Friday, 1 September 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Well here we are at Jo-Anne's Thoughts and this week I have been thinking about sibling rivalry but not between sibling but cousins, as in my eldest grandchildren.

Blain and Sam, these two have had this rivalry for years, each bad mouthing the other over any bloody little thing.

This is something I find hard to understand as I never experienced it with my siblings, we all get along and for the most always have.

I did have to deal with it between my eldest (Kathy)and my youngest (Jess)who spent years/decades at each others throats. Thankfully they get along now.

Do you have any rivalry with your siblings?

How do your own children get along?


  1. This isn't an evil that we've had to face. I was ten years distant from my other siblings; KC has tried to mentor Shenan, and the grandkids are pretty tight.

  2. We were distant but didn't fight much. The only rivalry we had was between my little sister and I, but that was on her part and not mine. None of us are really close to this day. But we are all close to our kids and grandkids.

    1. I know my family are closer then most people's families

  3. I am the oldest of the siblings and made sure we got on very well in childhood. Ditto all my first cousins who lived in our same street - I loved them equally.

    But once everyone married outsiders and moved into their own homes, everything could and did change. Nothing was the same any more. Particularly after our parents, and our aunts and uncles passed away.

    1. That's so true things can fall apart as we age and grow in different directions

  4. Sorry to hear this. No I haven't had any rivalry.

  5. My two boys are very close in age, and there was some rivalry between, but they've grown to respect each other, which warms my heart.

  6. No serious rivalry between my boys - more having to do with sports.They get along well but thats not to say, they never get mad at each other.

    My sister was competitive with me. I just wouldn't have it so she always flaunted herself as better than me. I let her. I just wasn't going to play that silly game and it drove her crazy that I wouldn't be a part of it. She made me mad a few times though...Many times my mom would pit us against each other. That was not cool.


Canada's National Anthem

  This week we are looking at the national anthem of Canada, the song is called “O Canada", it was originally commissioned by Lieutenan...