Tuesday, 20 November 2012

White Goods and More

Ok yesterday I used the term “white goods” and didn’t realise that not everyone would know what I meant so to those I confused I am sorry…………….White Goods are things like Fridges, Freezers, Washing Machines, Dryer and etc……………….

Mum and I went over to see nan today as tomorrow I have a doctor’s appointment just need to get some scrips and want to ask about all the pain from the reflux that they say I have, I get a lot of pain usually in my chest and through to my back it is very pain and a lot like the pain I got when I had gallstones but I don’t have my gallbladder any more so that is not the cause of the pain now. 

This morning Jessica called in to pick up Leo’s day care food and drop off her dog and asked me if I would pick Leo up this afternoon and take him back to her place and of course I said I would partly because I do not feel like having them here tonight and I feel that if I had said no she would have hung around here all day and then want to stay the night………….lol

This morning it was very over cast and even rained while we went to the nursing home although it has stopped now and it may fine up, I ended up pegging the towels on the line but I am not sure if they will dry today or not……………..when I got home from the nursing home I found a bunch of tin food sitting on my table and a not from Kathy saying they were here this is the note…………………

This afternoon I will start packing ready for when we go to New Zealand, I am so excited words cannot describe how excited I am………..I also want to get some of my Christmas decorations up just got to be in the mood to do both……………


  1. New Zealand, how great! Have you ever been there? I'd love to be able to head there someday and also to your country.
    I hope you get to feeling better.
    My daughter doesn't have her gallbladder either. She takes bile salts to help aid digestion.

    1. No it's my first trip to New Zealand and I am so excited about the trip. I have never heard of bile salts.....might have to look into that.......

  2. You will surely be well for your trip! How long does it take to get to NZ from where you are? My parents went a couple of years ago, and from here it was about a 24 hour trip.

    And thank you for enlightening me on white goods- I love learning new things!

    1. I don't know how long it takes to get there I think only a couple of hours........but I guess I will soon find out.......

  3. I figured out what you meant from what you said, even though my brain was saying "white goods"="sheets, pillowcases, etc."

    1. Such a clever man you are.........sheets and pillowcases are linen......

    2. And Sears sells them in "white sales". Thus my confusion.

  4. Don't forget to put up your 12ft inflatable penguins.

    1. I would love to have some inflatable decorations for the front yard but hubby says NO.........

  5. oh wow i'm jealous New Zealand i would love to travel there and thanks for explaining white goods I'm a little slow sometimes.

    1. No you aren't slow different countries have different names for things......I am also excited about going to NZ

  6. I'm curious, do the appliances only come in "white" in Au?

    1. No they don't only come in white you can get the stainless steel look as well but that is about all....

  7. I am excited for you...to be going on a trip. I just got home from a week away, although nothing exciting like NZ.

    When are you leaving? I have been behind in reading posts for a few days so maybe you already told us and I missed it.

    1. We are leaving this Saturday the 24th so not long to go now I have started packing today......

  8. Once upon a time in America, white goods were sheets and towels. We still have "white sales" -- bedding and towels on sale. Most people probably don't know now why it's called a white sale. I hope you have a great trip.


    1. Now I have learnt something I have never heard of white goods being sheets and such or heard of a white sale

  9. That is so exciting that you get to go on a trip to New Zealand!!

    1. Yes it is exciting and I am very excited about the holiday.......

  10. Isn't it funny how differnt parts of the world have different wordings for similar items. Congratulations on your upcoming holiday to New Zeland.

  11. That is funny about the white goods. I am also from the states and would think of white goods as sheets and towels. I hope you have a fun time in new zealand! Takes lots of pictures and I hope you post some here. Your american daughter, because I just decided.

  12. A vacation will be so nice!! I'd be excited. Thanks for telling us what white goods meant. ;)


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