Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Up Way To Early Today............Meaning It Is Going To Be A Long Day.............

Well I never got around to writing yesterdays post no particular reason just didn't but we all have days like that don't we.............last night or should I say this morning at around 1am Leo started crying in his sleep and wanting his mum, who came in to see to him and then got up with him and asked me if I had anything for an earache but I didn't all I had was disprin which is like asprin so I crashed a disprin mixed it with some water then of course he didn't want it but I mangae to get him to swallow it and what did he do....................He threw up just missing me although he did get a tiny bit in my hair.

Jessica then got angry with him she said it was because she was so tired, like I wasn't anyway she got me a towel and I cleaned up the vomit I then changed Leo's shirt and stayed up with him till 3am. Now I know you are all saying why did I stay up with him instead of his mother well she was just in such a mood that she was only makeing matters worse, after going back to bed he couldn't decide who's bed to be in mine or in with his mum he ended up back with me.

We have been up since 6.15am this morning he says his ear still hurts and I will ring the doctors when they open and see if I can get an appointment for him this afternoon and I will have to get some childrens pain medicine today. At the moment he is having breakfast and seems fine but he also seemed fine when we were watching tellying in the wee hours it was only when he went to lay down the pain returned.

You know the last couple of days it has been so bloody hot here with tempertures in the 30's or for those who don't do celcius that would be in the 90's anyway it has been hot enough  that we have had the air con going and this morning it is cool and wet.

Back to watching telly Leo really loves Tom & Jerry cartoons he likes a lot of different shows but Tom & Jerry are his favourite at the moment, well they have been his go to show for most of the year............Little Sydney-May loves to watch Dora and My Blain loves superhero cartoons like spiderman and batman he is very much into his superheros. So I bought him a personalised Spiderman birthday card his birthday is next month but hey I don't leave things to the last

I am going to have to go and get dressed ready to go to the school for his transition to school morning.  I think I will need a nap this


  1. hugs hope you get a chance to rest sounds like a long morning already

    1. It is now 1 in the afternoon and I haven't stopped since I got up.............oh well such is life, well such is my

  2. Missing those 90 degree days :) We're in the cool days right now! Arg! I don't miss the ear ache days either, poor POkey had so many they finally put tubes in. Scary stuff! Love some Tom and Jerry too!

    1. My niece had to have crommets in her ears when she was a child, thankfully Leo's ear is much better now still a little sore but ok......

  3. Hoping you can get some rest, my friend!

    1. I would love to get some rest, I do try to switch off each day for an hour or so

  4. Poor kid. Ear aches HURT!

    1. Yeah I know I hate it when I get an ear ache thankfully last night Leo was much better.......


Saudi Arabia

  Ok this week we are looking at Saudi Arabia, officially the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, is a country in West Asia. Located in the centre of t...