Thursday, 4 October 2012

Favourite Things.............

Do you have a favourite saying?

Something you add to your letters and such for me it is this: “Life’s too Short to be Miserable” and you know I don’t remember when I started adding it to my letters but it just something I do now. I also like to add the words “penpals are awesome”

Do you have a favourite time of year?

Mine is Christmas I love Christmas I like to have heaps of decorations around the house much to hubby’s annoyance, I am in the process of updating my Christmas decorations I wish that it didn’t cost so much to buy the stuff I want mostly because I hate listening to Tim complain about how much I spend on the decorations……….hell I hate how he complains about how much I was spending on Christmas in general………………lol

Do you have a favourite season?

I was born in spring and I prefer the in between seasons spring and autumn when it isn’t too hot or too cold. In fact most people I know prefer the season they were born in, not everyone but most I wonder why that is………….

Do you have a favourite theme of TV show? 

For me it would have to be crime I love crime shows both fictional shows and real life crime shows, my favourite channels are CI channel and 13th Street both channels dedicated to crime shows. This would be closely followed by the History channel I love shows about history also.


  1. My very favorite season is fall. We don't have much of one here, so I appreciate it all the more.

    1. It sucks when it feels like we have only two seasons hot or

  2. Can't stand winter. Everything else is okay for me.

    1. Some people just can't handle the cold I am fine with it as long as I am not out and about in bad weather

    2. And I would be fine with it too if I could avoid going out in it. But driving to work on snow covered roads sucks, and so do cold and wet feet.

  3. I don't have a favorite saying that I can think of. I think that it's nice when people have a "signature" saying.

    Favorite time of the year.I think I am more inclined to pick the time of year around the 4th of July. We would have a vacation some time around then. The weather is usually nice and it's not too hectic. I like the Christmas season but it tends to get chaotic and my birthday is a few days away from Christmas as well. Birthdays are quite as fun as they once were.

    Favorite season. NOPE, I love the variety of the seasons. I love something about all of them. When other people are hating the snow, I am thinking it's beautiful. Same with the falling leaves....totally love fall. Can't get enough of appearing and everything greening up. Summer sun and long days...LOVE THEM.

    I like crime shows but I love all kinds of things. I like some comedies, like documentaries such as History Channel provides, like HGTV (I'm a real estate agent so house shows appeal to me)

    1. I don't think I would like it if we only had nice pleasant weather all the time like you I like the variety yes I prefer the in between seasons but I also like it when we go from cold to warm.......variety is just nice.

  4. My favorite season is fall and spring. I can't stand being too hot. I would much rather be cold. As for TV shows I like crime shows but I watch so many things or record them at least. I like comedies and dramas too.

    1. So you are like me.........I also like comdeies and dramas but I just prefer the crime shows a bit more

  5. Makes me fall in love even more! Love the color blending. Love the words!
    Pumps Australia

  6. I love summer! It's because of the beach. I don't even get to go to the beach much anymore, but I still love knowing it's right down the street and when I'm well, I can drive and enjoy the warm sun *ahhh*

    I have a strong dislike for a saying, does that count? "It is what it is." I can't stand it. It's like saying - I give up. I love the Serenity Prayer.

    1. I understand the strong dislike for a saying I really hate it when people say "whatever" that pisses me off

  7. I love the warmth of the summer but the views of the fall, I love the beauty of the winter and the new growth of the spring. I guess I love them all.. I love feel good shows and comedies. I love your signature line it is true.B

    1. Yes each season has it own special bits I can handle really cold or really hot weather if I am inside with a heater or air

  8. I was born in the Fall and I love Fall.
    It is by far my favorite season!
    Don't watch T.V. I refuse to pay for it, I'd rather spend my money on something else.

    1. See that goes with what I said many people do love the season they were born in don't know whay that is though.......

  9. I never thought about favorite sayings, but I know I say "Time will tell" and "This too shall pass" a lot...along with a shortened version of yours "Life's too short"...and "life is good!"
    I was born in the spring, but my favorite time of year is the fall and my favorite season is the entire long Christmas season (which these days starts right after Halloween--LOL!) with the caroles and Peace on Earth/Good Will Toward Men being what I love and not the materialism. Easy enough for me to ignore all of the crass side since I am not out shopping. ;)
    I'm not sure I have a favorite type of TV show because I watch everything from Dexter to Big Bang. :)

    1. I hate that one advent after another seem to run into themselves at stores we already have Christmas stuff on the shelves now and as soon as Christmas is over we will have Easter stuff out.........

      I watch a variety of shows I just prefer crime shows

  10. i sign my letters LOVE, LIGHT, and LAUGHTER! and my time is NOW, halloween IS my fave holiday and autumn my season. LOVE LOVE LOVE the colors and the changing scenery. and of course my brain went a totally different direction when i read the last Q, i was like the firefly theme song lol i actually love lawyer shows like perry mason and matlock, and crime drama like csi, ncis, criminal minds.

    1. I don't do Halloween only because until a few years ago it was not something we heard about here in Australia so I have always thought of it as more an Americian thing........

  11. I can totally picture you being a lavish lover of Christmas!

    1. Thank you I will take that as a completment........


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