Sunday, 4 November 2012

How Serious Are You

Are you a serious person? Or are you somewhat silly?

Or maybe you are a bit of both, in fact I think most of us are both.  I like to think of myself as being both I can be silly at times and serious when it is needed but my husband Tim is more a serious person in fact I rarely see him laugh or even smile except when he is drunk and then he will say he is in a good mood and happy but in fact like most drunks he is just annoying………………..

I laugh most days and I am happy and can have moments when I am all bubbly inside I am that happy and excited about nothing really I just am. Tim however doesn’t get like that and I feel sorry for him at times because when I will ask him what makes him happy he will often not have an answer, although I know he loves his grandchildren having them around makes him happy just not on a day to day basis.

Being silly is good for us, it helps keep us young I feel people who rarely laugh or do silly things feel older than they are. I am turning 50 in a couple of weeks’ time but I do not feel like I am that old I generally think/feel like I am in my 20’s but that I think is normal for many of us as well. 

Tim however will often say he feels old more like someone in their 70’s or 80’s and of course he is only 51, I do think the fact that he rarely laughs of acts in a silly way plays a part in how old he feels.


  1. I think lightheartedness is good for the soul. I am nearly always lighthearted on the inside, even when I have to appear more serious on the outside. Our birthdays are close- I'll be 51 next week~

    1. Yes being lighthearted is so good for the soul, I will often appear to be in a serious mood but that is not how I am feeling at I so know what you mean

  2. Since when does drunk have anything to do with silliness or seriousness?.....that's oranges and apples

    1. I don't know who you are but I was talking about my husband and how he often will say he is happy when he is drunk so I think you missed something when reading this post.....

  3. I love to laugh and to make people laugh. I don't take too many things seriously.

    1. That is a great way to be, I come across more serious then I often am............

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You removed this comment but I can tell you that I have no idea why you photo doesn't show up it shows up in the emails I get, you know what I mean when the comment gets emailed to you well your photo is always there but not here and I just thing that it is odd and I have no idea why it is like that.......

    2. Jo-Anne, I removed comment because it was about not seeing my little photo as you said. I went to my comments where I had replied to comments, & my little photo was there. Strange, thanks for your input. Hopefully it will be ok now.

  5. I am all about silly that is the best way to live. Age is just a number it is all in your head:) B

    1. Yes age is just a state of mine, that is what my nan use to say.......

  6. I'm serious about being silly. I have a very strong love for the ridiculous.


    1. Hey that sounds like a great way to be serious about silly I like that........

  7. I think I am pretty serious but I do have those slap happy moments too

    1. Slap happy moments are great unless of course you are going around slapping people because you are so happy or because seeing their pain makes you

  8. I'm a mixture of both silly and serious. Hubby is pure silly so I think it's good I have that serious side to me at times.

    1. I remember when Tim was very silly far more them me and now he is so serious all the time......


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