Sunday, 3 March 2019

The week that was No 9

Good morning it is Sunday morning, I have been up a couple of hours had breakfast posted today’s blog post and now I start the next week that was post.

Monday when I went to aqua this morning we had a different instructor she was good but her style was different.

It is a coolish day with the sliding doors open. I had to change into ¾ pants as my legs were cold.

On Tuesday I went to the falls program and it is still coolish.

Wednesday morning I was up at 6am and found Leo asleep on my arm chair, I let him sleep till 7.45am when he woke up he said he wasn't feeling great but he still wanted to go to school.

I went to my aqua class and when I got home I found Jessica and Leo here. He was sent home from school sick.

I had 2 miss calls from mum dad had another fall when he went to the loo. Mum rang Sue & Sandy to get help getting him up, Sue was at Big W so she told Dave and within 5 minutes they all turned up to help dad.

On Thursday I had a doctor's appointment I wanted a script for aspirin & codeine but he wouldn't give it to me said I shouldn't be taking aspirin. I don't take it daily only if I have a bad headache.

Tim found a blue tongue lizard at work and brought it home much to Leo's joy they will take it to a local wildlife reserve on Saturday and release it. Leo named it Tim after Papa, they have it in the bath.

Friday was shopping day as per usual, Tim drove me and helped me when needed. I have had a headache most of the afternoon I am sick of getting headaches the last few weeks I have had one most days.

Last night(Thursday night)around 8.30pm we had a black out, thankfully it only lasted 20 minutes but around the same time Leo was unwell and threw up but naturally after throwing up he felt better and settled down.

Saturday morning Kathy-Lee brought my shopping over and while here she mentioned she was having a birthday party for Summer at Speers Point Park, Tim asked straight out why didn't we get an invite, all she said was that we could go if we wanted to but didn't answer why she didn't invite us.

She was upset that my mum said on Facebook that Natasha is her favourite granddaughter. She also said it hurts that she isn't a favourite that Jessica is my favourite daughter, Jessica is the one I am most connected too. Growing up Kathy was always a daddy's girl preferring her dad over me all the time. I have never felt good enough for Kathy. Nothing I did was ever right or good enough. I helped her find her first flat and even went and found some carpet offcuts and laid it for her but all she ever says is that I pushed her out of home.

It has been another very warm day, had the air con on when I had a nap but ok in the lounge room with front & back sliding doors open.

I have eight letters to answer have managed to do one today just no motivation to write but I will get through them slowly.


  1. I feel that way with my sister. Nothing I do or say has ever been right in her opinion. Never will be. Just the way she is.

    Sorry Leo was sick. Ian wasn't feeling well this weekend, either. They [pick up a lot of things at school, I think.

    Hope your headache goes away. :)

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - sounds like life is a little challenging .. all the best this week. As for the headache - when I get one I have a cup of tea with very little sugar in it - that seems to do the trick ... worth trying perhaps. Good luck - and I hope your Dad is ok ... cheers Hilary

  3. Sounds like a busy and challenging week for you. Relationship can be complication when there is misunderstanding over words e.g. "favourite".

  4. Stories like Kathy's reminds me of the verse in Proverbs that says we are better relying on your friend or your father's friend who lives close than the brother a distance away. Family always seems to carry the grudges and baggage.

  5. Rita......Yes some people are just like that

    Hilary.....Dad is hanging in there we are taking it one day at a timr

    Nancy......So true

    Chris.......That they do


Phossy Jaw

This week we are looking at an old condition, called Phossy jaw, also known as phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, was a fatal occupational dise...