Monday, 15 October 2012

A House or a home or just life

Isn’t this just so true, I know my life changed for the better when I had my first born Kathy-Lee and made me realise what is important and what isn’t. 

I will never understand how some parents think that they should be living in display home, you know what I mean a house that looks nice all the time but never looks like anyone lives in it. I have a couple of aunt & uncles who had homes like that and when I would go over for a visit I always felt like I couldn’t touch anything, I have this memory of being at my aunt & uncles place and I was colouring in and walked out of the room to go to the toilet and when I returned my aunt had packed away my book and pencils because I had left them on the floor.

I remember also my grandfather once saying to mum that we lived in a home unlike my aunts home which he felt was more like a house; this was why whenever he needed to stay with a relative he chose to stay at our home. I know this bothered both my aunts as they would always offer to let him stay there but he would rather come to our home.

We never had much money but we always had a happy home, the same goes for my family with Tim we have never lived in a fancy house and have never had a lot of money but we have always had a home full of love.

As a child I never thought of us as being poor, or broke and never thought I went without anything but it wasn’t easy for mum and dad but dad worked hard to provide for us and I know a few of my friends thought we were well off because we had things like colour television, a microwave oven, a swimming pool and a decent car simple things but I guess for some those things were not everyday items. 

Now when my girls were younger they would at times say we were poor why because we couldn’t afford to get take away for tea very often and didn’t go on a lot of holidays. I would tell them they had no idea what being poor was we were cash strapped not poor……………

So did you live in a home or a house?


  1. I live in a home. I know people that live in a house but I need comfort . Foremost, comfort is a big deal to me.

    1. Comfort is important to me I don't like a dirty house but I want it to feel lived in

  2. Mine is a home, most definitely. Loved this post-

    1. Thank you if you saw my home you would never think it was a house it is messy in a lived in type of way

  3. What a great post--we live in a home.

  4. Oh I loiked this post. I grew up poor and now I am cash strapped:) It is a good thing to be poor and not have everything you want it makes you appreciate it more when it comes. B

    1. If only my girs knew what poor was when they were young now days they understand so much more and since they are parents they know how much it can hurt when your child isn't happy with what they have

  5. The house I grew up in was definitely a home! My mom was so good at making that happen, no matter where we lived. I have to say we had less junk back in the day as well so our house was neat, but always warm and welcoming.

    1. I also think we had less junk back when I was a child now days we seem to have so much more

  6. Jo-Anne-
    A house can be a lonely place
    Filled with stuff of loveliness
    A home is where you place your heart
    Keeping warm with those you love
    A home is made from in yourself
    Ever glowing beautiful the more you live and grow

    Rafa =D


Week 10 of 2025

  I slept well woke only once to pee, a cool morning we are in for another hot day, with a top of 29C, it is currently 6am and 23C. Tim to...