Thursday, 1 November 2012

Friends, Change and Me.....................

“Real friends won’t ask you to change who you are” have you heard this saying it makes one wonder what are real friends are they only those people who you have met face to face in the real world or do you count your online friends as real friends…………………….as everyone knows I do count my online friends as real friends in fact they may know me better than some of those who have met me in the flesh. 

I share a lot of myself online as everyone knows it is just the way I am……………….but how about this would you change if someone tried to get you to change who you are would you or would you think no bloody way this is me take me the way I am or leave me your choice and your loss if you chose to walk away from our friendship…………….no one is going to make me change that said I did try to change my ways when years ago my sister Sue use these 5 words to describe me.

Aggressive, Abrupt, Rude, Judging and Insensitive as I never thought of myself as being judging, insensitive or aggressive although I could sometimes be rude or abrupt but I tried really hard to change those things as it came as a bit of a shock when Sue used those words to describe me.
Somewhere I saw this but I can’t remember where but I think it is pretty spot on so I am adding it to this post…………………….

The RIGHT people for you will love all the things about you that the WRONG people are intimidated by.  Don’t change so people will like you.  Be patient, keep being your awesome self, and pretty soon the RIGHT people will love the REAL you.


  1. Positive change is always a good thing, but it takes a positive friend speaking in a positive way to contribute. If you think you're going to change me by defining me in a few hurtful words, you'll probably just end up making me treat you that way...

    1. Yes postive change is always good, although what some may see as being postive others may not, interesting I did no think I was rude but looking at myself through her eyes showed me that maybe I was a bit and that is why I tried to change my ways.........and I think I have managed to do so........

  2. I think this is very well said. I always want to better myself, but I don't want to keep changing to try and please other people.

    1. I also do not want to change to please others but it was a bit of a shock to be told I was rude as I didn't think I was and it made me look at myself and how I acted in a different light.

  3. well said i think we all change and become better people with the help of good friends and family but i don't think we should change in order to keep those people in our life. We should be loved for who we are faults in all.

    1. No one should change just to make others happy if we try to change our ways it has to be for ourselves, my sisters told me they loved me but thought I was a bit rude and abrupt.......

  4. Love is blind, right? When I feel picky about someone I love, I take a breath and remember 5 good things I like about them.

    1. Yes it pays to think about the good things about someone I do it a lot myself when I am pissed off with someone I remember all the good things about them I like

  5. I am resistant to change, but I will listen to a good friend who knows how to make suggestions in the right way. I always accept people where they are at in life, but many of my friends will knock me over the head with criticism first before I ever even give much thought to their faults! It's too bad that we all don't just work on our own faults instead of picking at the splinter in someone else's eyes. You always have such interesting posts!

    1. I have never been good at change but when told that I come across in a way that I do not think is who I am then it pays to listen and try to change.........that said change has to be for ones self and not just to make others happy.....

  6. I find online friends are the easiest to talk to. You can be yourself more than with some of your in real life friends

    1. Yes I agree our online friends are often so much easier to talk to then some of those we see in real life

  7. I get this. As a kid I was a pleaser. I always wanted to do what everyone expected of me. In other words I wasn't being true to myself. That has changed the older I get. Now, the people I enjoy the most are the ones who accept me for who I am. So ROCK on girlfriend... :-)

  8. Some great quotes and true ones. Just be happy being you. :)


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