Thursday, 8 November 2012

Are You Happy Living Where You Live

I have a question for everyone
If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
Do you love the country you live in?
How about the area you live in, your neighbourhood is it all you want it to be or do you often feel like moving but can’t afford to do so.

I have lived in this area all my life yes I have lived in a couple of different suburbs but always around the same area and I can tell you I am happy where I am. Do I like all my neighbours? No bloody way do I some of them are right sods and I wish they would move but I have nothing to do with them and keep to myself. 

Both I and Tim have said that we will grow old in this house and that we are settled and happy with where we are, my parents are the same they have lived in the same house since 1980 and also have no interest in moving. Is it an age thing do people not want to move as often as they get old? 

I know that we have been pretty lucky in that even though we don’t get along with some of our neighbours we haven’t had a lot of trouble with them, unlike some people who not only don’t like their neighbours but are always fighting with them.

Do you think living in the same area or even the same house is better for children, or do you think moving about often is ok and doesn’t bother children at all. I personally think it is better for children to be settled into one house/home for long period of times. As a child my parents moved 4 times I don’t remember the first place but the  other 3 I do they only moved as the family grew and they needed more bedrooms……………..Me and Tim have only lived in 2 homes and moved here before Jessica was born so the girls all pretty much grew up in this house.


  1. I absolutely love where I live. I couldnt imagine living anywhere else.
    We are in a great area, fabulous country. I do love being an Aussie

    1. I alao think this is the best country and love being and Aussie............

  2. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else because we are so settled here and so much of our family lives nearby. I do like visiting other places, but there's no place like home...

    1. I also would love to visit some other places but I do love living where I am.............

  3. We lived in the same house for twenty years whilst our family was growing up, but now we are treating life as an adventure so move much more often!

    1. I am not one for traveling for any lenght of time I miss my family far to much for that.........

  4. 22 years in the navy, 17 years at sea, I have lived everywhere. And I settled in SoCal

    1. I can't imagine living anywhere but here surrounded by my family

  5. that is a question i ponder often, i loved florida and often wonder what spirit has planned for me stuck where i am now in delaware. i hate the cold and havent found my niche yet, but there are also wonderful people i love and i enjoy my work so i'm kinda on the fence as to what i'll end up doing.

    1. As you know I am a family person and love being surrounded by my as long as I have my family around me I am happy

  6. I'd love to live in the united kingdom, although I live in a great place right now--with some swell neighbors! We are very lucky, despite being far away from any family.

    1. Having good neigbours helps a person like where they are living, horror neighbours make a person want to move

  7. We've moved a lot in my life, even as child. I've put my child through the same thing. We're in a "permanent" place at this time, I look forward to another move... Eventually :)

    1. I think some people feel the need to move a lot I am not one of those people.

  8. I have move many times in my life. Not simple in the same town move but cross country moves. The last move, I made it firm that it would be our last. Moving is hard on everyone and staying out and putting done roots is important. :-)

    1. Some people like to move a lot others like me like staying put and like the feeling of being settled

  9. Oh I love where I live the country the area and yes I love my neighbours I cannot imagine living somewhere else. My children moved away for work but I never think they will forget home, the only place they ever knew. I think we are extremely lucky. B

    1. So good to hear that I am not the only person who loves the area she lives in, yes our children move away but hopefully for most home is a special place

  10. Interesting questions.
    Living in different cities and towns never hurt me as a child.
    I would prefer to live in a warmer climate especially for winter, but then I would get used to that and want to more again, so I think I will stay where I am.
    We always can't live near family unfortunately..

    1. I have always wondered if moving a lot is good or bad for children so it is nice to hear from someone who moved a bit a child that it didn't hurt them......

  11. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    I think it is kind of hard to answer because there are so many places I wish to live. I have some experiences of sightseeing trips to Europe and fascinated with its beauty. But I don't know how it is to live there.
    I am happy to say that I have fairy lucky life here in Japan with the really safe environment.
    Yes, I also live close to my family and felt secured with the help of my late mother(*^_^*)
    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. I feel it would be good to travel move but this is home and I am happy here surrounded by my family

  12. I love living where we do. It's all I'm used to though. There is comfort in that.


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