Sunday, 11 November 2012

Remembrance Day..............Lest We Forget

In Australia, Remembrance Day is always observed on 11 November, regardless of the day of the week, and is not a public holiday; it is a time when people can pay their respects to the substantial number of soldiers who died in battle. Some institutions observe two minute's silence at 11 a.m. 

Through a programme named Read 2 Remember, children read the Pledge of Remembrance by Rupert McCall and teachers deliver specially developed resources to help children understand the significance of the day and the resilience of those who have fought for their country and call on children to also be resilient when facing difficult times.

Services are held at 11 a.m. at war memorials and schools in suburbs and cities across the country, at which the "Last Post" is sounded by a bugler and a one-minute silence is observed.

In recent decades, Remembrance Day has been largely eclipsed as the national day of war commemoration by ANZAC Day (25 April), which is a public holiday in all states.

All that said it is still an important day here and I always stop and remember at 11am.

Here in Australia those soldiers who are killed on peace keeping missions are not honoured by having their name added to the wall at the Australian War Memorial and I feel that it is just so wrong they are wearing the Australian uniform, they are still Australian Soldiers and they have died while serving and so they should be honoured

What is it like in other countries do you recognise and honour your peace keeping soldiers the same as you do those fighting in war zones?  


  1. A very touching remembrance to those who truly deserve it. They are the real heroes~

  2. Yes, we remember. My family, being several generations of military, still call November 11 "Armistice Day". My brother was an Air Force General, my nephew is an Air Force Major and my great nephew is an Air force Sargent. God Belss ALL the soldiers...everywhere. Let's hope we can keep the free world, free.

    1. How awsome so many memebers of your family serving in the Air Force I thank them for their service soldiers would love peace......

  3. I remembered Remembrance Day...was silent for 1 minute at 11am, that sometimes is hard for me to be silent :)

    1. I also had a minute of silence alone in the bedroom

  4. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    My father fought WWⅡand really reticent person. We have "anniversary of the end of World War II" on August 15th. We sure must remid ourselves of cruelties of war!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Yes we should never forget the cruelties of war unfortunely many can not forget and relive the horror of war far to pop was one of those people.....

  5. what a beautiful way to remember


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