Wednesday, 31 March 2021

A Poem


Life Doesn't Frighten Me

Maya AngelouBy  More Maya Angelou

Shadows on the wall
Noises down the hall
Life doesn't frighten me at all

Bad dogs barking loud
Big ghosts in a cloud
Life doesn't frighten me at all

Mean old Mother Goose
Lions on the loose
They don't frighten me at all

Dragons breathing flame
On my counterpane
That doesn't frighten me at all.

I go boo
Make them shoo
I make fun
Way they run
I won't cry
So they fly
I just smile
They go wild

Life doesn't frighten me at all.

Tough guys fight
All alone at night
Life doesn't frighten me at all.

Panthers in the park
Strangers in the dark
No, they don't frighten me at all.

That new classroom where
Boys all pull my hair
(Kissy little girls
With their hair in curls)
They don't frighten me at all.

Don't show me frogs and snakes
And listen for my scream,
If I'm afraid at all
It's only in my dreams.

I've got a magic charm
That I keep up my sleeve
I can walk the ocean floor
And never have to breathe.

Life doesn't frighten me at all
Not at all
Not at all.

Life doesn't frighten me at all.


Monday, 29 March 2021

Some facts you really need to know, or not


Another week is here with more useless facts you mayor may not know.

The ''talkies'' films with sound didn't appear till 1927, although the silent films were not that silent.

When you saw a film there was a presenter called the '' the master of ceremonies'' who would read out any words and fill in details of the plot.

Specially employed actors would hide behind the screen and speak the actors' lines

Machines, like the ''noiseograph'' and ''dramagraph'' would add sound effects to the action.

Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after 21st March

Sunday, 28 March 2021

Saturday's Post On Sunday Becauase SomeoneForgot Yesterday

 Slept in till 7am, made my own breaky.

Kathy came and shower me and shaved me as well.

Jess working, Kelli and kids came down so Daemon could see Blain & Leo.

A hot day, turned the A/C on around lunch time.

Mum sounded ok not great but ok, she was more with it at the start of our chat but after 30 mins not so much.

Had a sleep in, getting up at 7am and rang Tasha to let her know.

A coldish and wet day have to close the door to keep the rain out.

Saw Freya when Blain brought her over for a packet of chips.

Still have chest pain also under my left arm.

Awake at 5.33, needing to pee so I got straight up and at 5.51 I sent Tasha a text letting her know I was awake.

A cold start to the day, had to wear a light jacket when I went with Leo.

The pain is now under my right arm.

Mum was good, sounded happy, memory was ok.

Leo's early day so rang mum at 1.30pm an hour early.

Woke with the alarm a fine and dry day thankfully.

I had to see the podiatrist and had my toenails cut. Tasha drove me.

Had some rain during the day but I was able to get Leo this afternoon.

Transferred some money to Sandy to help pay to have mum's house fumigated.

Woke at 5.30 needing to pee and so I stayed up. I sent Tasha a text at 6am.

Leo off school, as he didn't go to the swimming carnival.

Been a cool dry day with the feel of rain in the air.

Mum rang and sounded happy, not altogether with it but happy.

I woke at 5.30am, got up and sent Tasha a text at 5.45am.

Raining since I got up, Leo didn't answer his phone and I had to get Tasha to tell him to come and get his stuff and head up to meet his driver.

Was late speaking to mum she was a tad confused towards the end but other wise ok.

Awake at 5.33 again, got up and peed, opened the house before I sent letting her know I was up.

I was feeling so tired, that at 8am I went back to bed for 1hr 15 muns.

Raining most of the day.

Blain going to his dad's.

Had a lay down after Leo got home.

At6pm I decided to have a bath before going to have my MRI as I felt like I smelt but Jess arrived and got Tasha to shower me.

Stopped raining around 2pm so I was able to meet Leo and go to my appointment without getting wet.

Tim driving me to appointment.

Woke with the alarm, still raining, so couldn't go with Leo due to the rain.

Spoke to Mum she mostly ok, Sandy rang her mobile as Mum wasn't answering the house phone, she had been trying for 30 minutes,i said Mum and I had been chatting for 35 minutes.

After Mum & Sandy hung up Mum & I chatted for a further 10 minutes before hanging up.

While chatting to Mum the birds Tim have been feeding turned up, so I got some bread and feed them.

Woke at 6am straight out of bed and sent a text to Tasha. Still raining all day.

I don't feel with it this afternoon. I am very tired.

