Monday, 1 April 2019

Did you know No:12

Good morning world another cool to cold morning here in Newie, dragged myself out of bed this morning, really didn't want to get up. Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

Sideburns as in the whiskers that are on the side of a man's face got their name from an American Civil War general, who wore an exaggerated version of the style, shaving only his chin. However, his name wasn't Sideburn it was General Ambrose Burnside.

In 1666 a great fire destroyed 80 per cent of London, but it actually saved thousands of lives, yes you read that right, it saved lives. At the time London was still in the grip of an epidemic known as the “black plague”. The fire sterilised much of the city which halted the spread of the disease.

A dog's sense of smell is over a thousand times better than ours

The giraffe has the highest blood pressure of any animal

The first automobile race ever held in the United States was between Chicago and Evanston, Illinois, the winner was J Frank Duryea, whose average speed was a breakneck seven miles per hour.


  1. I know none of the above. Thanks for sharing these interesting facts.

  2. Interesting Jo-Anne and I'm forever learning if it would only stay in my head :)

  3. I didn't know about the sideburns or the first auto race. It is really true that life had a much slower pace a century ago. ;)

  4. I enjoyed those facts and that blazing speed to go between Chicago and Evanston.dizzying!!! And I loved the comment you gave Katie about Blain. I feel like I know the grandchildren after reading o much about them...the entire family. XX

  5. I knew about Burnside, did you know Union General Joe Hooker gave his last name to the "ladies" that followed his army?

  6. I like learning more about things like this.

    I am not surprised about a dog's sense of smell - Disco can smell anything!

  7. Nancy......You are welcome

    Margaret....Yeah I know that feeling

    Rita......Yeah seven miles an hour is so slow

    Katie......Yeah that speed may have felt fast at the time,I do write about my grandchildren a lot

    Chris.....No I did not know that

    Sandie.....I like writing about these things


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