Monday, 8 April 2019

Did you know No"13

Good morning all going to be a hot day here in Newie, going nowhere and doing nothing much all day. Being Monday means it is did you know day, so did you know any of the following.

The Greater Dwarf Lemur in Madagascar always gives birth to triplets.

The Icelandic Parliament is the oldest surviving parliament in the world, itt was founded in 930AD

The hardest bonein the human body is the jawbone.

One of Leonardo da Vinci's less known but very effective inventions was the stink bomb mounted on arrows.

If you melted down all the Crayola crayons that are manufactured in one year, you could make one giant crayon 37 feet wide and 420 feet long, 120 feet taller than the Statue of Liberty


  1. They are interesting Jo-Anne.

  2. Wow! These are all definitely new to me--LOL! :)

  3. Thank you, Jo-Anne. These are all new to me. Happy new week!

  4. You'd need one hell of a coloring book...

  5. Glad I'm not a Greater Dwarf Lemur, I barely had enough room for one baby in my belly.

  6. Margaret.....I agree

    Rita......New for me too

    Nancy.......You are welcome

    Chris........That you would

    Karen......Me too

  7. Very interesting - the hardest bone in the human body is the jawbone. That is not surprising to someone who has TMJ - i give my jaw bone or it gives me a work out every night.

  8. Sandie.....Yeah I so get giving the jawbone a workout


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    This week we are looking at Fort Scratchley which is where the big guns of Newcastle are located. It was built in 1882 to defend the cit...