Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Gross Tuesday No 11

A Hello Tuesday, it is a hot day and I have nothing on today since it is Tuesday, it is gross facts day. Today's facts are about Egyptian Mummies.

It took 70 days for the ancient Egyptians to make a mummy out of a dead body.

First they cut open the body with a sharp stone, then they removed the stomach,lungs and other organs and put them into jars.

The heart was left in the body as it was thought to be vital for the afterlife.

A sacred scarab beetle was placed on the heart

Using a hammer and chisel they knocked a hole into te nose bone and hooked out the brain. They thought it wasn't important so it was thrown away.

They stuffed the body with bandages and sawdust, covered it completely with salt and left it for a month to dry out.

After a month they wrapped the mummy in resin-soaked bandages while casting spells over it

Pharaoh Tutankhamun's mummy shows that he may have died of gangrene after he broke his leg.


  1. Interesting, some are totally yuk! :)

  2. I've read recently that poorer families found "cheaper" ways to mummify their loved ones...

  3. For a homeschooling class, we mummified a chicken and kids took turns changing out the salt, etc.

    Like Tut, it got lost to history...I'm still waiting for someone to find that thing in all it's gory glory.

    Cherdo on the Flipside
    Blogging from A-to-Z April Challenge

  4. Margaret....Yuck indeed

    Chris.....I wonder what the cheaper families did

    Cherdo....Mummifing a chicken sounds kinda cool


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