Tasha came down at 2pm to give me a shower.

Tried to talk to Mum about her Chrisco order but she wasn't with it enough to get what I was saying.

A new day awake and up at 5.50am, Tasha here by 6am. Tim up at 6.20 he started at 7.50am.

No rain so I was able to take Leo up the front.

Mum was so so, she remembered ringing Chrisco and canceling

something but not as much as I would like.

I checked and her payments dropped for $220 a fortnight to $91 a fortnight but she is convinced she is paying $51 a fortnight.

Been a nice sunny day

Awake at 5.45 and got up straight away, sent Tasha a text and she was here in minutes.

I am having a shocking day,shaking and feeling not with it.

I rang Mum at 1.40 so I could be done by the time Tasha arrived to shower me.

By 2.45 I was falling asleep. Tasha said it is the new medication making me so tired. She may be right.

I woke at 5.26aman got up 10 minutes later. I set stuff up and unpacked the dishwasher and was having my wash when I texted Tasha.

Been a cool but sweaty day for me, being drenched in sweat while attempting to go to the toilet.

So very tired again, I am wondering if it is the new medication and might cutout the midday tablet and see how that goes.

I woke at 6.40 and got up after restless night. I am feeling sick in the gut and had a bad start dropping stuff and shaking.

Tim was suppose to take his bike back to the place that did the work on it but they rang as he was leaving to say that he will have to push it back till Monday.

Was on the phone to Mum when Kathy arrived to shower me. I was so very tired.

Wednesday, 24 March 2021



For Love's Sake

©  More By Susan Christensen

Published: October 2007

I'm so tired of this empty feeling.
I'm so tired of being alone.
I lay here staring at the ceiling,
Waiting by the phone.

I jump when the phone rings.
It brings a smile to my face.
When he hangs up my heart stings,
And I sink back into my lonely place.

I wish and I dream
That we'll be together soon.
I can't wait until we can look up hand in hand
At the stars and at the moon.

I yearn for his kisses
His touch - his embrace.
I can't wait for Thursdays
When I get to see his face.

I'm flooded with thoughts of him
In my heart, soul, and mind.
I imagine his touch,
So gentle and kind.

I try not to weep.
I hope he doesn't hear my cries,
But I can't stop the tears
Falling from my eyes.

I cry a thousand tears
And think - how much more can I take?
But in my heart I know I'd wait a thousand years
All for love's sake.


Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Indestructible Stuff Day


Good morning, good afternoon or good whatever time it is for you. Here we are at another Tuesday.

Today's post will be my last indestructible stuff post as it is the last thing in the book I am using.

Anyway this a post about something called a Svalbard Seed Vault.

Behind a steel door down a tunnel 100 metres or 330 feet long hollowed out inside the solid rock of a mountain in the frozen far north of Norway lies some seeds.

The Svalbard vault looks like a supervillians hideout is where they store seeds for the world's crops to make sure that whatever happens the human race will be able to grow food.

Inside the mountain the seeds are safe from explosions, pollution and extreme weather. The vault is high above sea level, so it won't get flooded if the ice caps melts and the sea level raises.

The idea is that even if the planet faces a dangerous crisis such as a asteroid strike or a terrible world war. The seeds will be there to replant.

For extra protection each type of seed is stored inside a sealed bag for layers thick and the bags are stored inside sealed crates.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Facts Facts Facts


Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

If you have the money to spend on a doctor in Ancient Babylon you would be well looked after, after all the hands of doctors who killed their patients.

In Babylon doctors didn't come cheap, it could cost 5 gold coins to see one.

If you couldn't afford to see one you could always take a trip to the market place, sick people would go and ask people for advice.

In the 18th century many women wen to the trouble of having their gums pieced, so they could have hooks fitted to hold their false teeth.

If a human hair were as thick as a nylon rope, it could support a train engine

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Another week has past


Slept in till 7am, made my own breaky.

Kathy came and shower me and shaved me as well.

Jess working, Kelli and kids came down so Daemon could see Blain & Leo.

A hot day, turned the A/C on around lunch time.

Mum sounded ok not great but ok, she was more with it at the start of our chat but after 30 mins not so much.

Had a sleep in, getting up at 7am and rang Tasha to let her know.

A coldish and wet day have to close the door to keep the rain out.

Saw Freya when Blain brought her over for a packet of chips.

Still have chest pain also under my left arm.

