Monday, 8 March 2021

Facts Facts Facts


Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

Mail has been carried by foot runners, bullock carts, camels and h horses.

Reindeer's have been used in Scandinavia and Russia.

Dog's have been used in Alaska and cats in Belgium, in 1879, the town of Liege Belgium employed 37 cats to carry bundles of letters to villages.

The first 3D stamp was issued by Italy in 1956 you needed special glasses with red & green lenses, the image of the world map would appear.

There was a time when you could lose your nose not your freedom, if you broke the law in India. As noses were chopped off so often there was a big demand for surgeons who could rebuild them.


  1. Very interesting facts and I don't know most of them. I know mails were carried by foot runners, etc but I didn't know that cats can be used too.

  2. How in the world were they able to use cats? That one was a puzzlement--LOL!

  3. I'm with Rita! In the words of a detergent commercial, "I would very much like to see that!"

  4. I would love to see one of those 3D stamps, that sounds really cool.

  5. Nancy.......Yep interesting and strange

    Rita......Yeah that is strange

    Chris......Me too, it would be a sight

    Karen......Yeah they do


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