Saturday, 3 November 2012

Leo, Cousins and Tim

Yesterday was a busy day for me, yes I know that doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone but anyway it was nice and busy I did manage to get online for a little bit before I left the house in the morning but that was about the size of it, I was just so busy that didn’t even open the laptop up again yesterday and it was yet another early night since I didn’t have time for a nap during the day………….Tim said he would be coming to bed early too as he had to get up at 3am to go to work, he is working in Sydney this weekend but when I got up at 9.30pm I found him asleep in his armchair with the front door wide open and the car boot opened so I shut the boot and closed the door and he looked at me and wanted to know what I was doing, I told him and went back to bed at some point he came to bed.

This morning it looked like it was going to rain so I throw the clothes in the dryer and by the time I got them out it no longer looked like rain, oh well I don’t use the dryer very often and Tim isn’t here to complain although when it comes right down to it I am more of a nag about wasting power then he is just don’t tell him I said that…………

Yesterday little Leo was sent home from day care again this was the third day in a row that he has been sent home and both his mother and me are very disappointed with him. When she picked him up yesterday afternoon and brought him back here while she had her lunch we made him sit and watch boring tv with us instead of letting him go and watch something in the bedroom and of course he wasn’t allowed to have lollies or ice cream. It is very stressful for Jessica she just doesn’t know what to do about him he has had a few really good months and the last week has been terrible for him, the staff were asking Jess if there had been any changes in his routine or home environment but there has been no changes  and we are at a lost to know why he is acting up……………….on one day he head butted a staff member the next day he scratched her and yesterday he was just throwing things around and not taking any notice to anyone…………

He did tell me on Wednesday night that he now has 2 cousins at day care with him and he thought it was amazing that 2 of his cousins go to the same day care as him. The cousins are Sydney-May and my niece Temika the first day Temika was there he came home and told me that the other little girl was there but not the one who he called “the other Sydney” that is Liarna and she goes to another day care but he is getting use to Temika now and but at this stage I haven’t heard him call her by name.
Still on the topic of cousins when Kathy told him that she was having another baby and he would get a new cousin he was upset saying he only wanted 2 cousins and he wasn’t sure how he would go loving 3 cousins………….it was so adorable to hear him tell her that…………………he does love his cousins……………lol

Growing up I don’t know how close I was to my cousins we saw each other and sometimes I would go over to their house but I don’t remember being as close to them as my girls were to their cousins and as close as my grandchildren are to each other…………….


  1. It is wonderful the cousins are growing up so close to each other. I hope they stay that way all their lives!

    1. I also hope they stay close, my daughters still hang out with their cousins so maybe they will

  2. Great that cousins are close and not far, far away. Keeps family in touch.

    1. As everyone knows I have a close knit family.......

  3. I went to school for a while with one cousin and it was great fun to have a family member nearby. It is a shame he is acting up though. Maybe it is just a phase.

    1. My daughter and my niece managed to get into a bit of trouble at

      Leo has problems he has ADHD & ODD

  4. How fun for the kids. As a child, I didn't live any where near my cousins. It would have been fun if we had because we had a bunch.

    1. I had mostly boy cousins and they were
      My girls still hang out with their cousins which is cool........

  5. i love seeing cousins that are close i always wanted that for my son but sadly years of bad blood between siblings have kept that from happening

    1. I know I am lucky to be part of such a close knit family

  6. I hope you find out what is going on at school! lol sandie

  7. I really wonder why he is acting up at school. I feel so bad about this, because you just KNOW there has to be a reason!!
    Neat how he said he wasn't sure how he could love more than two cousins. Actually very sweet. :-)
    What is a car boot? I think that must be an Australian thing? :-)

    1. The car boot it what the Americians call the trunk....

      Yes it is a worry that Leo is now acting up a lot more again he was good for a number of months....


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