him what she needed and he text her what she needed and she was able to do it, although she had to go into the office and do it as it wouldn't go through online.

After lunch lunch Tim went and paid for the new car and changed
the number plates over, we have had the same number plates for many years like a round 22yrs.

Moving onto Wednesday, Jessica took our car (Falcon)home last night but was here just after 8.30am so Tim could take it for rego check, he is only doing 6months rego this time as he wants to sell it. He is hoping to get $9,000 for it.

Because he changed the registration plates around on the cars paying the CTP which stands for compulsory third party insurance has been a right headache and he has gotten somewhat pissed off.

Moving onto Thursday because Friday is a public holiday here I went shopping with Jessica for Easter eggs and other stuff and then in the afternoon Tim & I along with Jess & Leo went for a drive into town. We all enjoyed it, we haven't down that in many years and things have changed a lot in town.

Friday saw Tim back at work and me home alone, Kathy-Lee came out and ironed Tim's work shirts. Other then that it was a quiet day spent at home alone. When he got home Tim drove the Falcon over to Cardiff and parked it near a large car sales place.

Saturday morning Tim & I drove over to see my parents, dad had gone back to bed but I went in and gave him a kiss and said hi, when we were leaving dad was in the hallway sitting on his walker so Tim pushed him into the loungeroom and helped him get into his lounge chair.

We then came home and Kathy arrived with my weekly shopping and guess what I was missing a bag with the cold stuff, so no milk or eggs or ham. Kathy said she would ring them and go back and get the stuff but when she rang they said it wasn't left at the store so Kathy said they must have given it to the other woman who was there getting her shopping at the same time. Anyway Kathy said she will bring the missing items over either tomorrow or Monday.

Tim went and moved the Falcon so he wouldn't get a parking ticket.

It is now Sunday morning and Tim is at work as I write this I am on the phone to mum she has had a bad night with dad he was awake most of the night unable to breathe. The Ordine was only helping for 20 minutes or so, so mum got him on the oxygen and still he was restless and unable to settle. Mum ended up ring Sandy at 2am who wasn't able to go and help as being Saturday night she had a few drinks so Sandy rang both Sue and Dave, Sue had been out for the night and wasn't able to go and help but Dave rang mum and while on the phone and he told mum he would be there soon.

Dave & Leigh arrived by 3.20am and they left at 4.45am, because dad found it easier to breathe when he was sitting up so they have set him up in a sitting position which is how he is sleeping now.


It was horrible for mum to watch dad suffering so much and feeling like shit because there is so little she can do to help him, she didn't know what to do, whether she should ring the ambos or not. One moment dad is saying to ring them the next he is saying don't ring them. Mum was worried if she rang them they would take him to hospital and the hospital would let him die, she knows that may not happen but still a thought she had.


  1. I feel for your family. In the past, I’ve felt so helpless when a loved one suffered and there was nothing I could doting help.

  2. It is never easy to watch a love one suffer while feeling so helpless. I know and understand.

  3. I guess not a lot of us escape these terrible times. I have had my son suffer badly and no matter how hard I try or want to, I cannot make things go away. It's hard being a mother...a wife...a child.

  4. Chris......Thanks

    Rick......Yesterday I cried a lot now I feel numb

    Nancy.....So true, thank you

    Katie.....Yes life is hard at times


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