Sunday, 18 November 2012

More Presents and My Blain

Yesterday afternoon I received a couple of more birthday presents see these ones lucky me so now I have luggage to go on holiday with and a new bag to boot, I love this little pink bag I don’t usually do little bags in fact I have large bags that I carry everything par the kitchen sink in………………

However Kathy-Lee thought it would be a nice bag to take on holiday with me as she said I won’t need to carry around so much just my purse and my phone in fact I will not take my normal purse but think I will look and see if I have a smaller one that I can just put my licence and some money in instead.

Tonight we will have our grandson Blain here for the night and I will take him to school in the morning his mother’s car is out of rego till tomorrow, and Tim has said that he doesn’t want her to use the credit card for her rego any more he thinks and I agree that it is time the girls start trying to find the money to pay for their cars registration without relying on him…………….I know it is not easy for them but I also know that they are now in their 20’s and should be able to find the money on their own.

Jessica is feeling like shit so I told her if she wants both her and Leo can stay tonight but I will have Blain so she will have to decide if she wants to be around both the boys as they can be a real hand full when they are together………………………lol


  1. What terrific presents! Your trip to New Zealand is going to be smashing. I'm like you in that my purses are very nice, but they're usually large shoulder bags. I'm not sure I could do with a little one. Love the color and style of yours-

    1. I wouldn't be able to manage with a small bag on a day to day basis, it just wouldn't hold

  2. Great luggage and the purse is cute but I'm with you about the size. That is especially true on a trip. You will need space for a camera and all those cool things you may need or buy... Just saying. :))).

    1. Yeah I know were you're coming from I do like to carry a lot of stuff with me.......the luggage is awesome I am so lucky to have such a great brother and sister in-law

  3. That's lovely that you now have new luggage to go on holiday with. I love the little bag.Hope you're counting down the days now! (Oh, I do hope that your headache gets better soon).

    1. I am counting the days and will be starting to pack soon as for my headache well it is better if not gone

  4. I love your little pink bag and i think it will be perfect to take away with you.

    You dont want to be lugging a hug bage around when all you really need is room for your wallet and camera

    1. I love the pink bag to it is so cute and yeah I will be using a small wallet while I am away and of course will have my camera with me 24/7 want to take lots of photos

  5. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Lovely pink bag, how great to have family to be able to receive these gorgeous gifts♡♡♡ Wishing you will have a nice trip with these. I have have bigger size bag cosidering my size(^^;) Many thing to carry around p;)
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes I am lucky to have such a great family who spoilt me with such awesome presents......

  6. Happy Birthday! It looks like you received some great present especially that little pink bag! Thats amazing Tim surprised you with a trip to NZ and you can now start packing in those suitcases :).

    I agree with Tim, its time the girls stood up on their feet and paid their own way since they all live in their own places now. Even though I live at home I've always had to pay my own mot, road tax and car insurance.... even my own cars which all adds up. If I couldn't afford it I just didn't have a car and walked.

    1. Thank you I had a great birthday, and yes I was spoilt with presents by my wonderful family.

      As I said I also agree with Tim it is time the girls started saving the money to pay for their car expensers.........

  7. Lovely gifts there Jo-Anne., lucky lady :)

    1. I have such a great family who spolit me with awesome presents

  8. I agree. Time for tough love. ;)
    You are always so busy. Now you will have new birthday luggage to pack soon--whoohoo! Won't be long! :)


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