Sunday, 30 June 2019

The Week That Was No:26

Another week done and dusted, so let me start another week that was post. Tim went and picked up Leo and brought him here so he could cut Leo's hair, in order to get rid of his head lice.

So this morning Tasha came down to help me get dressed and get the clothes off the line, while she was here Tim read allowed the text I sent him last night about Kathy. So Tasha sent Kathy a nasty text about the fact that she has a bloody good life and how dare she say otherwise.

Tim went over and got Leo so he could cut Leo's hair. He had to borrow Tasha's hair clippers as his were blunt.

Tim also replaced the bulb in his bike's headlight.

Jessica came over with Kelli and her kids, so I was able to see Freya and give her the elephant I bought her.

It is a cold and wet day, here in my part of Newie.

Monday was another cold and wet morning, Tim on afternoons again. No aqua as it is far too cold. Tasha came up to borrow some liquid paper.

I found myself falling asleep at 9am so I went back to bed for 2hrs.

On Tuesday I had an appointment with the nurse at the doctors surgery. However, when I made the appointment the receptionist stuffed up and made it with Arun. The nurse still did the care plan anyway.

I have had a change in my medication, I know will only take 1 Diamicron daily as well as 1 Forxiga tablet daily and have to checked my blood often each day.

I woke up tired on Thursday morning and ended going back to bed at 8am for two hours. I still felt tired but could at least function.
Felt tired most of the day, had to go for another nap, Leo woke me up when he got home from school.

Friday I slept in till 8am as Leo isn't going to school as he has an appointment with Dr Murry at the John Hunter Hospital.

Jessica arrived at 9am, she called in sick this morning.

Dr Murry was running an hour late, we ended up seeing her registrar but Dr Murry did come in and see us as well.

They now thing Leo may have something called, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is something to do with how flexible he is. He is being referred to a specialist about it.

It looks like we may have to go private to have his autism diagnosed. I mentioned it to Tim he wasn't interested but I will speak to him again.

Saturdays morning I went to Charlestown with Kathy and Summer.
Natasha & Kathy patched up their differences and Tasha dyed Kathy's hair.

Last night I had a hypo attack and had to get help from Tasha.
After that I settled down and slept well.

Had another hypo attack Sat night and was in a right mess had to take some honey to make me feel ok. This happened twice.
I sent an email off to the blood glucose company letting them know that I feel the machine is playing up.

I also have rang mum and asked if I could borrow dad's machine to check what that level it shows compared to mine.


  1. Sugar can sure be a funny thing. I can usually tell when I'm a bit off, but mine is a bit more under control.

  2. Hi Jo-Anne - hope things ease up ... take care and all the best - Hilary

  3. I'm sorry about your troubles, my love. I've never heard of that syndrome. I hope the lice are gone.


  4. You have had a busy week as you usually do.
    Hope you can keep your hypo attacks in check.

  5. Chris......So is mine, generally speaking

    Hilary.....Same here

    Janie......I also had never heard of it and me too

    Margaret.....Seems like that, yes I need too


Woman's work in war times

First up there is a new post over here: Now for today's post. During the secon...