Monday, 5 November 2012

Another Day Another Post About Nothing Much

This week Little Leo has his first day of his transition to school program it will be on Wednesday and every Wednesday during the month, so I went and spoke to Miss Emma at the day care and arranged for him to go to day care on Tuesdays for the month of November he will have 3 transition to school days during the month. I hope he enjoys the days there is also a picnic in the playground day with will be the first Tuesday in December. 

So tomorrow I will go with mum to see nanna at the nursing home instead of going on Wednesday since of course I will be going to the school with Jessica and Leo on Wednesday.

It is another very warm/hot day here I have the air con going and I am glad that I managed to get the washing on the line before the day started to heat up. During summer I eat a lot more fruit salads I don’t have traditional salad dishes as I don’t eat salad food but I love my fruit and have fruit salad most days. I buy tin fruit salad and add an orange or mandarin, I will also often add banana or apple but that gets added when I dish it up and of course some days I have custard with it or ice cream but I also like to have chocolate mousse with my fruit salad. Many days I will have fruit salad over having a so called proper meal because it is so hot that I just can’t be bothered trying to prepare something else.

I also changed the sheets time for summer sheets I think as last night we had the fan going all night and even then I woke up a couple of times drenched in sweat…………….

I am also getting a bit pissed off with I am doing my Christmas cards and also getting something for my brother for Christmas and it will not load the checkout page grrrrrrrr………………….I have been trying to get it to load for the last 2 hours……..yes 2 bloody hours I have tried many things but nothing is working, I have closed the page and came back to it but still it will not load.



  1. I hear ya on the heat. We are supposed to be in fall, but we are still nearing 100 degrees on the thermometer. Whew.

    Hope it's not too bad for you there in Oz!

    1. I think we may be in for a bloody hot summer as it is already pretty hot here most days and we are still in Spring........

  2. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    So sorry that I have missed several of your posts.
    Oh, it seems you are having busy days taking car of your precious family. It is getting colder here and now we need heater all morning and night. Hope you will enjoy your summer, my friend!

    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. That is ok visit when you can, I don't mind summer if it isn't too hot or if I am inside an air conditioned place......

  3. We only got to 28degC today so that was lovely.
    We eat lots of salads all year around, not much of a fruit eater but like a fruit salad on warm days.

    Did you clear your cache - that might help, worth a try.

    1. Hubby loves his salads too he can have salad all year I find I prefer my fruit salad during the hot days

  4. I love fruit salad in any form at any time. It is the best thing ever. When add chocolate mousse to it. I am now in heaven. :)))

    1. Yes the chocolate mousse goes very nicely with the fruit salad it is very yummy

  5. We have had a couple of hot days too and a huge thunder storm tonight.
    Adding fresh fruit to tinned fruit salad is a great idea

    1. Yes I think it is a good mix with the fresh and tinned fruit..........haven't had a storm here in ages

  6. The difference between your part of the world and here. We are doing all that's opposite of what you're doing. I am trying to get everything ready for cold here. Now we are steering away from salads and making soups and stews...comfort foods.

    1. Yes it amazing how when it is hot here it is cold in other parts of the world and how in the cold months we love soups and stews over other foods.......

  7. All change in your routine then, they grow up so quickly.

    1. Yes there will be pick changes next yeat when he starts school, it doesn't see them long ago he was a

  8. Yep--I am on the other side of the world too, and so just getting used to the cold weather.
    I love fruit salad and as I was reading this, I thought to myself, "why don't I do that? [eat fruit salad for dinner]?] It sounds like a fabulous idea. I don't care for vegetable salads too much but I make myself eat them. Actually, once I start eating them, I DO like them, but for some reason, the IDEA of eating them seems blah. Fruit doesn't do that to me.
    I hope Leo enjoyed his transition day. :-)

    1. I find that now days when it is hot I just don't have much interest in food and something like fruit salad is quick and easy and good for me much better then buying take away........


Saudi Arabia

  Ok this week we are looking at Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia. Located in the centre of t...