Monday, 22 April 2019

Dear Dad

This post was published to joannerambling at 6:58:25 PM 29/03/2014

Good morning all this morning I am doing a reworked post of of a post I did back in 2014 about my dad who sadly passed away in his sleep yesterday.

Dear Dad

Yesterday was the hardest of days for your family dealing with the fact that you had passed away in your sleep after a really bad night Saturday night.

So many tears were shed by so many people as you laid in bed looking like you wee sleeping and so many went to say their goodbyes to you.
18 people in total turned up at the house to see you and mum. 

Natasha the girl you called “Nicky Nat” is heartbroken and has been nearly inconsolable. Kathy-Lee cried from the moment she heard. Jessica feels horrible inside.

My grandsons Blain & Leo didn't like seeing their nanna so upset and heartbroken, crying so much.

Tim also is heartbroken you were more like his father than father in-law but he has held it together for me, as he feels he needs to be strong to support me.

Three of Jeannie's children turned up to say goodbye to you, Sam had her daughter Hayley with her and Hayley wanted to see you and I can tell you dad little Hayley was heartbroken she shed so many tears.

Let’s move onto all the great memories I have of you my dad, one of my earliest memories is of walking around near areopelican with me on your shoulders. I also have a vague memory of the time we got bogged on Blacksmiths beach and yes I do remember it is not a clear memory but I do still remember it.

The time we wallpapered the kitchen is also a good memory and it still makes me laugh when I think about it, I don’t know if you know dad how much it meant to me that I was able to help my dad with things, like wallpapering the kitchen and running power down to the garage when we lived in Flame street and putting up the pool.

I know I am blessed to have you as my dad; you have always been my hero, my idol. When I was around the age of 18 nanna asked me what type of man I would like to marry and all I could think of was a man like my dad, to me you were special the perfect dad, you could do everything and I always knew you would protect me and keep me safe. I know it may sound silly but you are still my hero and my idol and I am still so proud to be your daughter.

I was lucky in that I had you all to myself for 6 years but even when Jeannie & Sue came along and later Sandy & Dave I never felt pushed aside or that you loved me any less I just knew you had enough love to go around.

You loved your daughters and didn't feel the need to have a son which is why God blessed you with one. David has grown from an annoying little sod into a wonderful man just like his father.

All my life I have wanted to make you proud.


  1. So sorry to hear that. But going in your sleep is a wonderful blessing. He will be missed.

  2. So sorry to hear of your loss, but you have some wonderful memories.

  3. So sorry to see you have finally reached the end of this road... but think of the time that God gave you the doctors weren't going to. I hope he is in a better place.

  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. How coincidental to have lost your dad on the same day as I did except 36 years later. I know how much you will miss him. You wrote a lovey tribute to him. Best wishes to all your family.

  5. Rita........Yes it was how dad wanted to go

    Rosie.......That we do

    Chris.......So true he lasted longer then they thought

    Diane......Thank he is missed

  6. Oh my sorry to read your dad passed on. Sympathy to you and your family. May he Rest In Peace...

  7. So sorry about your dad's passing. Thank God for his life and how he had blessed his wife and children with his love and care. He will be greatly missed by his loved ones. Peace be with you and take care.

  8. What a blessing you and your dad were to one another. It touched me to read this loving letter to your dad. I loved mine like that too. It does seem all unreal for quite a time. I sometimes have thought that it was so we could get through the tough times of arrangements.


  9. Nancy........Yes he felt he was blessed to have such a loveling family

    Katie........I agree and thank you


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