Sunday, 16 June 2019

The Week That Was No: 24

Well another week that was is posted so time too start the next one.

Today the girls came for lunch for Jessica's birthday, Leo was unmedicated so was a hand full but that meant he ate. I was glad to see them all leave.

I offered to make a potato bake for Tasha but it did hurt my back.
Jessica asked if I would go to Kmart with her tomorrow, Leo needs new school shoes.

Monday morning I slept in till 8.40am after I got up and dressed with Tasha's help. I had two eggs for breakfast then I rang Glendale shopping centre and booked a scooter for 11am. I then rang Jessica, she had forgotten about going Kmart.

However, we still went Tasha drove me to Jessica's in my car and she was in a mood about it.

I am worried about Natasha she is run off her feet taking care of Colin. I am worried they are taking advantage of her.

Jessica drove my car home and will bring it back tomorrow.

Tuesday I was up at 6.30am another cold morning, Natasha came and helped me get dress.

Jessica arrived around 9.15am with the car, I have asked Tasha if she would take her home.

However, at 10.45 she decided to walk home because she thought I was in a snappy mood. She was wrong I was fine.

This was because she spilt her drink over papers I had on the table, as well as over the medication containers. I got up to clean it up while she did nothing.

Then a man came to the door with Natasha on his phone, I told Jess to talk to her and she yells and say what, try hello. Natasha was out and he needed to get into her house. Jess took him up and let him in, he took a photo of the broken item and left.

Leo is here tonight.

At 4.15am on Wednesday morning, Leo came in wanting more night time medication, heard Papa telling him no as he will need to get up in a few hours.

When I got up he was awake but by 6.45 he was asleep again. I had to wake him at 7.50am.

Jessica called in to pick up Leo's stuff.

I slept in Thursday morning to 8.04am I woke at 4.04am with a headache, I applied Vicks to my forehead and went back to sleep. The headache was still there when my alarm went off a 6am.

Tim home early from work, had him ring Rankin Park Day Hospital about the bars in the bathroom. Sara will ring me on Monday.
Leo here tonight.

Friday morning Tasha & I went to get mum & Dawson but when we arrived Sue was there and we ended up taking Dawson and Sue drove mum.

Jessica rang at 7am and said she didn't know when or if she would be able to meet me at Charlie. Thankfully she was able to meet me.

I had a bad start to the day I was shaking so bad that I had to have a smoke before I went to Charlie.

Jessica brought me more cookies.

Saturday now and a pretty average day, Tim is off. Natasha brought down sheets for me to wash as well as a doona which Tim put on the line instead of in the dryer.

This afternoon Tim at last cut my hair.


  1. Wow, that sure sounds like a busy week. Glad you are having an easy Saturday. Hope your week is a good one.


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...