Sunday, 7 April 2019

The week that was No: 14

Well here I am starting another week that was post. Today has been coolish day and a busy day, put the dried clothes away and did two loads of washing and I vacuumed as well, oh and I ironed Tim's work shirts. About a week ago I asked Tim if he had any super glue because the filter in the vacuum cleaner needed to be glued as it was coming apart, he said no didn't have any, well I found some in his cupboard. So this morning shaky here glued it together, getting only a small amount of glue on my thumb. Some may think no big deal in that but I shake 24/7 like someone who has Parkinson's shakes.

Monday morning I didn't want to get up but of course I did and I went to aqua, it was overcast and cool but after my afternoon nap it was wet and cold.

Raining Tuesday morning when I woke up and it was good to wake up as I was having shocking dreams, dreams that had me being left out of family events because I was too busy trying to organise stuff.

At 7.40 this morning I rang Jess to see why she hadn't dropped Leo off, turns out she is sick so has taken the day off work. Would have been nice if someone told me.

Wednesday morning I had a sleep in getting up at 6.30am instead of 6.00am, I found Leo asleep on the lounge , it is dark and overcast.

Tim had a 5hr split shift so he went to the doctors, who wanted to see him about the results of his CT Scan, which showed that his nasal problem has gotten worse, so the GP faxed something over to the hospital about how the problem has gotten worse to try and see if he can get to see someone sooner. He has already been waiting close to a year.

Thursday I was up at 6.00am and it was a cold morning, Leo arrived at 6.50am. I woke up tied had a shocking nights sleep and felt sick in the gut.

Leo had a bad start to the day, he broke a soup bowl while mucking around in the kitchen. Natasha was annoyed that he wasn't at her place by 8.10 so she moved her car so he thought she had left without him so that also upset him. Because of all that happened he left without taking his morning medication, so I had to ring the school and get them to give him a dose when he got to school.

Thursday night my Cpap machine was making weird noises and I thought it was going pack it in but it didn't and I made it through the night.

So Friday afternoon when I went to have a nap the Cpap machine wouldn't work I spent an hour making calls about it and because it was 8yrs old, it couldn't be repaired.

So Friday night I had to sleep without the machine, as no one could take me or go and get me a replacement machine. I slept ok but the longest time I remained asleep was 2hrs mostly I woke up after each hour at a time. I also woke Tim up a number of times during the night.

At around 10am Jessica & Leo turned up she wanted me to have Leo for the day while she went out some place with Tasha and of course I said we would have him.

Tim and bought me a new Cpap machine, so will try it out tonight.


  1. Sounds like a really rough week. You have to wait to see a doctor for sinus for a year? You have to buy your own machine for C-cap. I hope you feel better soon.

  2. Yes, sounds like a rough week. I hope the net one is better. :)

  3. Glad to hear you got the cpap. Did Tim find a government subsidy?

  4. Is it possible it's Essential Tremors? Do you have meds for it, Jo-Anne?

  5. Sandie......Yes the wait to see a specialist through the public system is a bloody long one and you can rent a Cpap machine but Tim feels that is a waste of money.

    Rita.......Yeah me too

    Chris.....There is a subsidy but it is hard to get and is only $150

    Katie........It is a functional tremor and there is no treatment for it


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