Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Gone But Not Forgotten

On this day in 1925 my pop was born he would be 87 today; he passed away on the 4th November 2010 at 4am.

Ronald Francis James was born 10th October 1925 in Wickham. He served in the Airforce during WW11, he had to enlist twice because he was underage and the first place realised he was underage and kicked him out so he went somewhere else and enlisted again. He had a fake birth certificate saying he was born on the 10 April year unknown.
He married my grandmother Florence Torrens Townsend on the 28 December 1950 at a church in Hamilton. My mum was 10 at the time and she always considered him he dad and not her step farther. Mum and he had a close relationship for many years. Yes there was a time when my girls where young that he wanted nothing to do with us but that passed and he in fact didn’t remember that time during the later years of his life. 

He and nan had only 1 child a son Francis who is married to Pearla and unfortunately they do not have any children, however, pop always considered us to be his grandchildren.
Up until the 8th June 2010 he was living at his home with my grandmother who has Alzheimer’s and was taking care of her. He would also walk to Charlestown Square and home a couple a times a week.
On the 8th he went to the doctors and was sent to hospital for tests and never went home again. He was diagnosed with Asbestos Cancer which is an aggressive cancer
His funeral was held at St Albans Church in Charlestown.

He was known to his grandchildren and great grandchildren at Poppy James.
He is missed and thought of often, although his great granddaughter Temika and great great granddaughter Sydney-May have said they have seen him in nan’s room at the nursing home.


  1. This is a lovely tribute to your grandfather.
    It is so hard when we lose those we truly love

  2. It is so lovely to be part of a group of people that love and take care of each other. Everyone should have people to build them up and support them. Very nice post.

  3. what a lovely tribute sending my love

  4. Oh, he sounds like quite the man.

  5. Very nice tribute. Interesting that the GGkids say they have seen him! cool! :)

    1. Yes it is funny to see them when we are out visiting nan.....

  6. Very nice, my friend. I especially like the part about the grandkids seeing him. He's still there protecting his own, isn't he?

  7. Sounds like he was a lovely person to know. Your grandchildren, God bless them :)

  8. Dearest Jo-Anne,
    Great tribute to your grandfather, my friend!!!
    Such a wonderful person; I don't have much memories with grandparents with both sides as they passed away early(^^;)
    Lots of love and hugs from sis-city in Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  9. What a nice tribute Jo-Anne! I am sure grandfather would be so pleased if he could but read it. Asbestos is such a dangerous substance. Sadly, they still mine it here in Canada and export it to developing countries. As a Canadian, I am ashamed to admit it and wish it wasn't so. Thanks for stopping by.


Week 10 of 2025

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