Friday, 22 September 2023

Jo-Anne's Thoughts

 Friday is here and it is the last day of term 3 for New South Wales schools, we have two weeks of no school, so during the holidays we will have our granddaughters here on each Wednesday. We don't have the girls very often because Kathy feels we don't interact with them enough, instead letting them entertain themselves on the tablet or phone, that is just the way we are.

Being Friday this is a post about my thoughts and as usual I have no bloody idea what my thoughts are.

Ok I have been thinking why is the weather all over the place two days ago I had the air con going now it is nearly cold enough for the heater again. We also have some light rain this morning making me wonder if I should go up with Sam or not. I had to wake Tim to take Sam up as Tasha said she had diarrhoea and couldn't do it, I hate having to ask someone else to do it. After Tim took Sam up the sun started to come out and it stopped raining, naturally...

Yesterday morning while I was waiting for Sam to show up, I go up and wait before Sam who is usually brushing his teeth and I park in the drive way but out of the way of cars, anyway the damn garbage truck arrive and the driver decided to reverse it down the driveway. I had to move damn fast or I would have been hit and that would not be good, getting run over by a garbage truck is never good. Naturally I did get out of the way, I like to park the scooter in a position so I can see when Sam's driver turns into our street, this allows me to have time to ring Sam if he isn't already up waiting with me.

Kathy has had me looking for her childhood immunisation records which I do not believe I have she needs them for work and records older then 2007 are not online or held by Medicare. I have Jessica's records but I am pretty sure I don't have either Kathy's or Natasha's.

It was Skylar's 3rd birthday yesterday, Sandy told me Doc's which is Department of Community Services now use to be Department of Children and before that was called something Welfare. Anyway they dropped of a heap of presents for Skylar as well as a cake so Sandy didn't have to buy anything. At this stage Sandy doesn't know how long she will have them she has said she will take them till they are 18 if needed but nothing has been settled yet.

Ok today's post is just a bit of this and a bit of that


  1. OMGosh! Run over by a garbage truck would be a horrible thing! I hope your day is better. :)

    1. It wouldn't be nice, I can laugh about it now but at the time I had quite a fright

  2. Yes, Jo-Anne, stay far away from those garbage trucks!

  3. Enjoy your time with your granddaughters. Bonding is very important.

    1. I will, I don't see them as often as I see the boys but such is life

  4. It's always so difficult to run down documents as you need to do for Kathy. I have been down that gnarly road a few times, and I finally learned to keep them in a strong box. I too have almost been hit while parked, but not by a truck. That would be horrible.

    1. If I had what she needed I know exactly where it would be but I don't have it, I believe she took it thinking she is an adult and able to keep things safe herself.

  5. Ha, "getting run over by a garbage truck is never good" literally had me laughing out loud.

  6. Sometimes it's hard to have the energy for grandkids. It's one thing to visit while the parents are there, another to be watching them and hanging on by your fingernails, lol!

    1. I remember those full on days when the boys were little

  7. Holidays started last Monday in Victoria and I expected the streets to be filled with noisy kids on bikes or playing football. I was pleasantly surprised to see two boys (aged 12ish) arrive at the coffee shop I was in, place their bikes on the brick wall, sit outside in the sunshine and order sandwiches and drinks. At the end of their lunch, they thanked the staff, got on their bikes and drove quietly away.

    I was very proud of their behaviour.

    1. There are still some well mannered children around and it is good to see them and yes makes us proud, their parents should be proud

  8. Oh dear, have a lovely time

  9. Yes it is, Sandy was surprised by that


Canada's National Anthem

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