Awake at 5.33, needing to pee so I got straight up and at 5.51 I sent Tasha a text letting her know I was awake.

A cold start to the day, had to wear a light jacket when I went with Leo.

The pain is now under my right arm.

Mum was good, sounded happy, memory was ok.

Leo's early day so rang mum at 1.30pm an hour early.

Woke with the alarm a fine and dry day thankfully.

I had to see the podiatrist and had my toenails cut. Tasha drove me.

Had some rain during the day but I was able to get Leo this afternoon.

Transferred some money to Sandy to help pay to have mum's house fumigated.

Woke at 5.30 needing to pee and so I stayed up. I sent Tasha a text at 6am.

Leo off school, as he didn't go to the swimming carnival.

Been a cool dry day with the feel of rain in the air.

Mum rang and sounded happy, not altogether with it but happy.

I woke at 5.30am, got up and sent Tasha a text at 5.45am.

Raining since I got up, Leo didn't answer his phone and I had to get Tasha to tell him to come and get his stuff and head up to meet his driver.

Was late speaking to mum she was a tad confused towards the end but other wise ok.

Awake at 5.33 again, got up and peed, opened the house before I sent letting her know I was up.

I was feeling so tired, that at 8am I went back to bed for 1hr 15 muns.

Raining most of the day.

Blain going to his dad's.

Had a lay down after Leo got home.

At6pm I decided to have a bath before going to have my MRI as I felt like I smelt but Jess arrived and got Tasha to shower me.

Stopped raining around 2pm so I was able to meet Leo and go to my appointment without getting wet.

Tim driving me to appointment.

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Poem Day


If I Can Stop One Heart From Breaking

Emily DickinsonBy  More Emily Dickinson

If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
I shall not live in vain.


Monday, 15 March 2021

More Facts Today


Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

The auditorium organ in Atlantic City is as loud as 24 full brass bands

Every major league baseball term in the U S A buys about 20,000 baseballs each season.

Every year Americans go through 1.4 billion pens

Icelanders read more books per heas than any other people in the world.

In every episode of “Seinfeld” on TV there is a Superman somewhere.

Saturday, 13 March 2021

Another week Done with


I had a sleep in getting up at 7.20am

Tasha was here putting clothes in the washing machine. So she did breakfast for me.

Kathy & Summer arrived at 8.30 to shower me and iron Tim's work shirts.

Mum told me that Dawson went t o the show with his mum and her dad and younger siblings. I hope he had a good day.

Awake at 6am and got straight up and even managed to get myself dressed.

Tasha came and got my breakfast.

Mum told me about Dawson going to The Show and how expensive it was. He had a good day and enjoyed himself. Mum sounded good.

Woke at 5.15 looked at clock thought I would try and lay there a tad longer, however, the next thing I knew my alarm was going off.

Tim went and spoke to the bloke who did the motorbike as he isn't happy with the work. The bike goes back for more work on the 27th.

Been a sticky day drenched in sweat as per usual.

Off now to see the neurologist, fingers cross for answers.

Woke at 5.40 and got up with the alarm, Tasha was here a minute after I got up, was still peeing when she arrived.

So yesterday arvo I went and saw the new neurologist, he was a nice enough fellow after talking to me for a good while he examined me.

He is sending me for an MRI which I will have done on the 19th at 7pm. I do not like such a late appointment but it was all they had at first the woman making the appointment wanted me to go to East Maitland to have it done. That is a 0-40 minute drive, thankfully I only have to go to Cardiff a 10 minute drive.

He has also prescribed me a new medication to try, something called Gapentin 100mg, this I take 3 times a day.

He also thing I should see another specialist in Sydney, as he says that my symptoms suggest either an Essential tremor or a Parkinson's tremor but it can't be both. He didn't say anything about a Functional tremor.

Tasha gave e a shower this afternoon.

Told Mum twice about yesterday.

Slept well, woke with the alarm, as soon as Tasha saw the bathroom light come on she was here.

A nice day not hot or cold.

Mum said she had a rotten day because she didn't sleep well.

Uo with the alarm, Tim also got up too get ready for work.

It's a hot day and I am drenched in swear again but the breeze feels nice.

Mum started out sounding good but half way through telling me something about Sue, she switched to a story about Sandy. I didn't let on that she did that.

Woke before the alarm at 5.50am and got straight up and opened the house. Sent Tasha a sms letting her know I was up.

Another warm day, not sweating as much.

