Friday, 19 October 2012

Respect Your Parents If They Are Great Parents Like MIne

Talk about disrespect telling your mother to “F” off and saying that she isn’t your mum…………

This was said by my sister Sue to our mother and yes sis if you are reading this I am having a go at you, I do not care what your problem is with mum and dad you are 42yrs old and should be showing more respect. I have been on the receiving end of such talk myself from my daughter and I can tell you it hurts………………

Mum and dad love you and worry about you and do their best to do right by you, no they are not perfect but in my opinion they are pretty damn close to it…………………..that said they are in their 70’s and set in their ways and they don’t like slamming doors and being spoken back to. In all your years how often have you heard your parents use the “F” work.

Lately you have been acting like a teenager storming off and slamming doors and getting the shits over very little. I, Sandra and David all dislike the way you treat mum and dad at times, how would you feel if your children treated you the way you have been treating mum and dad? 

Maybe you wouldn’t care but mostly I think you would say you don’t care but you would care and it would hurt.

You have a habit of taking things to seriously and you often thing everyone is against you, these thoughts sis are not true. Yes you piss as off at times but hell I am sure I piss you and my other siblings off at times it is rare that someone doesn’t get pissed off with a loved one from time to time.  But that doesn’t mean we don’t love you, or respect you, you are a survivor but at times you are your own worst enemy. You need to take deep breath and not speak in haste and regret in leisure.


  1. Perhaps your parents should drop kick your sister out into the gutter for awhile, until she wants to clean up her mouth. She does live under their roof, does she not?

    1. Yes she does live with them or maybe that should read did live with them as she said she is moving out but she has said that before and then changed her mind

    2. She changes her mind because she has a free ride. She should take responsibility for herself.

  2. Man that was quite disrespectful! I wouldn't dream of speaking to my parents that way! I told my dad to f-off when I was a young teenager and he grabbed me up by the throat quicker than shit! Learned my lesson right quick!

    I don't want to talk bad about your sister but at 42 she should know better! This post struck an angry nerve and I feel the need to go hug my mother!

    1. Well I thought it was and when my mum told me about it I was very angry hence the blog post about it......

  3. Heather (Sue's Daughter)Saturday, October 20, 2012

    Look I'm not saying what mum did is good or ok but did you really have write a blog over it I mean if you've got something to say to her say it to her face or text her or even private message her there's seriously no need to write a bloody blog over so your little blog buddies can all agree with you and make you feel good about your self when NO-ONE noes the full story except the ppl involved!

    1. I blog about everything and I knew I would piss off some people doing so but I am fine with coping abuse because of what I wrote..................I am pleased you are sticking up for your mum that is what a daughter should do

  4. I used the f-word with my mother once when I was a teenager. I never did it again. Why would your sister say that your mum isn't her mother? That's very odd. Anyway, I'm glad you've taken her to task.


    1. I have never swore at my mum, and Sue does say hurtful things when she is pissed off, my daughter Kathy is the same.......

    2. So, drop kick Kathy, too. Until she can clean up her mouth and her attitude.

  5. My sister has a short fuse, too. They often don't think before they speak. :(


Week 10 of 2025

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