Monday, 25 March 2019

Did you know No 11

Well here I am on Monday afternoon at last getting around to writing a did you know post, so here are this weeks facts.

Pinocchio was made of pine

Rain contains vitamin B12

Pepsi was originally named Brad's drink

On of the most efficient ways of cleaning your teeth is to chew on a stick

The act of snapping one's fingers has a name, it is called fillip


  1. They are all new to me and interesting.

  2. Now only I know! Thanks for the interesting facts.

  3. Margaret.......Glad you found it interesting

    Nancy.......You're welcome

    Chris........If you say so

  4. Those sure are some interesting facts. No wonder dogs chew on sticks. Have a good week.

  5. Brad's Drink? How strange! I have seen the word fillip in another context,this is interesting. Think I'll skip the stick chewing

  6. Marg.......Yes i thought about dogs too

    Katie.....Stick chewing isn't for me and Brad's drink is weird


  7. Thank you! This is super helpful and well written!


Phossy Jaw

This week we are looking at an old condition, called Phossy jaw, also known as phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, was a fatal occupational dise...