Mum sounded good she was not repeating herself, she told me that Dawson changed the lounge-room around.

Friday, 12 March 2021

What Jo-Anne Things

 Hello Friday, are you wondering what I am thinking this morning?

Well I am thinking that dementia in any form is a bitch.........

It sneaks up on many and for others it feels like one day they woke up and bam their memory is gone. Of course it didn't happen that way but it sure feels like it.

My Mum has always had a bloody great memory right up till around June 2019 two months after Dad died. We her children noticed she would forget little things at first but now it has gotten pretty bad.

She can still remember who we all are, and that she speaks to me every day and that my brother calls in for lunch each day. However, when we chat of an afternoon she can tell me the same thing 2 or 3 times. Or she will start telling me about one thing and half way through the story changes taking at times a sharp right turn. I sometimes will mention the change, if the original tale was something I wanted to know about.

My Mum like her Mum tried hard not to end up with dementia but still it happened.

My Nan and my Aunt who also has dementia both found out who their friends were, as so many people started avoiding them when they started to repeat themselves.

I would like to hope I don't end up with it but who knows mum says she is glad that she was 80 before her memory started to fail.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

Poem Day


Recipe For Happily Ever After

©  More By Ilona M. Blake

Published: February 2018

Today will be perfect
In every single way.
A beautiful fairy tale
For your wedding day.
The theme of your day
Is to have love and laughter
And to live your days
Happily ever after.

Living happily is
What we need to survive,
So how does one keep
The magic alive?
How do you light a spark
That never goes out?
And how does one live a life
Without fear or doubt?

How do some people manage
To keep their love strong?
And how do some couples
Always feel like they belong?
What do you need to do
To stay in love forever
And make each day special
And grow fonder together?

Well, these very questions
You must address every day.
You must take the time
To go out of your way,
To always share love
And always share laughter,
To do whatever it takes
To live happily ever after.

Here is a recipe
I think is a must,
So let's begin with
Always having trust.
Don't forget it's important
To have total respect,
And to always stay loyal
To keep your love perfect.

You must communicate
Each and every day.
Three special little words
You must never forget to say,
"I love you." It's amazing
How these words make you feel
Happy, safe, and valued,
And they will keep your love real.

A simple act of kindness
Goes a long, long way.
Blend it with understanding
And you can't go astray.
Don't forget friendship.
It will help you to cope.
Add a sprinkle of faith
And an abundance of hope.

Remember your smile.
It is beautiful to see.
It can brighten one's day.
It can make you feel free.
So my wish for you both
Is you always have love and laughter,
And I pray that you will enjoy
Your happily ever after.


Tuesday, 9 March 2021

Health IUpdate


So yesterday arvo I went and saw the new neurologist, he was a nice enough fellow after talking to me for a good while he examined me.

He is sending me for an MRI which I will have done on the 19th at 7pm. I do not like such a late appointment but it was all they had at first the woman making the appointment wanted me to go to East Maitland to have it done. That is a 0-40 minute drive, thankfully I only have to go to Cardiff a 10 minute drive.

He has also prescribed me a new medication to try, something called Gapentin 100mg, this I take 3 times a day.

He also thing I should see another specialist in Sydney, as he says that my symptoms suggest either an Essential tremor or a Parkinson's tremor but it can't be both. He didn't say anything about a Functional tremor.

Monday, 8 March 2021

Facts Facts Facts


Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

Mail has been carried by foot runners, bullock carts, camels and h horses.

Reindeer's have been used in Scandinavia and Russia.

Dog's have been used in Alaska and cats in Belgium, in 1879, the town of Liege Belgium employed 37 cats to carry bundles of letters to villages.

The first 3D stamp was issued by Italy in 1956 you needed special glasses with red & green lenses, the image of the world map would appear.

There was a time when you could lose your nose not your freedom, if you broke the law in India. As noses were chopped off so often there was a big demand for surgeons who could rebuild them.

Saturday, 6 March 2021

My Week

Slept in till 6.50, got up opened the house and made my own breakfast as it is Saturday.

Kathy will be over this afternoon as this morning she has to do her refresher course in first aid for work.

So Tim had to help me dress this morning.

Kathy rang she will be here 8.30 in the morning. She felt drained after her morning.

Woke a 6ish after a shocking night, I woke every couple of hours not for long although it felt like it took ages to go back to sleep but I don't think it did.

Kathy arrived around 8.30 alone she had left the girls with Micheal. She showered me and did the ironing.

