Sunday, 31 March 2019

The week that was No:13

Here I am starting another week that was post, Jessica didn't pick Leo up till 1.30pm as I didn't ring or text her to come and get him, allowing her to wake up on her own. She worked a concert last night so I had no idea what time she got home and got to bed.

Monday morning Natasha was in a mood and I didn't help as I asked her to swing by Jessica's to drop off Leo's medication for the week. She said Jessica should have came back here to get it herself.

For a change this morning it was mum who had a slight fever and was feeling unwell. So tonight I wasn't able to talk to mum as she was just to sick.

Tuesday was an easy day spent answering letters.

Wednesday I felt sick and spent most of the day in bed sleeping.

Thursday morning I woke up still feeling sick.

Went to the doctors for scripts.

Last night I had another dream where Tim didn't love me and was cruel to me. These dreams are distressing for me.

Friday was another warmish day, I went shopping as per usual and Jessica met me up there and brought me home. Natasha & Jessica had words because Jessica was in a mood after a bad morning and when Natasha rang Jessica, Jess snapped at her which set Tasha off. Both say they are not apologising.

Saturday is a wet day and so dark outside I didn't want to get up but of course I did. When Kathy-Lee brought the shopping over I got her to hang some photos and other stuff for me.

We have Leo while Jessica is driving a group of people to a wedding.

When Jessica got home she went to see Tasha and they are good now.


  1. Dreams that are not good. Hope you don't have anymore bad ones.

  2. I had disturbing dreams earlier in the week. I jolted awake a cot of times.

  3. I am guessing any sort of weaponry should not be added to your Christmas lists for your daughters...

  4. Margaret...No they are not good and somewhat upsetting

    Rick.......Yes many people have upsetting dreams

    Chris.......They do have their moments


Forth Scratchley Newcastle's Big Gun

    This week we are looking at Fort Scratchley which is where the big guns of Newcastle are located. It was built in 1882 to defend the cit...