Sunday, 7 October 2012

My Birthday Wish List

Have you ever had a manicure or a pedicure or even a facial?
Do you have a preference?   
Me I have never had any of them but would love it have a foot message at some point and maybe a facial would be nice, if only I could afford to do either of these things…………………lol

I do make suggestions of gift vouchers for these things when my birthday, Christmas or Mother’s Day come around but so far I have not been lucky enough to ever get a gift voucher for any of these procedures.  Maybe one day I will be lucky enough to receive a gift voucher all I can do is keep add it to my wish lists…………….lol

In fact my birthday is coming up in November and I am making my wish list for that, I will be 50 this year…………….so this is what I have on my wish list so far:

Gift Voucher for foot massage or facial
Small slow cooker
Gift Voucher for Miller’s Store
Slice o matic

 I wonder if anyone in my family will take notice of this I guess we will just have to see what happens next month when my birthday rolls around..............


  1. I love having a manicure and pedicure. It is an inexpensive slice of heaven. I highly recommend it. :)

    1. I have heard that before and I would love to try it but first I would have to have the

  2. I love getting Gift certificates for my birthday they are the best

    1. I would prefer a gift voucher over a present I don't really

  3. I hope you get something on the list for your birthday, it's a good way of putting it in your blog just in case you family read it.
    I have had Gel Nails done and a Pedicure once years ago, have no desire to have a manicure or pedicure, but I don't know why :)

    1. Well I have been told that a couple of my daughters do check it out so let's see what happens no harm in posting and see what happens

  4. I haven't had any of those things, I had my hair cut for the first time at the hairdressers and loved the experience so I'd probably enjoy the others too. I do get my eyebrows threaded but thats just painful.

    1. I rarely get my hait cut at the hairdressers but I do like it when I do I just never have the money to pamper myself.......

  5. I like both the manicure and pedicure. The pedicure is so nice because they pamper your feet. Actually, I like to be fussed over because I just dont get it at home.

    1. I would love to have my feet pampered but you know none of my daughters or even hubby will touch my feet and I keep asking for gift vouchers for pedicure but nope hasn't happened yet

  6. I'm with all the women here who said they like the various luxuries. Every woman should have a manicure and a pedicure, even if we just get a free one from our friend. :-) Massages are nice too. I do these things every once in a while, but not too often as they are all expensive luxuries.

    1. I would also love to have a massage is only a family member would gift me a gift voucher for my birthday or Christmas or even Mother's

  7. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    I don't think giving Gift certificates is so popular in Japan. But it would be really wonderful if I can have for these like a manicure, a pedicure or a facial♡♡♡ Oh, I will ask hubby next year(*^_^*) 
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. They are pretty popular here in Aus and I think they are great if you don't know what to give someone, I know I would prefer a gift card over a present if the present is not something I would use.......

  8. Go for the facial. I get facials every couple of months and love the resulting smooth glowing skin. Plus it is pure pampering. Spas, in general, rock. A hot stone massage is also totally relaxing and wonderful.

    I get pedicures and manicures every two weeks and consider them a necessary evil. I am a jogger and toenails take a beating. I don't find them relaxing but it is nice to have pretty toes and hands.

    1. Yes I think I would enjoy a trip to a spa if only I could afford it.......remember I have no money and I married to man who wouldn't see the point in such

  9. darlin mayhaps you need to TELL them instead of asking nicely. famalies oftentimes just ignore what we want, not because they love us but because that;s the way it's always been. especially if you've always put them 1st! sending good vibes and blessings your way that you get what you want! xoxoxoxo

    1. I have tried telling them it didn't work they ask what I would like I tell them they "forget" and get me something

  10. I've never had either a manicure or a pedicure but I'd love to try! I did have a massage once and that was great.

  11. My DIL and some girls do a "spa day" every once in a while and have mani-pedis. They love it! Sometimes they get facials, too. They do to a place where they are teaching so it is cheaper. Ask for money/cash and take yourself! :)

  12. Oh I have never had either but I am sure they are nice. Wow 50 you are young I hope they do see your list 50 is special. B


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