Monday, 11 March 2019

Did you know No: 10

Another day, another week, this afternoon Leo is suppose to walk home from school on his own, I hope that goes well.

Anyway here are this weeks did you know facts.

In 1968 Liechtenstein held a referendum to ask if women should be allowed to vote, for the first time women were allowed to take part. The vote was “NO”

Evidence is mounting which indicates that the dinosaurs disappeared of the earth 66 million years ago due to a catastrophic impact. A huge asteroid, renegade planetoid or rock of some sort smashed into the earth, creating a huge dust storm and a resulting change in the weather. New evidence suggests it wasn't the first time this happened. Palaeontologists have now found signs in the rocks that another huge impact extinguished thousands of species 200 million years ago.

Outer space officially begins at 50 miles above the ground.

Mozart wrote the music for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when he was only five years old

Pigs can cover a mile in 7.5 minutes when running at top speed


  1. thank you for sharing this well written post.
    have a great day

  2. Not even taking a vote to allow women the vote until 1968? That's way behind the times. Mozart was quite the wunderkind. It's interesting that in spite of all the evidence that so many people believe that the Earth isn't as old as it is. They get quite upset over it. I'm a Christian, but I don't take everything in the Bible literally.


  3. I forgot to say that I believe the statement about the speed of pigs. In our neighborhood we used to have some people who owned a pig. Sometimes he would get out of their yard and go out exploring. He was a real wild man.

  4. I won't be racing any pigs...

  5. Mozart wrote the music for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star when he was only five years old. Do you know the song A,B.C? it has the same tune!

  6. Tanza........Thanks

    Janie.......Yeah I thought the same about the voting, yes Mozart was amazing, I never thought about how fast a pig could run

    Chris.....Me either

    Sandie.......Yes I know the ABC song and yes it does


Phossy Jaw

This week we are looking at an old condition, called Phossy jaw, also known as phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, was a fatal occupational dise...