Monday, 19 June 2017

Did you know Monday

Hello Monday, how has everyone been, well and happy I hope, it is a lovely day here in Newie not too cold nor too hot well not hot at all a bit warm in the sun but that's all.

I am home alone this afternoon and tonight as Jessica is finished with Tafe till after the school holidays which means no Leo here at night during the week, we will still have him on Friday night though.

Anyway my weekend was ok it rained pretty much the whole weekend, yesterday at 3.30am I woke with a headache what I call a mini migraine meaning a really bad headache, so bad that I spent most of the morning in bed. I did get up for a couple of hours and had breakfast but felt that bad I went back to bed and slept for three hours, then when I got up I felt fine no headache.

While I was laying down Kathy-Lee and Tim cleaned out the laundry cupboard and it does look a lot better and a lot tidier. Kathy has also moved a lot of stuff out of a kitchen cupboard into the laundry cupboard, not sure how I feel about that yet.

Anyway it is Monday so it is did you know day.............................

So did you know that the longest running animated TV series is The Simpsons you must know that every man and his dog knows that.

How about the fact that the door to 10 Downing Street only opens from the inside, you know the home of the British Prime Minister.

Or that adult humans breathe about 23,000 times a day, do human children breathe more or less I wonder or about the same, if you know tell me because I am clueless.


  1. Only from the inside? How does that darn cat get in?

  2. I didn't know that about No. 10 Downing Street. I hate The Simpsons. I always have. I can't stand the sound of their voices.


    1. I have watched the Simpsons can take or leave it

  3. Didn't know about that door - glad you told us.


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