Mum was confused a bit this afternoon, so only a short chat.

Awake with the alarm, opened house, unpacked dishwasher, and had my wash and still no Tasha. I sent her a text and she showed up minutes later.

A hot day A/C going from 9am so I am ok not too sweaty.

Asked Tasha to get me stamps as I have 10 letters to post.

Only a short chat to Mum sitting on the scooter in front of Tasha's car while I waited for Leo to get home. She rang just as I was leaving the house. Thankfully the house phones have a decent range.

Awake with the alarm again, had a so so nights sleep.

Not suppose to be hot but it is and I am sweating but not overly.

Mum was telling me that Michelle rang and wanted to talk about the problems she is having with Landon.

Mum didn't at one point understand why Michelle would want to speak to her as they are not related. I reminded Mum that she has been like a mother to Michelle as soon as I did she sounded different she got it, understood everything.

I can tell when Mum isn't with it she sounds different, you can just tell that she doesn't understand. It is sad and upsetting to me, Mum knows her memory is fading and it upsets her as well.

Woke at 6am, got up and opened the house and Tasha was here.

Started raining at 6.50, also quite cool.

Tasha changed the sheets and had a right bitch about how people don't have a top sheet now days.

Tasha offered to give me a shower but I really didn't feel like it maybe tomorrow.

Mum was ok not great but ok.

Awake at 6 so got up and opened the house and unpacked the dishwasher, before Tasha turned up.

Blain had to come home at lunch time as he spilt drink in his bag and needed to clean it out.

Tasha came down and gave me a shower.

Awoke at 5.40 needing to pee so got up and stayed up, I can't see the point in going back to bed for 1/2hr.

Tasha arrived at 6.10 and got me set up for the day.

Mum was repeating and talking about old events like they just happened.

Friday, 5 March 2021

What Jo-Anne Thinks

 Hello everyone, want to know what Jo-Anne thinks about...........

Today I am thinking about boredom, something I do not suffer from, and according to my Mum I never have done.

Part of the reason some people feel bored is because they feel that they must be doing stuff. Children may feel they need to be entertained but I disagree.

Some people find it hard to do nothing, not me I like  to just sit in the quiet watching traffic or nothing. 

I have read since I was very young and love it, now days I listen to audiobooks and I love it.

As a teenager I either read or listen to music, or did nothing and didn't feel bored.

Both my grandsons from a very young age would come and spend a night with Nana & Papa, while here they would be left to amuse themselves playing with toys, watching telly or play video games. They loved coming here and Leo still loves spending a night here. 

Neither of my granddaughters have every spent a night here, I have watched them during the day but unlike the boys they expected me to interact with them more then I did. 

I have heard both girls at times complain about being bored more then I have heard the boys say so. Don't get me wrong the boys have at times said they felt bored but it happens rarely. 

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Poem Day




Published: January 2012

Sometimes I catch a glimpse,
In softened waves of blue,
My child, my heart ...when I see a smile,
I can't help but think of you.

Sometimes these waves fill oceans.
And feelings string on every shore,
A collections of each memory
And every way I wish for more.

Sometimes I watch for answers
Because each day I call to you.
I ask for faith and courage
And help me through.

Sometimes I ask for bravery
Like dolphins in the deep,
Because time moves oh so slowly,
And sometimes the road is steep.

Sometimes I want to scream.
This was not what I had planned.
Why you ever suffered,
A mom can't understand.

Sometimes I hear your laughter
And remember you at play,
But My Child I always miss you.
Not sometimes, but every day.


Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Indestrutible Stuff Day


Good morning, good afternoon or good whatever time it is for you. Here we are at another Tuesday

Today's post is about a Dome Home, they can resemble a deep sea submersible's sphere-shaped cabin which can resist extreme pressure.

They are often built in places where's there is a high risk of windstorms. ible tA tough concrete dome lets the wind flow around it, there are also no tiles ti fly off. Dome Homes have low heating.

I have not heard of these homes, nor seen one

Monday, 1 March 2021

Some Facts For Mondat

Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

About 3,000 stars are visible to the naked eye

The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart.

The first live television murder was in 1963 when Jack Ruby killed President Kennedy's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, while millions of viewers watched.

There are 1,792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower

A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time meaning one hundredth of a second

Iraq National Anthem

  This week we are looking at Iraq’ national anthem it is titled Mawtini which in English mean My Homeland, it is a poem written by the Pale...