Monday, 1 March 2021

Some Facts For Mondat

Hello Monday, hello facts and hello world.................

About 3,000 stars are visible to the naked eye

The left lung is smaller than the right lung to make room for the heart.

The first live television murder was in 1963 when Jack Ruby killed President Kennedy's assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, while millions of viewers watched.

There are 1,792 steps to the top of the Eiffel Tower

A “jiffy” is an actual unit of time meaning one hundredth of a second


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love this. I didn’t know any of this!

  3. Interesting facts which I do not know. Have a wonderful new week.

  4. I didn't know these, either. BTW, I thought "jiffy" was just an expression!

  5. I'm grateful I don't have to climb the stairs to the top of the Eiffel Tower.


  6. I stood at the bottom of the Tower...turned to my husband and said no thanks. I'll just look.

  7. Dear Jo-Anne, I was one of those who saw the first "live television murder" in 1963. I was in the convent, stationed in Kansas City, Kansas. We had no television in the convent, but rented one right after President Kennedy was assassinated. The same day in fact. All twelve of us were gathered before the tv when the murder happened and we gasped and rose from our seats in horror. Confusion reigned on the screen and in our living room. Peace.

  8. "Jiffy"? Seriously??? Wow...

  9. CLOWM..........That's good


    Nancy.....I;ll try

    Kea........I thought it was too

    Janie........Me too

    katie.....,.,I would say the same

    Dee.....I am sure it was very confusinng

    Chris,,,,,,,,Yes wow


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