Sunday, 14 October 2012

My Dad's 70th

Yesterday was the big day a day I have been thinking about and saving for, for over a year it was my dad’s 70th birthday party. It was a surprise party and it was held at my parents place, mum took dad out for the morning shopping for his birthday present from her and my brother David.

I went over to my parents after I had picked up the cake to set up and prepare the food, I bought all the sides although my brother made the potato bakes and he arranged to get the meat and yes there was a lot of food we do like to have plenty of food at our parties as my brother said it is better to have more food than not enough……………….lol

Dad was surprised mum said as they approached the house he commented that there was a lot of cars around and wondered who was having a party, then of course they pulled into the driveway and he could see it was us having the party.

After the cake was cut he opened his presents and he seemed happy with everything he got, I also worry about what I get, I always wonder if it will be liked…………..and of course since I am the one buying for me and my sisters I worry all the more……….lol

Anyway here are some photos of the day, not as many turned up as said they would but no surprise there……………
Here are a few of the presents he recieved 


  1. Dearest Jo-Ann,
    What LOVELY family pictures and your dad must be so happy to be surrounded by all his beloved ones and all these gifts and a cake, my friend♡♡♡ Blessing to all your family!
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Thank you yes dad had a great time he does love having his family around

  2. glad you all had a good time. happy birthday to your dad

  3. So happy it all went well and he had a good time.

    1. Me too I do worry a bit but usually everything turns out good, and Saturday was the same

  4. What a lovely day and it looks like everything went to plan, it just a shame not all the people turned up that said they would.

    Btw you need to get in touch with the people of lovely letters as we are almost on to the 2nd swap round now and you should have got an e-mail to say who your partner was. Your partner is the same person so even if you didn't get an e-mail they should have got in touch with you to ask for your address so I take it no one was assigned.

    1. I expect that only some of those who say they will go will turn up but it was a great day, dad had a good time and that is the important thing.

      I will contact lovely letters


  5. Happy 70th to your Dad!

    So glad your party was a success. I am sure your Dad was appreciative of all your efforts.

    Natural Disasters and How We Cope sounds like a fun read...haha

    1. Thank you, dad does like books about disasters that book was given to him buy my daughter Kathy-Lee he did get a lot of nice presents........

  6. Happy 70th to your dad! I agree that it's good to have lots of food. Running out would be a disaster. When I have extra food from a party, as long as it's still fresh and tasty, I take it to a shelter. They love the goodies.


    1. I never thought to donate the food to a shelter but what a great idea

  7. Hi Jo-Anne. I'm glad it all went well after all your planning and buying of the presents. 70 certainly is something to celebrate, isn't it?! I agree that it's far better to have too much food than not enough. Hee Hee!

    1. It was a good day, dad had a good time and like the presents I bought and the food was nice and it wasn't too cold and didn't rain so that was good. The day before was bitterly cold.......

  8. so glad he had a good day, and you worry too much a gift should always be appreciated since you thought enough of the person to get them something. i'm sure he loved it! you are a GREAT daughter!

    1. Yes I know I worry a bit much about
      Thank you for saying I am a great daughter........

  9. Glad it all went well and that he was surprised! :) :)


Week 10 of 2025

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