Monday, 19 November 2012

My Monday.............

Ok let’s start with last night we had both grandsons and Jessica here for the night, we had Blain as his mum said her car is out of rego and she needed me to take Blain to school this morning so anyway the boys were being loud and full on like they always are when they are together and Tim was angry because the boys were loud and Jessica said she was tired and sick and wasn’t up to doing anything which is the reason her and Leo were here for the night………………..anyway I didn’t manage to get a nap during the day and by 7pm I was starting to feel done in and by 8pm I was in bed I just couldn’t do it any longer. 
I don’t remember Blain coming to bed or Leo coming and getting into bed with us but I do kind of remember getting up with Leo because he had an ear ache and wanted something for the pain, I got up poured some pain medicine I do not remember how much I poured out and gave it to him. He then didn’t want to drink it and I had to coax him into having it by giving him a chocolate if he drank his medicine and then of course Blain came out and he wanted a chocolate which I gave him and then we go back to bed but Leo started complaining about something I don’t remember what and his mum called him back into the other room and he stayed there with her.

This morning I was trying to get out of the house before Leo woke up but didn’t happen he woke up and wanted to come with us and so I got Jes up to get him dressed while I got Blains shoes on him. We ended up being 5 minutes late for school and of course this was because Blain wanted me to park the car and come in with him and meet his teacher, then it turned out his class was in the computer room and he wanted to show me were that was. That involved walking up some stairs and on the way down after dropping Blain at the class room Leo goes walk slowly nanna one step at a time I don’t want you to fall down the stairs again…………

After that I had to stop and have blood drawn for more blood tests and I took Leo with me while that was done and he was so cute, he took my hand and told me to look at him not at the needle and while she was getting the blood he patted my hand and said it’s ok nanna I am here just don’t look.

Then today I had some woman come around to show/tell us ways to save money on our electricity bill, but she ended up telling me I was doing all the right things and there was nothing she could really tell me, however just before she left she told me about an organisation that we could get cheap new white goods from on 18 months interest free, that I didn’t know about so it was worth her coming.


  1. It's very sweet that he's so protective of you- good little heart in that boy. I'm going to sound ignorant, but what are white goods?

    1. I will tell what white goods are in todays post since you are not the only one not knowing what they
      Yes Leo was very protective

  2. Sounds like a full on night at nannas house!
    Its a tough one trying to save on electricity, at least with the summer months you can keep the lights off for longer and enjoy the natural sun light coming into the house :)

    1. Many full nights at nannas

      I do like to have natural light as much as possible.

  3. My goodness me, I feel quite worn out with all that you've been up to there. It's wonderful that your little grandson is so protective. My two are the same, and always want to "kiss is better" for grandma. As I said on facebook, we are blessed indeed. Take care and try not to overdo things before your holiday!!!

    1. He was also worried about me walking down stairs telling me to take one step at a time and to hold on to the railing as he didn't want me to fall again.....

  4. How exhausting! You are one good grandma.
    What are "white goods?"

    1. Thank you and todays post will cover white goods....

  5. you're an awesome grandma and i'm with the others what are "White goods" maybe you can explain in your next post i'm clueless

    1. Yes I will explain white goods today for all my blog friends who are clueless.......

  6. What are white goods? Yes, tell us in your next post please.
    Sounds like you've had a couple of crazy days!! :)

    1. Yes will do didn't think I would confuss so many


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