Saturday, 30 March 2019

Hey Hey It's Saturday

Hey hey it's Saturday and this Saturday I am talking about the weather, yes such an exciting topic but a topic none the less.

Today it is a wet day and it was so overcast that I didn't want to get out of bed, when it is overcast and wet I often find that I have zero motivation to do stuff. The same can happen when it is stinking hot.

As a child I remember watching American TV shows and having them talk about season “fall” I used to think it was strange that in America they had this strange and different season and wondered if they had five seasons instead of four like we had. At some point though I realised that fall was what we call autumn.

I also had trouble getting my head around children having the summer of school, here our summer holidays are 5-6 weeks long roughly, also known as the Christmas school holidays. Also as a child I didn't get that different countries are the opposite of us weather wise, I just thought all countries were the same.


  1. My grandson just got back tonight from a mission trip in Guatemala - I think it was life changing - every where is different - yet we all are the same. It is spring here - and almost summer!

  2. When I was a child, I thought Australians must have glue on their they would not fall off the earth.....being the land down under.

  3. With the internet I'm used to seasons being different to ours. Autumn is Autumn to me not fall.
    Weather is always a talking point.

  4. Hmmm.... for a change, we have the same weather...

  5. It’s Saturday here now. It’s a little overcast but it will burn off soon. It’s spring here. The pine and oak pollen is making everything yellow.

  6. Sandie.....Yes is would be a life changing experience

    Silermare....Now that is funny

    Margaret......Yes the internet makes it a small world

    Chris........Weather here and weather there, weather everywhere

    Rick........Sunday here and cool but fine weather wise


Phossy Jaw

This week we are looking at an old condition, called Phossy jaw, also known as phosphorus necrosis of the jaw, was a fatal occupational dise...